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Anti-vaxxers Who Took Horse Dewormer Flood Hospitals

Those morons join their anti-vaxxer idiots who are extremely sick with covid.

Trumpists and QAnoners are the stupidest bunch of morons to walk the planet. Dumb and Dumber laugh at their stupidity.


As long as its labeled "USP", it's the same product as prescribed to humans. Non-USP, topical, etc is the stuff to avoid.

Ivermectin is now approved for treatment in over 20 countries for treatment of Covid.

After heavy and very successful mass trials in India, Peru, and Mexico, demonstrating a collapse in hospitalizations by 70-90%. Data is well established for treatment of covid across 63 studies

If someone is too stupid to read labels, and not educate themselves...then that's on them.


You're the one who stupidly believes you're a horse with worms.

What happened to your Hydroxychloroquine cure?


And you're a crazy cat lady who reeks of piss and thunderbird wine


Nothing crazier than believing yourself a horse with worms.

After the docs pump your stomach out from your "covid horse dewormer faux cure", make sure to check-in to your hospital's mental ward.


What's wrong with cats?


He seems to have a thing with horses... micropenis?


You are aware the HCQ, Zinc and Ivermectin compound works as a treatment for Covid. Many have used this treatment and are doing quite well. Not the Ivermectin purchased at a farm and ranch, but the human type prescribed by a physician. Or do you still believe masks protect you?


You must be a QAnoner.


What in the hell is that? You got me on that one. I notice when you are incapable of writing a cogent reply you throw out nonsensical barbs. As I wrote prior I don’t suffer fools gladly.🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah, that is pretty fucking stupid. I got the vaccine, but am pretty adamantly against forcing people to get it. However, if you refuse to get the vax, but will take this shit, you are an asshole plain and simple.


Young children are forced to be vaccinated before starting school.


Young children have no immunity and you know that.


All American children are immunized before being allowed to attend school. Is Russia different?


And they stopped getting vaccines sometimes in their teens. And. You. Know. That. Why do you insist on playing stupid for the sake of your politics?


Mandated vaccinations for all school age children exist. Nothing in your comment contradicts that fact.




they do in the UK , we all had a tuberculosis jab. in 1983


Yeah...They absolutely do in almost every state. Even the shitty southern states have requirements in place. Guess they aren't 100% morons.




Why is someone an asshole for seeking alternative treatments for an illness? When did this thinking materialize? If I'm on my deathbed, and the doc comes to me and says...

"Bick, none of our approved protocols are working. But we can try this other drug that's meant for something else, it may save your life..."

You think I'm going to say "No Doc, I only want medicine that was made for my condition, to do otherwise could potentially make me a butt of a joke on the internet about horse deworming, and I want to be on the right side of history" ??

No, I'm not going to say that. Neither are you.


You CANNOT logically be scared of a vaccine, but take horse de-wormer. It's irrational and you KNOW. IT. Vaccine resistance is political, you're not scared of it.


You do know they make Ivermectin for humans too right? That's its not just for horses


The Ivermectin for livestock is just for livestock though. People were found to be taking that variation of the drug, with bad side effects such as damaging their intestines. The media's opposition to Ivermectin was in response to that specific medication.

When it came specifically to the doctor-prescribed variation of Ivermectin as an aid for Covid symptoms, the media was either silent (because it hadn't met peer review status for that purpose), or the media said to take it under the supervision of your doctor.

Personally, I think the doctor-prescribed variation does have some benefits to helping people with Covid symptoms that goes beyond mere placebo. I have felt that way from the beginning. But I can only judge from the outside looking in, and can't say with certainty that it helps.


No the media has been against HCQ, Ivermectin and any Treatment not pushed by Fauci

Find me one thing where the media says to take it from your doctor for Covid in America. You can't. Why not? That's the question you should ask.

Then you're not paying attention


The whole left-wing argument against Ivermectin was the "horse dewormer" argument from the beginning.

There is no basis to tell people to take it "for Covid" when the creators of Ivermectin themselves say not to.

Just because you and I believe it works in some people, the data isn't there for the media to responsibly give it the nod.

Even though the media cannot responsibly tell people to take it for Covid, they have told people to go through their doctor.


creators of Ivermectin themselves say not to

This just in!! 100% of people are loyal to those that fund/pay them.

Lots of medications has other uses that are discovered later on, this is no different. If they've been paid to lie, or just do it because muh narrative, that must be taken into account. We're being bombarded with CCP/NK levels of propaganda by the msm, you really can't believe any of it now.
EDIT: I WAS RIGHT....Link added.

The fact that a nobel-prize winning medication that is prescribed to 1.5 million people+ annually is being lowered down to "horse dewormer" is just plain disingenuous, and exposes anyone that says it as a complete fucking moron. It's also just another sign that all of this plandemic is bullshit.


The "horse dewormer" did drag on into sensationalist BS by the media, but it started in the right place because there actually were people buying the livestock version specifically for Covid who developed intestinal damage.

I can't say Ivermectin works or it doesn't because I really don't know. I suspect it does when mixed with doxycyclene. However, in the context of people like Joe Rogan, his Ivermectin usage was a non-factor. He got the incredibly good stuff such as monoclonal antibodies and Remdesivir which is part of the cocktail that Trump got when he caught Covid, and is the stuff DeSantis is pushing in Florida. It can be expensive, but that stuff works to get you past your Covid symptoms waaaay more than Ivermectin would.


