MovieChat Forums > Politics > Tyranny continues in Australia

Tyranny continues in Australia


arrested for protesting tyranny, thats going to be happening here soon...


I thought it would go without saying that your right to gather together and suck each others dicks doesn't apply when there is a global emergency of a contagious disease spreading from person to person.


One would think that but it's not true.
All the major news networks say the open/public gatherings of BLM and ANTIFA are not super spreaders of C19 but other gatherings are.

So there are clearly defined exceptions to the rule so the rule is void.
You ask.

Covid 19 is real or it isn't.
Covid 19 is real or it isn't.
Covid 19 is real or it isn't.
Say that over and over until you get it.(well, not GET, understand my point LOL )

C19 can't be real for bikers in North Dakota and not real for BLM and ANTIFA terrorists in Oregon. CNN would disagree with this statement. They did.

You may be rational about this, if so, sorry for the drama post. LOL.



Your ranting about "antifa" is a disgrace to common commerce.
There is NO "antifa" as you claim.
It's just a feint to get away from the horrible and ugly agenda the Wrong Wing want's us to believe.
Simply awful .


true, constant deflection


chicago just held 2 super spreader events and no one said a thing. hypocrisy...


Already has. “iNsuRrEcTiOn!”


God you don’t even know the half of it.

David Kosch still rules breakfast tv here. Talk about tyranny. It’s almost inhumane!

Count yourself lucky that you get to live in the magical land of America where everything is rainbows and lollipops and people greet each other with hugs and kisses and the police have nothing to do because everybody is farting sunshine. Oh how the world envies you in your fairytale utopia.



Not at all, I was responding as I saw appropriate to a post from someone who has no idea what it’s like to live in Australia, and is only using our country to further their own agenda.

It’s fine here. Zero mass shootings, minimal deaths from Covid, and still a wonderful place to live. Yes, lockdowns suck, but 95% of us are sucking it up until we get to the other side. No drama cane farmer.


I deleted my post because i thought I might be misreading your post, but yeah, I was right.

Makes no sense for you to compare America to a utopia when the OP posted this to make the point that it's just as bad in Australia as it is in America. It would've made sense if he was trying to put down Australia in comparison to America.

And yes, America is still a wonderful place to live also. But it would be wrong to ignore the direction things are headed.


Well unless you or the OP who you seem to have a stunning psychic connection to reside in Australia, perhaps you shouldn’t rely on YouTube to make a judgement on where Australia is heading. As I said, it’s a small fraction of our population that is kicking back against the health directives created to get us out of this clusterfuck as soon as possible. Of course we’re sick and tired of the pandemic but the vast majority of us are working together towards a shared goal. This talk of tyranny is political point scoring and most intelligent people don’t have time for it.


"Well unless you or the OP who you seem to have a stunning psychic connection to reside in Australia, perhaps you shouldn’t rely on YouTube to make a judgement on where Australia is heading."

You mean like you did when you posted sarcastically about America?


Exactly like that, yes. Sarcasm is usually employed to make an ironic point, that’s kind of how it works.

Since this is Moviechat, where the depth of political discourse never goes beyond left vs right, the thing I find particularly interesting about right wing forum members using Australia as an example of tyranny is how they never acknowledge that the directives the police are enforcing were implemented by right wing conservatives. I doubt they even know. Really their actual concern for the welfare of Australians is non-existent, as I said they’re just here to score points and so they are using a situation and country they know nothing about to that end.


"Exactly like that, yes."

So you have a stunning psychic connection to reside in America? And you're using YouTube to make a judgement on what's happening in America?

"the directives the police are enforcing were implemented by right wing conservatives."

Nope. Anyone advocating that kind of government control over people and businesses aren't right-wing conservatives.


Perfect. Perhaps do a little research on the current federal government of Australia and get back to me.


Doesn't matter. Like I said, right-wing conservatives don't advocate government control over businesses and people. That's true no matter where they are.

These people, or you, may call themselves something, but their actions show who they really are.

Oh, and by the way, in America it wasn't the federal government creating or enforcing the lockdowns. It was the Democrat state governors.
