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BREAKING: White Male Incel Kills 6 In Terrorist Attack

Jake Davison, who killed five people, including a young girl, in Plymouth carried out the deadly spree in about six minutes, police have revealed.

The licensed firearms holder shot two women, two men and the three-year-old girl in the Keyham area of the city on Thursday evening.

Police said the incident, the worst mass shooting in Britain since 2010.


I thought they had no guns there, football-watcher.

Go and cure your sadness by worshipping a footballer.


What's your problem, mate?


British people, obviously.

Christ, how obvious a question can you get, you gormless limey? Fucking hell.


Thats quite a lot of unprovoked vitriol spewed forth - even for this politics page
and believe me , there is stiff compettion for most offensive asswipe here.

aw , did a Britisher steal your mommy?



If someone "stole my mommy" then how was it unprovoked? Another "smartass" who contradicts themselves before they've even stopped speaking.


Ignore him. I'm sure I've seen him spewing his racist bile on this board before.


Have you walked in any footballer's wonderlands today?


What? That doesn't even make sense.....

I can only guess that was meant as some sort of insult, if you are being true to form. Toxic bigot.


Serious question here: if "gormless" means "stupid," does "gormful" mean "smart?"


Im sure youre full of plenty of things.


Shotguns are allowed for hunting and he had a license for one.


Gun control works so well in Bongland


yeah , thats 6 this year - we're really catching you up!


Some people cannot think statistically.


Oh but I can. For instance when is 12.5% also 51%?


I dunno, when you're trying to change the subject?


Right cause you hate those statistics huh.

Look at all the shootings in Chicago, NY and California. Gun control works so well there too! /s


You're still not looking at it statistically. Chicago, NY, and California (you're conflating a city with states), all have relatively more people, so, other things being equal, they're going to have more shootings.

Do you not see the irony in failing to look at this statistically in a post where you were supposed to demonstrate your ability to think statistically? It's just one face-plant after another with you.


It's their first mass shooting in more than a decade: It's almost as if having less guns has had an impact on that. You're really not much of a thinker are you, Randall?


gun control like every law isnt a silver bullet that either 100% works or it 100% doesnt and failure.. I know that is only the most obvious thing in the world to anyone who is even the slightest bit reasonable and thinks logically. laws and preventative restrictions seek to lessen and mitigate (since fully wiping out anything is impossible whether its strong drug use or a break and enter). hence why we have laws against drunk driving or owning a grenade launcher. I guess if one person dies form drunk driving the laws are a total failure right? that made sense in your head to yourself when you wrote it really?

gun control has worked so well in England. its why they dont have these mass shooting every other week and why 5 people being killed is so shocking and the worst shooting to hit the Uk in 11 years. rather than a common weekly occurrence like the USA.

thank you for letting me educate you .


Given the choice of having freedom and the ability to defend ourselves against criminals in and outside the government I’ll take our system over being a slave of communist China any day.

You don’t get both. It’s one or the other. Even with the right to bare arms we are constantly fighting against communist tyranny via the democrat party.


I agree you dont get both when you setup a made-up false dichotomy in your unstable mind.

sorry what does Americans having access to a 30 round clip for their rifle vs a Canadian who can only get 5 have to do with "being a slave to communist china"? Where does that end? should you have access to grenades and anti air craft rocket launchers? cause then you "really arent a slave to china!"

did you really right that and think it made sense? or is what happens when you dont actually address what others write. and your answer is always the same. "everyone who disagrees with me is communist!!!!!!!!!! china communists!"

I assumed id get reasonable responses from some insightful conservatives on here. ohh how wrong I was.

do I get to call the republicans and anyone who disagrees with me nazis too?


you're a real fag, you know that?


Yes its truly unfortunate when somone uses facts, studies and evidence to support their positions. it seems to be the bane of the emotional and feeling based types like yourself and Gd who just call anyone who disagrees communists. or claim that studies have been fabricated.

Did you not notice how you flailed from point to point in our covid conversation? claiming no anti bodies were created. me showing they were. then claiming unless theres 100% immunity it isnt a vaccine. then me showing that other virus vaccines also arent 100% immunity and also require booster shots for those who are immune compromised as well as requiring vaccines every so many years.

