MovieChat Forums > Politics > You Can't Bring Politics Into Sports By ...

You Can't Bring Politics Into Sports By Playing the National Anthem & Then Punish Athletes for Exeri

You can't bring politics into sports by playing the National Anthem and then punish Athletes for exercising their political First Amendment Right to protest political injustice. It just doesn't work like that. It makes the Deep State the hypocrites for who they are. It's either you're doing this for political reasons or not. You can't have it both ways. If you play the National Anthem then you better allow the National Freedom.

Fact check: Olympic athletes barred from staging protests at Tokyo Games

Our rating: True
The claim that Black Lives Matter apparel and other forms of political expression are banned at the Olympics is TRUE, based on our research. The International Olympic Committee said it would keep a rule that bars any “demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda” for the Tokyo Games.

You better bar the National Anthem then as that falls under the umbrella of "political propaganda."

The entire point of the Olympics is they are supposed to foster peace and harmony between nations. Instead of competing with soldiers, they compete with athletes. This is known as Foreign or International Relations and international relations is part of politics. The hypocrisy of the International Olympic Committee is their very website supports social justice issues. You can't have it both ways. So you if you are going to force athletes to stand attention to national anthems you better allow them to resist injustice in their countries.

For anyone having confusion about whether the national anthem and the Olympics themselves are political.

National anthem is inseparable from politics
History shows how Francis Scott Key's poem from 1814 is inherently political

Anthem played at sports events is political

1.1The activities of governments concerning the political relations between countries.

2. of, relating to, or involving the state or its government:
7. a politically unified people occupying a definite territory; nation.


This is the dumbest post i've seen yet.


Thanks a whole hell of a lot. I just spit out my iced tea! Your reply had to be one of the funniest I’ve seen yet! 😅😂🤣


You sure spit out your coffee and tea a lot. It sure is rather easy to get you to do that. Perhaps you need to see a doctor? Or perhaps making you laugh you simply need to be a bigot like the user you respond to.


I’m old! What can I say? I also have a serious choking problem so it’s better to spit out than gulp it down. No one is here to assist if I start choking. I do have the iWatch if I pass out. 🤷🏼‍♀️

BTW, I’m offended that your offended! Oh, hell! I could give a rat’s patootie what you feel!🙅🏼‍♀️


You are aware the user you are validating mocked Chadwick Bosemen's cancer right? I just want to make sure you realize who you are rallying behind. If you realize that and still show up to validate him to me it does not speak very highly on your behalf. To each his own though.


You and I have already had a round about on this subject in the past. I told you then I did not approve of him mocking a seemingly nice young man who got the big C. So, I don’t wish to discuss it any further with you. Good night!


And yet you still support him good to know. Then do not get mad then when people still support black lives matter when they do horrible things. Otherwise you are a hypocrite! Use better judgement in who you support next time. You should know better than that by now.


Cry more. You BLM and AntiFA thugs have mocked and done far worse. If online trolling about your "Super hero" hurts your feelings get the fuck off the internet princess and scurry back to Wakanda


Nowhere did I support BLM, or Antifa. That is one. Second two wrongs do not make a right. Just because they have done worse does not make you doing that acceptable in any way. Learn some class.


I'm sure I'll take lessons from you cupcake, fuck off and put your hall monitor badge away no one elected you board authority on what's acceptable speech


You should take lessons, considering I actually try and respect people. Where did I say I was the board authority? I simply called you out on your disgusting behavior and now you are upset. Did I strike a nerve?


The only thing you strike is your knees for BLM to suck BBC


Thanks for keeping my post going Randy.


You have got to be the most ignorant morons on the planet Earth. What were you homeschooled?

