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The Fascist is trying to return to the Oval Office through the back door

If his fellow Fascists can make him Speaker, he's then the 2nd in the line of succession and he's plotting with the likes of Putin, Alex Jones, etc. to somehow kick out the legitimate Executive so his Bier Hall Putsch can succeed where Jan. 6th failed. That's why Speaker Pelosi is trying to stop that possibility.


I would be all for it if it means enacting the 25th Amendment on Dementia Joe and impeaching Kamala Harris. They have both committed impeachable offenses.


Nonsense. name one.


Kamala funded Domestic Terrorism last summer by helping bail out rioters. Joe has Dementia and isn't fit for office, he let the border crisis happen to turn America into a third world shithole in hopes the Democrats can stay in office permanently. That's Direlect of Duty.


Hilarious. Straight out of Bizarro World, unless this is Purposeful Deception to move the dumb m-asses. I'm disgusted and embarrassed to share the same genus with people like you.


Made up nonsense. How so? Citation please.

The domestic terrorists are the insurrectionists that attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6. Kamala Harris didn't bail them out.

America is a 2nd world (Or have you forgotten that concept nitwit?) shithole currently where more money is spent on the military than anything else. Biden's about to change that.

I wouldn't be surprised you don't even know what 2nd world means because you were born after 1989 WHEN THOSE CONCEPTS FINALLY BECAME OBSOLETE!Yet at the same time like a luddite you're still using them. They are now called undeveloped country, developing country and developed country. We are at the developing country level thanks to Republicans since we don't have adequate health care. Europeans make jokes about us though, they say we are the richest third world country in the world.

(Don't fucking argue with an IR major - you have no idea what you are talking about and I will squish you like a caterpillar)


Pipe down, number one fascist on MC and proud member of the violent, fascist movement, antifa.


They haven’t just committed impeachable offenses they have committed treason and belong in federal prison. Honestly I’m all for whatever will get those two scumbags out of office and get things back to normal.


Lol, this is why Trump lost. Too many stupid people like you making repubs look bad, but not enough to vote.


Typical libtard, you refuse to hold your own side accountable for their corruption and scandals and instead deflect to Trump. Seek help for your TDS, it’s not normal.


There is no help. Thats why fascism works. We just eliminate these people with extreme prejudice and they stop fucking the world over. The liberals are out there. They can't be bargained with, they cant be reasoned with and they absolutely will not stop until the country is destroyed.


I completely agree with you, these people are sick and deranged and they need help but they are too damn proud to admit they need help.


If you think they can be helped, then you dont agree with me. They are from and belong at the island of misfit toys. They're broken and unfixable. They dont deserve the U.S. It became a great country due to business tactics and beliefs of christian conservatives who were nice and stupid enough to share it with others, who, to this day, still dont appreciate or understand HOW the country became the great place it used to be.


I’m still holding out that they can be helped but they are going to have to admit that they were wrong and that there is something wrong with them. I’m not holding my breathe.


That's their major problem. They dont admit to being wrong because they shut out any dissenting opinion with utter nonsense. They combat the counter argument with fallacy after fallacy just to prevent coming to the realization that they are wrong. They refuse to admit it because they have psychological disorders that have no cure. They do these mental gymnastics to avoid reality and the truth. They are sick in the head. Liberalism truly is a mental disorder. They all belong in their own society but continue to harass and ridicule others who see right through their bullshit, in attempt to force everyone to follow them and be like them because they cant accept someone who think differently because that pulls at the fabric of the idea of them believing they're right so everyone must agree or else! This has been going on for over a century!


I totally agree with everything you said, it would be nice if we could just send every libtard over to California and let them fend for themselves with their radical, failed policies. They are complete and utter narcissists and I totally agree with you that they feel anyone who doesn’t share their radical viewpoints is either evil or stupid. I’m trying really really hard to see these libtards as people but their behavior makes it really hard, do you have any advice on how to deal with this dilemma I’m having?


