Don Lemon of CNN recently stated that the unvaxxed are so dangerous to the public health, that they should not be allowed in supermarkets, or to work their jobs. Is CNN calling for concentration camps? I think it's pretty clear.
How many of you agree with Lemon that it is time for camps?
Funny I didn’t realize it myself when I wrote it. I originally meant to enter the dance hall in order to do the Line Dance. 🙇🏼♀️ Then it hit me with both barrels! 🤣😅😂
CNN has been doing a lot of persecution of the unvaccinated lately. Leana Wen gets on to preach about vaccine mandates and Kathleen Sibelius was saying that she didn't want unvaccinated people near her grandchildren. My conspiracy theory is that big pharma is going to buy a lot of advertising on that network. Their efforts also landed them a town hall meeting with the incoherent President but it was way past his bedtime.
I don't agree with Don Lemon about anything and I don't understand how he ever got his gig in the first place. I don't agree with Trump on many things but I do think Don Lemon might be the dumbest person on TV.
And I don't understand how he ever got his gig in the first place.
I think we both do actually. It involved a lot of sucking sounds.
BTW, there's nothing wrong with him being a homosexual, I'm just saying it's obvious he has no talent or intellect at all, and it is definitely wrong for so-called "news organisations" to be run that way.
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It’s not just the fact he was hired as a token. He had no experience whatsoever. A complete unknown given a prime time show on CNN. It’s a joke.
This is the problem with affirmative action and quotas. Same reason Obama was elected. You take the most unqualified, inexperienced idiots and give them positions in schools, companies, political office, because of the meaningless qualities of skin color and gender, and you take society as a whole backwards. They bring nothing to the table but superficial qualities that add nothing to the furtherment society.
And worse, the ones who do work hard and are qualified, are discounted because of their gender/skin color because everyone just assumes they’re a token.
Are you calling someone saying that they don't want to be around unvaccinated people, or for their children to have to be forced to be around unvaccinated people ... persecution?
I think you should be clear that this is what you think, because anyone would a double-digit IQ when they understand your reasoning will never bother with anything you have to say ever again.
I do consider excluding the unvaccinated from society to be a form of persecution. Don Lemon suggests sending the unvaccinated to internment camps and preventing them from going to ball games, supermarkets, and schools. Leana Wen comes on the network and preaches about making life harder for the unvaccinated and promoting vaccine mandates. An unvaccinated person may not have covid and I consider it persecution when unvaccinated are excluded from society.
The Foo Fighters had a vaccine only concert and they cancelled their next concert after somebody in their organization caught covid. The latest numbers in Israel show a 39% efficacy rate of the Pfizer vaccine so the vaccine doesn't work.
That is not persecution, and bear it mind this is speculation and brain-storming about how to handle a bunch of insurgent idiots who live in America and who hate their fellow Americans and the government?
Would you want someone with Ebola in the room with you? What is your brain? This is all just a joke to you ... probably because you are a Russian.
We'll have to disagree about that. I consider it to be persecution to exclude the unvaccinated from society.
It's a bit of a leap to call people who are hesitant about the vaccine insurgent idiots who hate their fellow Americans and the government.
Unvaccinated people don't necessarily have the virus. This is not a joke and I am a US citizen. The vaccine is not working but people are trying to force people to take it. I'm convinced there will be long-term deleterious side effects from this vaccine
You have to understand....the vax situation is like crack to the Nazi Bone. The Nazi Bone is like the Dark Side of the Force....once you've fallen, there's almost no going back.
These people want to exterminate an entire group, and will be gleeful in the execution(pun intended) of their desires. One of the most important things to realize, is that a Nazi never realizes they have become a Nazi, and they think it's just "normal". Also realize, Nazism isn't just a German/Jewish thing....that was just the first version of it. Nazi 2.0, is once again based on a "health crisis", just this time the outgroup are the ones choosing to opt-out of a leaky vaccine that doesn't do it's job.
We have to do our part to fight this groupthink that is destroying our culture. Keep fighting the fight and let's hope we can win it with a peaceful exchange/debate of ideas/values/principles.
Denying the unvaxed to enter a supermarket? Denying them from going to work? Denying them from society? Shake that brain of yours and maybe it will right itself!
HOW IS THIS NOT PERSECUTION?!! Good Grief! Bats in the belfry!
Too funny! Do you want a good laugh? Look at the guy harping about skulls and picture him being MC’s lying race warlord “Rhoda” harping about racist Whites! LOL!