In 1936 Hitler believed that Aryans were the master race. Yet the black athletes like Jesse Owens from the US outran and outcompeted his aryan athletes, disproving completely that they were in any way superior. This outraged Hitler in his rightist hatred and racism. It's utterly no surprise that stupid braindead rightists couldn't stand but insult my original post in their ignorance.
Berlin 1936: Jesse Owens, the African American who contradicted Hitler’s theories
Like Trump Hitler threw an all out kicking and screaming tantrum after witnessing Jesse Owens beat his top warriors.
Jesse Owens: The Brilliant Sprinter Who Humiliated Hitler

See Hitler's POS rightist fascist face here.

The very tradition of the Olympics is to political in nature. They were designed to promote peace between nations and instead of fighting wars, have the top athletes compete for gold medals. It was meant as a deterrent of war.

You can't take politics out of the Olympics. Even the International Olympic Committee has social justice causes on their very home page. Even the International Olympic Committee has social and environmental justice issues on their website.

Hoorah ignoramouses.


More lies from another brainwashed leftist idiot

In fact, Jesse Owens' reception by the German public and the spectators in the Olympic stadium was warm. There were German cheers of “Yesseh Oh-vens” or just “Oh-vens” from the crowd. Owens was a true celebrity in Berlin, mobbed by autograph seekers to the point that he complained about all the attention. He later claimed that his reception in Berlin was greater than any other he had ever experienced, and he was quite popular even before the Olympics.

“Hitler didn't snub me—it was [FDR] who snubbed me. The president didn't even send me a telegram.” ~Jesse Owens, quoted in Triumph, a book about the 1936 Olympics by Jeremy Schaap.

Meanwhile you support Gwen the Grifter


Just because the facts have a leftist bias doesn't make them lies. We aren't talking about the German Public who were just as subjected to Hitler's rightist tyranny. We're talking about Hitler and his Nazis.

When Owens Beat Hitler, And The Olympics Changed

Jesse Owens:See the Controversial Drama of Adolf Hitler's 1936 Summer Olympics

Hitler, not wanting to acknowledge a non-Aryan athlete’s ability, left the stadium.
By early 1933 Adolf Hitler had effectively become the dictator of Germany. All non-Nazi parties, organizations, and labour unions had ceased to exist. The reciprocal ideologies of pan-Germanic expansionism and anti-Semitism had taken root. Members of “non-Aryan” (non-white and Jewish) races were perceived and portrayed as inferior and degenerate

Are you suggesting the olympics are more racist than they were in 1936 Berlin?
We are talking about Hitler here when his theories of the aryan master race were proven wrong.

The point is, the Olympics have always had a political backdrop.


You linking the same bullshit doesn't prove shit. I quoted Owens directly in 3 links which you failed to top. Facts are not on yours on your leftist friends side

I'm not suggesting the Olympics are more racist but you seem to live under a delusion that the US currently is meanwhile China gets a pass from your communist lovin ass

If the Olympics have always been a political backdrop as you claim why make this whiny ass post? Another point is if you don't have pride for your country don't compete in the Olympic games representing your country


" Another point is if you don't have pride for your country don't compete in the Olympic games representing your country "

It's either political or not political you can't have it both ways. Olympians aren't competing because they have pride in their countries, they are competing because they have pride in themselves.


And they represent their country doing so jackass


And by representing their country they are being political jackass, and by standing up for their nation by taking a stand against their government they are representing their country jackass.


No one forced her to join the Olympic team. What did she think they would play after she won? 2pac

Btw why don't you go look at her racist tweets that have resurfaced


Thanks for keeping my great post on top. I am happy it gives you such cognitive dissonance that you're whining on and on about it. The truth hurts and the truth hurts the liars the most.


Delusions striking you like you strike your knees to suck BLM cock. Nothing to say about her tweets? Thought not


Keep thumping Randy, keep thumping. BLM is run by pussy so thankyouverymuch.


Hey you want to represent your country at the Olys but they won't let you. What does that say?


I never tried, heard you were a standout at the special Olympics though you doorknob humping glue sniffing fuck


Bravo ! You just passed the no-reason-anyone-should-ever-pay-attentio-to-anything-you-say test.

Your parents must truly be ashamed and embarrassed by you. I feel sorry for them.