Sorry no. People have been trying to escape them but they keep ruining their communities and following. Everyone is fleeing California and are trying to ruin Texas, Idaho, Washington, and Arizona with their liberal ideology. They've been using Hollywood, the media and academia to brainwash the youth, so I pretty much have banned watching college sports or any TV, and spending anything on movies. I doubt it will help.


If rump is Normal, we are effed. Why the hell did I get a good Christian education to have this garbage falling around my ears? Joe McCarthy, Nixon, W, rump, on and on, a litany of serving big business and lying to America. And they are proud of it.


If an open border, record inflation, skyrocketing crime, corruption and collusion with foreign powers, and our children being indoctrinated with Marxist racist propaganda is normal then we are effed.

It’s really sick and disturbing that people like you are actually defending the son of a bitch who we were apparently dumb enough to elect.

All Trump wanted to do is provide us with a strong economy, a secure border, and fair elections. He also wanted to judge people by their character, not their skin color like the left does. The left however wants power and they are willing to destroy the country and murder people to get it, they are some sick and disturbed individuals.


Perfectly fine, you call "Dementia Joe" could be in a coma and do ten times the job Donald Trump did to make America Great. I am not too exciting about Kamala Harris , but I know even she could out perform Trump in governing what used to be a great country before the fascists took over under Nixon, and rigged the economy to put anti-Americans like Trump at the top.


"somehow kick out the legitimate Executive"

You mean like the Democrats tried to do to Trump?




Typical libtard reply.

The thought process before your post: oO( I really hate what he posted, so what should I do? Are there any facts I can use to show he's wrong? Let me think. Hmm, no I can't think of anything. But I have to say something! What can I say that will put him in his place? I know! Derp! Ooh, that's really going to get him good! )



The fascist are occupying the White House illegally now you simple minded buffoon


Just cannot make a single comment without some stupid insult, can you? You must have this shit ringing through your head 25 hours a day.


Want to see a simple minded buffoon? Look in the mirror.

I've never seen one single argument raised by you that wasn't ugly vitriol serving no purpose other than to vent your ugly spleen.
Somebody better be paying you to be the village idiot, because you aren't getting any credibility otherwise.


Alex Jones is Israel.


It'll probably work too.


You want fascism. Just admit it.


Yeah you're right *lazy eyes* because the allies that fought the fascists in WWII really wanted it. *Whoosh* Moron.


"Bier Hall Putsch"



A Fascist is LEFT WING.


At least make up a name for the Right.

Fucking Pathetic idiots.




Dont expect them to understand. They just grab on to words, bastardize them, and plow on. If they understood any of these words, they wouldnt be dumb enough to follow their moronic leaders and their fake bullshit promises and policies that only against their own interest (their favorite line they spew like a platitude).


Didn't even get to the 5th grade did you? And again, all your fascista supports can't make one simple comment without lies and insults, and yet you seem to think with your kind running the government there would be anything but chaos and degradation.


The last 4 years were nothing but Chaos and degradation. The Bush years were nothing but chaos and degradation. The Reagan and Bush 1 years were nothing but chaos and degradation. (Yes I know you meant that). You'd think the 40 percenters would have LEARNED THAT BY NOW!!


*sigh* History revisionism. Fascism is right wing.

The Extemist side of the RIGHT WING.

This why the Fascists first imprisoned the Socialists, then the Unionists, then the Immigrants then the Jews.

Their unifying cause is scapegoatism.

A study funded by the US government has concluded that conservatism can be explained psychologically as a set of neuroses rooted in "fear and aggression, dogmatism and the intolerance of ambiguity".

As if that was not enough to get Republican blood boiling, the report's four authors linked Hitler, Mussolini, Ronald Reagan and the rightwing talkshow host, Rush Limbaugh, arguing they all suffered from the same affliction.

All of them "preached a return to an idealised past and condoned inequality".