You dont seem to have anything actually intelligent or intellectual to add to this conversation. Or any conversation you engage in for that matter. Ill take the name calling for what it is. The desperate sad flailing of a weak mind who has been intellectually outmanoeuvred by someone with evidence and facts on their side :)

Keep it up jimmy! you do give me a good laugh!


Have you ever been there you nitwit?
Shotguns are allowed for hunting and he had a license for one which there is trouble over.


Have you ever left your basement mama's boy?


I've been to about 27 countries you?


LOL sure you have. They must have you on some good meds tonight at the nut house


LOL I've studied in three. Kid I am so out of your league it is unreal. You can deny it all you want. Have you ever even been to Canada or Mexico?!


You've never been to any LOL take your meds


Uhm yeah, Shit for brains. I have. Maybe you haven't. What's the capital city of Wales quick?!


> I have shit for brains

Nice of you to admit what we all knew LOL


RandallGraves (3751) 10 minutes ago
> I have shit for brains

Glad you admit it.
You've never left your country have you?


You sure never have, Shit 4 Brains LOL flush yourself

Nice edit twice but you've been caught


You can't answer a single question. Have you ever been outside of your country?


And you're a liar and have Shit 4 Brains LOL


So have you ever been outside of your country? I'm guessing you haven't have you or you'd answer.


I don't need to answer you Shit 4 Brains. I'm still waiting on you to find where I said the virus was fake or admit you're a liar


You're off topic. The White Male Incel that Killed 6 In Terrorist Attack was a Rightist.
I'm still waiting for you to answer if you ever left the country.


LOL says I'm off topic asks something off topic

Good Job Shit 4 Brains LOL


Davison claimed to be American. If true, it explains a lot.


he's actually a muslim convert.


Either way he is a right winger.


muslims and the left are in same bed

"the enemy of my enemy is my friend" what party do most muslims in the west belong to?


Wrong. Muslims and the Right are both religious fundamentalists. And either way he was a right winger.
There are many parties in the west nitwit. Do you mean the parties in Mexico, Germany, UK or the "west" in Australia?


That would be like China reporting that a chinese man went on a killing spree.

A British white Male in Britain...shocking....its that 8% of the population that commit 90% of the crime that you have to watch out for.


"its that 8% of the population that commit 90% of the crime that you have to watch out for."

Yeah we should keep a better eye on the Right wing extremists.


liberal logic:

"if you ban guns, nobody can get one!"

"if after vaccinating billions of people, there are more deaths and new cases than ever, that means it's working!"

liberalism really is a mental disorder


These are straw men. You cannot allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good. We have laws against murder, yet people still murder. The logic behind a gun ban is that fewer people will die (from homicide, suicide, and accidents).

The argument for vaccinating people is, again, to reduce death and illness. Base rates matter. The situation would be far worse if we had Delta and no vaccine. All of this stuff is pretty basic, yet you cannot understand it. I'd say you should think about that, but you can't.


more naive nonsense.

mexico has some of the strictest gun laws in the world, it also has one of the highest rates of gun violence.
if someone wants a gun, they will get one.

the UK has 75% of it's population fully vaccinated and 95% of it's population with at least one dose, and there more cases and deaths than ever.

so listen idiot! if you implement measures to curb something, and the opposite happens the situation gets worse, common sense says that it's not the solution! how hard is that for you to understand dumb dumb?


No, that's called being honest.

We have the most guns in the world and are the only non-shit hole country with this problem.

"Out of the 250,000 gun-related deaths in 2016, 50.5% occurred in Brazil, the United States, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, and Guatemala.

""It is a little surprising that a country like ours should have this level of gun violence," Ali Mokdad, a professor of global health and epidemiology at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, told NPR. "If you compare us to other well-off countries, we really stand out."


American gun violence is taken out of all context, if a school shooting happened in greece it's not going to appear on international news, but (and i've lived in europe) if something happens in america, a sandy hook, a columbine, then it appears even on local small town italian and french tv channels, creating a twisted concept. comparing the US with 330 million people with a european country is insane.

we've learnt that banning guns don't change anything if someone wants a gun, they will get one.

and if america was so unsafe, why have people for the last 150 years queued at it's borders or entered illegally in order to come here? i don't get it!