And yet you pay attention to me LOL I feel sorry your mom didn't swallow


snepts you are awesome. Randy is melting down. His little leg is thumping away.



Olympians will join another country's team to get in, and countries will recruit foreigners to help them win a medal. It happens all the time.

The athlete gains far more personal glory than national glory. Imagine Michael Phelps looking at his wall of Gold medals and thinking "wow, America did this." Bulllllllshit.


Michael Phelps was proud to represent America and showed respect for our anthem unlike you democrat shitbags


Michael Phelps is a Democrat.

The elistist Republican party have called him an "elitist".

Maybe we could assume Phelps is a Democrat considering he garnered the ire of hyper-conservative Republican pundit Rush Limbaugh, who thought the fact that Phelps eats 12,000 calories a day was worthy of some sarcasm

Michael Phelps on the Trump Administration: ‘It Is Tough and Frustrating at Times’


He didn't turn his back on the anthem did he? So stfu


So you didn't stfu when you got smacked so DON'T stfu. If it's a free country until you and your handlers take it away from us.
We are doing fine w/o the wrong-wing trying to rein control like thieves on the highway.


He's still a democrat and thanks for proving to us that without a doubt that the Right HATES freedom of speech.


running fast = superior? You shouldnt be calling anyone ignoramuses.


That's what the nazis, the people you align yourself with, believed. Call them and yourself an ignoramus.


Show proof. Meanwhile, I can show photos of blacks in World War II as part of the Nazi Army.


You must have been homeschooled. Hitler believed "Aryans" were the master race.

Read about it here.
Nazism and Sport

Embedded in the aforementioned philosophy of the superiority of the Aryan race was the idea that they should dominate in all athletic competitions. This translated into sport, as exemplified by Hitler’s infamous distaste during the 1936 Olympics with the success of non-Aryans, including Jesse Owens.

and learn about it here..
The Nazis embraced the 1936 Berlin Olympics as a chance to demonstrate their theory of the dominance of a "master race.


Hitler's Arab and Black soldiers


You are such a programmed tool. U.S. propaganda painted that narrative. Whites/Aryans ARE superior and running fast or winning stupid medals doesn't change that. But your silly news reels and pozzed education looked for any excuse to chip away at the truth and reality, which you libs are so allergic too, it requires these mental gymnastics. Trying to equate Hitler saying his people are superior to, "well, herpa derp, that translates to sports too! and Hitler must've been seething German finished second in medals" Such massive cope. Then you post a video of jews and blacks trying to paint their silly narrative. Get lost. You're so dumb you can't even source properly. You must have been public schooled.

Meanwhile, in reality, it took capitalism and communism to team to take down one little country. But yeah, I'm sure running fast came into play. What a moron.


You've just done a whole bunch for our audience here. You admitted that you believe whites and aryans are superior, you admitted you're a rightist. You admitted you're a facist and you admit that rightists are fascists and racists and that's your driving principle. Thanks for proving me correct. Gosh I should be a beekeeper. Try to guess why.


Cause you blow a lot of smoke up your ass? I admit all those things, the difference is Im not a moron who is programed to think those things are wrong. Especially when the left denounces them but practices them anyway like the hypocrites they are, who cant back up anything they believe. Treating all blacks like charity case children who arent responsible or capable of controlling themselves and need constant support to just get by. Call a spade a spade. Everyday the left proves how inferior blacks are. Everyday a new broke immigrant proves it by becoming a success by the second generation. The never ending history and the daily proof right before everyone's eyes but y'all continue to lie and make excuses for these animals. Why? Because you're a conditioned moron who can't think for themselves and hasn't seen the real world from mommy's basement.

Stop being so delusion, so easily susceptible and so damn gullible. Because that happens when you have a complete lack of history that was manufactured by liars and you cant even comprehend why they are lying. An innocent child with no idea of the harsh reality. You failed miserably at this game and it wont end well.


TLDR. Keep it on top though dimwit.


