no, look, i don't even believe in conspiracy theories, i don't believe the earth is flat. i don't believe that a reptiilian elvis killed JFK and illuminati holograms were used on 9.11.
But a democracy and freedom depend on having access to diverse opinions and ideas. it's not up to google to filter everything i read and give me their truth. you're exactly what you claim to hate, you're the other extreme.
theres the nut job conspiracy theorist that believes everything is a lie and theres you, someone that believes everything he hears from some higher source is the truth and if someone dares to question it, then they're "whack nut job alex jones conspiracy theorists"
8 months ago people on this board were questioning if the vaccine would give you immunity, and they were also called "paranoid", other people said "you should listen to the experts, they know best" they were wrong. so yeah, we should have more diversity of opinion.
like i say, you're the other extreme, the conspiracy theorist believes everythings a lie, you believe everything is fact.