Painfully dumb. We're not talking about reporting the latest school shooting. There are years where more Americans are killed by cows than in school shootings. We're talking about statistical death.

Like you, criminals are dumb and impulsive. It's easy to say they'll just acquire a gun if they want one, but you make them jump through hoops and they're more likely to get tripped up.

Should we allow trained engineers to manufacture and sell explosives to the public? If we did, then evil people could buy bombs from a local shop. What are you going to say? That everyone who wants a bomb can just go build one? "I'm drunk and angry -- I'll make a bomb!" That's just not the way reality works.

The Columbine Kids had a bunch of pipe bombs. And those pipe bombs killed zero people. I don't think any of them even went off.


so whats your point, retard? more people are killed by cows than at school shootings, so?


Do I need to write it in crayon?


I can't with this. I literally posted stats. You are delusional and in complete and total denial.


i can't stop laughing at "ALI MOKDAD" and his study! a muslim who has surely escaped the conflict and violence of the islamic world, moved to america, and then talking about how unsafe it is!!!

ali boy should have stayed where he was if it was so unsafe here eh?



First, you need to compare the United States to other relatively well-off post-industrial countries. Second, Mexico's regulations are a response to already-high rates of gun violence. Third, one of the problems for Mexico is that it borders the US (which is why they're currently attempting to sue us for billions).

You seem to have a poor understanding of how black markets work. How markets work in general. If the price of something goes up, all other things being equal, quantity-demanded declines. Look at the effects of strict gun regulations in Australia. The central problem with black markets is that they produce organized crime, which generates other externalities (usually in the form of violence).

If we erect a YUGE southern border wall, then illegal immigration (from the South) will, all other things being equal, go down. Does that mean we'll still have people going under, over, and through the wall? Of course. Is it possible the expected costs of such a wall exceed the expected benefits? Almost certainly. But a wall will have some effect. We can imagine even more illegal immigrants pouring across the border AFTER the YUGE wall, but again, original rates matter. More people coming over isn't caused by there being a giant wall, but by cartel murders, or human rights abuses in Central America, or economic conditions.

As long as you cannot concede these sort of elementary facts, you're sitting at the kids' table. You need to understand causality if you want to be taken seriously.


"First, you need to compare the United States to other relatively well-off post-industrial countries"

Other well-off countries DON'T HAVE THIS PROBLEM, that is the FUCKING POINT. We are with in Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, and Guatemala in that regard. Shit hole nations.



The United States is an extremely wealthy, prosperous country. Incidentally, levels of gun violence in New England are not that far off from Europe.

Also, an argument in this thread is that gun control does not work, so you need to have words (or grunts) with fellow right-wing lunatics.


You know no one understand what you're saying, right?


No one "understand" what I'm saying? I'd imagine you and I are the only people on this tangent. Are you performing for other people? Maybe someone someday will help you by developing an English-to-Tard translator.


The ones being hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated and conservatives.

If a belief kills you, it is a mental disorder. Conservatism kills you and so therefor is a mental disorder.


Found the racist.


Word of the day:


chiefly British
lacking intelligence : STUPID


Weird how the gun laws didn't work there. Cops gave him back his shotgun too.

"The 22-year-old’s rage was deeply rooted in the online sub-culture of incels, a new phenomenon derived from the term "involuntary celibate", which is used to describe someone unable to find a romantic partner despite desiring one. Their views are characterised as being misogynystic and hostile towards the opposite sex."

I've been to a few of those sites. It's the rabbit hole of despots in the sorta dark web. It's the type of people like somewhat similar ANTIFA but different objectives that you're suppose to lock away and put away the key in asylums or just jail in general but are left to roam the open world worry free. The only reason they don't do more of these hate rhetoric is because we still have a somewhat functioning society still in place. When that goes, these are the types of folks that will be roaming the post apocalypse.


The US has about 16 murders per day. The UK has 1 in 6 months and it makes global news.