RandallGraves, there is no way in hell Triumph believes what he’s saying. He just told me that because she disrespected the anthem she deserves to be elected to the highest offices in the land because that apparently shows that she has character. If I were you I’d put him on your ignore list unless you enjoy putting him in his place. The thing is I think that’s what he wants.


All these liberals love being put in their place. That's why they kneel for BLM. Its like a flagellation fetish they have. They love being told how worthless they are. Why not do my good deed for the day and remind them lol

Also I don't put people on ignore, that's how cowards work like our friend moviefan


I see, and yeah I agree these libtards need to be put in their place I just don’t want to give him the attention he’s craving. Moviefanatic505 is a complete and utter joke but I do detect some sincerity in him which is why I entertain him, I do not detect any sincerity in triumph only flaming and trolling


You are lost in the dementia cloud. The hate is great within you.


And the stupid is great with you


Randy you've just gone back to insults now. Robot randy. All wires crossed.


I say “Right On” International Olympic Committee! 👏🏻👏🏻Finally some common sense regarding sports. No need to bar our National Anthem. I continue to see the ghosts of those who gave their all to free the world of tyranny only for them to see arseholes taking a knee during the playing of our Anthem!


This. They think they are being righteous... But everyone is just silently laughing at them.


This is hardly the case.


Oh yeah right. I guess you haven't noted the backlash in professional sports.


Even the International Olympic Committee has social and environmental justice issues on their website.



Are you capable of informing information to someone without lobbing an ad hominem attack? I was not aware of this bit of info. If a relative or a friend made the same statement I did would you call the person a “Dumbass”? And don’t tell me any or all would be aware of this.


" only for them to see arseholes taking a knee during the playing of our Anthem!"

Aren't you just the most incredible hypocrite.

Reciprocation is not ad hominem.


I didn’t attack you so you had no reason to reciprocate…you lobbed an ad hominem attack at me because I was unaware of IOC’s social and environmental justice issues.

BTW, why am I a hypocrite! I don’t approve of sports figures bringing their causes onto the field. People pay good money to attend sporting events. Leave the causes & politics at the entrance of the stadiums. Shout it from the rooftops! Walk the sidewalks with placards if you must. Host an event in the stadium at a later date. In this way people will know what they are attending.


Remember when the left threw a hissy fit when Tim Tebow had the nerve to pray? And I’m an atheist.


I do recall that. The left calls us hypocrites, but they are the worst bunch ever for being hypocritical! They blast a teacher for showing a photo of the Muslim lord, but not a word about a Crucifix in a jar of urine. Not a word about their kind storming a Catholic church! It’s always been “Do as I say, not as I do!” That is the left’s doctrine!


kneeling to pray is bad, kneeling to protest America is good. our society is effed...


Our society and culture has gone stark raving mad! The new alphabet soup mix is unwarranted. Just call them an “It” or if more than one “There’s a party of four “Its” who need a table. Or call them “That “Thingy” needs a table.” “We have reservations for six “Thingys”, so bus the table over there.”

This way everyone is gender neutral and you won’t insult them by using the incorrect term. Hell, they’ll probably be something else next month anyways!


no kidding, I bet in 10 to 20 years, America will be Sodom and Gomorrah and then we will fall like the Roman Empire.


As I wrote yesterday, when the Scripture was written “Every knee will bow”, I’m fairly certain it didn’t mean bowing and kissing the feet of Blacks! Sycophantic Whites! How disgusting was that video. Keelai was in the first one…couldn’t kiss enough feet to satisfy the guilt. I was waiting for them to order “It” to kiss their asses!


I am glad Kaepernick kneels. Honestly I would kneel as well just to see the look on your face. If you do not like it do not watch the NFL. No one is forcing you to watch it. Sit at home watch your tv and only be fed what you personally want to hear. It will work wonders for you.


And you'd kneel to suck him off just like you'd kneel to kiss BLM boots. Cause you're a fucking kneeler POS

Keep living on your knees like a slave


Wow would you look at that I have a fan. I obviously did strike a nerve.


