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Worrying google search

A simple google search of "is the vaccine safe?" "does the vaccine work?" doesn't give you a mixture of diverse opinions, just page after page after page of fact checking websites and government websites that say that the vaccine works and everything else is "desinformation and fake news"

pretty scary


Say goodbye to google.


There are limits with ddg though. Forgot what it was but if you do a google vs ddg search you'll see why. I still prefer Google since it proves me the most results if you know what you're searching for in a more refined manner.


What limits? I've been using it exclusively for years now. Google is curated bullshit with sponsored ads and ideological nonsense pushed to the top. Its web search, not rocket science.

I'd still use AltaVista if it was still around.


What's worrying is that you interpret scientific consensus as a conspiracy to lie to you. Classic case of cognitive dissonance

There are certainly plenty of places where you can find "diverse" opinions. You could, instead of googling a question, just google a declarative statement: the vaccine does NOT work. Then, easily, google will provide you with plenty of opinions that will help you confirm your bias

If you want genuine scientific information about the potential dangers of vaccines IN GENERAL, there are plenty of books which chronicle the history of vaccines and the ways that humans have botched their distribution. If you want contraindications of when you SHOULDN'T be taking vaccines, that information can also be found in books and online

But since you are posting in the Politics board and not asking this in some forum related to science or medicine, I assume that you are looking for a very specific TYPE of info "source". One which is not historical or medical in tone, but more of a rant about how we are being lied to and being poisoned. If that's what you want, and you are frustrated that the most mainstream search results are not giving you this, I think you need to acknowledge that you are paranoid


Consensus isn't fact.


Do you actually want to have this discussion? Do you want to have a real discussion about the difference between "consensus" and "fact" within the realms of science and medicine? Because I'd be happy to do so if you want. But just saying "consensus isn't fact", glibly, without anything else means jack shit to me

I'd be happy to go into the nuances of what we can confidently claim is "true" for the purposes of science vs. merely what the vast majority of scientists seem to agree is the best possible answer to any given question

But I don't think that's the discussion you want to have. I think you just want to cast doubt with a shitty 3 word reply and don't have any intellectual firepower to back up your own statement any further


Consensus is not part of science or the scientific method. It’s just a tool used by the modern left to shut down debate and study in areas they exploit to promote their communism.

Notice they don’t use consensus or “the science is settled” when discussing the Big Bang theory. Relatively. Why? Because they haven’t figured out how to exploit it to promote their communist politics.

Evolution? Climate whatever? The zero immunity covid jab? Here comes “the science is settled”.

“The suppression of uncomfortable ideas may be common in religion or in politics, but it is not the path to knowledge. And there's no place for it in the endeavor of science.” - Carl Sagan


There was plenty of controversy over the big bang when it was first proposed. In fact, Fred Hoyle (a very legit astronomer and physicist who would be disgusted by right wing antiscience types), an opponent of the theory, was the guy who coined the name "big bang"

A Nobel prize was doled out to those who laid the groundwork for the consensus in theory's favor. I am more than willing to have a discussion with anyone educated in, and open minded about scientific theories. But you are mischaracterizing the big bang in comparison to other, more culturally "controversial" theories such as evolution

Evolution, climate change, and vaccine science are all pretty unrelated from the perspective of the scientific community. From the perspective of the right-wing conspiracy community they may share some things in common, but those are non-scientific similarities

It honestly hurts my head, as someone who has devoted so much of their life to studying science, to even dignify your nonsense with a proper response. I can get into all the controversies of each topic you named and give you the cliffs notes of each side and why the scientific community HAS come to a consensus on each topic (including the big bang). But I know you won't engage with me in good faith so I won't bother


no, look, i don't even believe in conspiracy theories, i don't believe the earth is flat. i don't believe that a reptiilian elvis killed JFK and illuminati holograms were used on 9.11.

But a democracy and freedom depend on having access to diverse opinions and ideas. it's not up to google to filter everything i read and give me their truth. you're exactly what you claim to hate, you're the other extreme.

theres the nut job conspiracy theorist that believes everything is a lie and theres you, someone that believes everything he hears from some higher source is the truth and if someone dares to question it, then they're "whack nut job alex jones conspiracy theorists"

8 months ago people on this board were questioning if the vaccine would give you immunity, and they were also called "paranoid", other people said "you should listen to the experts, they know best" they were wrong. so yeah, we should have more diversity of opinion.

like i say, you're the other extreme, the conspiracy theorist believes everythings a lie, you believe everything is fact.


I haven't trusted Google in years. They have been compromised by the politics of their goddamned owner, who doesn't actually care about helping people anymore. The shitwad panders to China and Democraps in any way he can. In fact, a Google representative was working with Obama when he did opposition research and smear campaigns against his opponents in both the '08 and '12 elections.