“I just can’t think of anything good to say about Whites! Have you looked at our caps lately? White skulls! What do you think of when you see White skulls?(Racists and death!)” 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀😱
How are the unvaccinated dangerous to society? If you're vaccinated, they're not a danger to you (or anyone else who's vaccinated). They're only a danger to each other. Wise up, and stop watching CNN, FOX, MSNBC or any other cable news network.
You're going to have to explain that one. I stated nothing concerning what Republicans support, nor their point of view. I simply applied logic to the OP, who claimed that the unvaccinated were a danger to society, when in fact they are only a danger to others who haven't been vaccinated (with some exceptions). If unvaccinated people are dangerous to those who are vaccinated, the only conclusion is that the vaccines don't work (it's one or the other), but the stats and science reveal that, barring a few exceptions (which there always are), they do help greatly curtail the impact of COVID-19, including the Delta variant, as long as the vaccinated individual produced antibodies (there are some cases of people, my wife included, who take immune suppressors for other disorders, which can counteract the vaccine--fortunately a follow-up test showed that it took hold successfully).
Perhaps you misread my post? Or, perchance, did biased presumptions cloud your mind?
Everyone who doesn't have a precluding medical condition, or who doesn't already have antibodies from having recovered from the virus, should get vaccinated (of their own free will). Having said that, avoid the Johnson & Johnson vaccine like the plague, especially if you're allergic to traditional, as opposed to mRNA, vaccines. Its track record is a bit scary. Pfizer or Moderna only.
But to mandate people wear masks even if vaccinated, or worse consider locking down again, only sends the message that the vaccines don’t work at all, and they do (for now). The only people at risk from unvaccinated people, with a very few rare exceptions, are other unvaccinated people. Forcing anyone at this point to mask up, especially those who are vaccinated, makes no sense whatsoever, especially since studies have shown that the cloth masks most people are wearing barely help at all anyway. It’s all politics and fearmongering, and they and anyone who supports such idiocy are only shooting themselves in the foot politically.
1.) Either the vaccines work (with a few exceptions), and therefore the vaccinated don’t need masks, or…
2.) The vaccines don’t work and even the vaccinated need to wear masks (that barely work anyway, BTW).
Both of those items cannot be concurrently true. Pick one.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
Thanks RG. Spent a couple of weeks in Georgia visiting the grandkids while their parents moved into a new house, so put all this aside for awhile. The oldest grandchild is a very high-energy three-year-old who's exhibiting some aggressive behavioral issues that's been attributed to being unable to socialize normally during an entire year of being locked down.
It was a very rough year for parents with children that age, but on top of that their one-year-old is also a special needs child with a completely smooth brain due to a virus only harmful to fetuses our daughter contracted (they suspect brought home from daycare by the other kid) while pregnant, and has only developed to the equivalent of a several month old (and may never be able to walk, or possibly even feed herself), so they have a lot going on. Sorry, got a bit personal there.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
Fuck man I'm sorry. That's rough. Those in power don't seem to understand how much they are screwing kids up with all this non sense. And your youngest having those life long health issues. Damn, I don't even know what to say.
Missed your wisdom and sage advice. I am so sorry to read about your grandchild. A long hard road ahead of them, but with many 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 the road will be easier to traverse. Patience is virtue.
”To all things there is a time, and a season for every matter under heaven. Everything on earth has its own time and its own season. All things have their season, and in their times all things pass under heaven. Everything that happens in this world happens at the time God chooses.”
Walter Cronkite…Wherefore art thou! FYI, he was a damn liberal, but he was a true journalist without giving his opinions. HE REPORTED THE NEWS AS IT WAS! Known as “America’s Newsman”!
Ain't that the truth! Although the Liberals of yesteryear were a very different breed than the nutters of today.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
I think we as viewers can get actual news during the day from the news outlets but there are commentators and morning shows that don't really offer news. The morning shows tend to promote products and the commentators do their propaganda.
Each network does tend to focus on their key issues. CNN has turned into a pro-vaccine lobbyist. FOX emphasizes the crime wave. MSNBC spends more time on Jim Crow 2.0.
The drug companies throw a lot of money around so they are buying advertising on the television networks. Reporting on the vaccine will be influenced by advertising dollars from the drug companies. The other big problem is that big corporations own these news networks so the networks will not provide objective reporting.
If I remember correctly it was a CNN numb nut who suggested dropping drones on Trump voters!
Poster Brux et al would be all for that occurring. Brux and the gang would be the first to line up in order to build the camps for those of us who aren’t taking “the jab”!
“Evidence grows stronger for Covid vaccine link to heart issue, CDC says”