Do any of you know people who got Covid and treated themselves with a doctor’s script for Ivermectin? Plus they added HCQ and Zinc. Well, I know several. They’ve recovered with no side effects and the best part is they’ve developed natural anti-bodies.

At least 20 other countries are doing the same treatment with great success. Why isn’t our country? It’s because of Big Pharma! Yet you people will stand in line for a syringe full of the unknown which can cause great harm or death. Look at it this way. Great results from the compound and no side effects…or an uncertainty from a jab which can kill you!


The only people I know of that had any positive results from a treatment that involved Ivermectin was in treatments that involved other things such as doxycyclene, monoclonal antibodies or remdesivir.

I'm still on the fence about Ivermectin, as well as doxycyclene.

However, I am fairly confident that people who have access to monoclonal antibodies and remdesivir, just as Joe Rogan did, will have an easier time with Covid symptoms, which would make the Ivermectin they took kinda pointless. Those treatments aren't supported by the media either. The media ignores them because people aren't finding ways to take unsafe doses like they are with Ivermectin.

The problem is isolating the people who only took Ivermectin for Covid and nothing else, and felt better from it. They are too few to get any data on. In almost all cases involving Ivermectin, there's a cocktail that comes along with it.

But again, I wouldn't rule out Ivermectin, especially if dosed alongside doxycyclene which seems to be a common thing in foreign countries.


Aaaaaaannnddd it's fake!! Just like the "I'm sorry, it's too late" nurse that's also a fucking liar.

Stop trusting the news, they don't do their job, they don't do their homework, they just take ridiculously stories and run with it. Morons.

The Fake News is the LEADER in misinformation!


Psychosis is when a person can't distinguish between reality and delusion.

Your calling reality fake news is a very dangerous sign.

Your link to an out-of-context graphic from your personal account shows the depth of your delusion.

Instead of cutting yourself off from reality, I suggest you start turning on NBC, ABC and CBS news in order to return back to reality. Even a few minutes can help.

If you fear turning on a news channel, then you should ask yourself why. Fear of a TV channel is not rational.

Your "fake news" mantra is a brainwashing trigger as well as marketing ploy. It's meant to control and manipulate you. It started to be used by right-wing media in the 80s in order to get conservatives to begin watching Fox and other right-wing media instead of popular news.

Your self-imposed isolation only leads to radicalization which happened to those poor souls on Jan. 6th.


I've also posted proof that this was FAKE yet you continue in your DELUSIONAL belief even after Rolling Stone RETRACTED their story

Admit you were duped and pushed fake news then check yourself into a mental ward you fucking nutcase


Stop posting altered out-of-context images from you private account instead of actual links from the original source. Your obvious attempt at deception fools no one.


You're legit brain dead


Just posted two scientific studies that prove Ivermectin works and eliminates covid in cells in 48 hours.

What you gotta say now idiot?


Prove it! Take an entire bottle and report back.


I've already prove you'd wrong at least 4 times already today, I'm on break

Ice up you gender confused fuck knuckle and



Story proven to be a LIE like all the other shit you peddle


You have a disturbing need to be deceitful.

Why do you repeatedly post edited out-of-context images from your private account?


So what part isn't true besides your link?


Christ! Fox? Seriously.

Can you find a CREDIBLE news source instead of a propaganda source? Sheesh!


Admit you were duped you brainless monkey


You're a horse with worms!


You're a cat lady who stinks of piss and Thunderbird


Will the following news source work for you, “Rhoda”?

”Editor's note: This story has been updated to reflect a new statement from Northeastern Health System Sequoyah, which said the hospital had not treated patients with complications from ivermectin and had not turned away patients because of overcrowding.”

” The hospital also said McElyea was "affiliated with a medical staffing group that provides coverage for our emergency room" but had not worked at Sequoyah in two months.

McElyea did not respond to requests for comment from Insider by email and phone over the weekend.”

BTW, is Left Center Bias

This is why we don’t believe a damn word from you alt-left liars! If you don’t approve of a source you shoot the messengers instead of fact checking. Why don’t you fact check? Easy answer…if the truth is not to your liking you slither back into the shadows after disparaging the source. You’re akin to a bunch of evil vampires who’s had water thrown on them! Or a cross held up before them. What nasty creatures you are!


Crickets from Kommie Keelai! I posted that to the Rogan board recently.


As you can see I refer to “it” as “Rhoda” (from The Bad Seed”). I believe MC’s “Rhoda” bests the 8 year old character in the movie. Why? The movie character knew she was lying vs MC’s “Rhoda” believes her/his/it’s lies. (We must be gender neutral)


Maybe they actually have worms. Antivaxxers don't believe in medicine and science, probably infested with all sorts of parasites. Seriously.


LOL! I agree.


Don't be so quick to believe. Exercise more restraint and let a story settle first.

While I'm sure a handful of people have tried the non-human version of Ivermectin themselves instead of the human version through the care of a physician (I mean, there's always a few knuckleheads), it looks like the initial story greatly overexaggerated the scenario.

Remember, you must...
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


You sound like a radical conspiracy not spreading such false news.

No such thing happened