Whatever you gotta tell yourself Toby


If we can no longer question our leaders and our traditions for being morally bankrupt, we are no better than rats in an experiment, acting only out of self-interest and rote learning, not what Enlightened Old Souls have learned over long and hard experience.


They are free to protest, others are free to turn off the TV and no longer buy the merch.

This is why America is the GREATEST nation on earth...stop trying to change that.


Trumpites tried to destroy the U.S. government on the Jan. 6th attack on the Capitol. They don't agree with you.


No one tried to destroy the government, you need to tone down the hysteria or go see a therapist like Cortez had to. Also BLM literally did the same thing at the Oklahoma capitol, they are the insurrectionists. The left however is trying to destroy the government by colluding with foreign powers, inciting riots/insurrections, stoking racial divisions and aiding and abetting illegal immigrants and drug dealers at the border. They are literally causing people to die. Also don’t forget that the left sent death threats to electors in 2016.


A frenzied mob of mass hysteria marched on the Capitol building armed with bear spray, riot shields, smashed windows and demanded Mike Pence's head on January 6, 2021. Their interest was to destroy the government.

"he left however is trying to destroy the government by colluding with foreign powers,"
So how does that explain Trump colluding with the Chinese and Russians?

"inciting riots/insurrections"
How does that explain the police and Trump inciting riots all over the country last summer and on January 6?

Everything you conservatives say is the opposite of the truth. At least when Hitler was fascist they weren't lying about it. But the more your lies are exposed the more open and obvious you get.


The protest was largely peaceful and at the very worst it was a case of trespassing. You libtards need to toughen up and get over it. Speaking of that Ashli Babbit, an unarmed woman was shot and not a word of protest from the libtards, apparently her life doesn’t matter, yet thugs who are justifiably shot by the police do. Not to mention that all of a sudden walls became not racist after Jan 6. The libtards insist on having tax payer funded security for themselves yet they want to “defund the police” for underprivileged people, many of whom are the minorities they claim to care so much about all for political reasons. They literally don’t care if innocent people die as long as they can politicize it. Also your moral outrage wears incredibly thin considering you people encouraged rioting all throughout the Summer of 2020 as long as BLM was doing it.

He didn’t collude with China or Russia, that’s all Biden, Kiddo.

Trump didn’t incite a single riot, he clearly said to be “peaceful and patriotic”. The left has incited riots non stop since the George Floyd incident. They ignore every single black life that is taken by gang violence but as soon as they can politicize it they call on BLM to “burn the country down”.

LOL so conservatives are comparable to Hitler? Yeah keep the flaming hyperbole up, you are only exposing yourself as an even more pathetic troll.


I knew you would defend the domestic terrorists who tried to lynch the vice president and elected officials.

Your deflection to protests for equal justice after a racist cop tortured and murdered a black man is pathetic.


No one was trying to lynch the Vice President, it was a largely peaceful protest that simply happened somewhere where it wasn’t supposed to. Just call it a BLM rally and that should alleviate all of your concern. BTW BLM doesn’t give a good fuck about equal justice, if they did they wouldn’t have shouted “shoot the white folk”, they are anarchist trying to burn down the country, their spokesman actually said this so I’m not making this up. I’ve also yet to see any evidence Floyd was targeted for being black, I do however see lots of evidence that BLM targets and assaults cops for being cops.

You are hysterical, maybe you should seek therapy like AOC so you can talk about your fragile little feelings, snowflake.

Also comical irony alert: BLM invaded the Oklahoma Capitol pretty much the same way the Jan 6 incident panned out.


Triggered Trump cultists snowflakes crying and trying to destroy democracy on Jan. 6th because sane Americans had enough of your stupid and lazy sociopath who killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.

450 arrests and counting. I hope the FBI finds you, too.


There’s no such thing as Trump cultist, this cult you keep alluding to doesn’t exist. The libtard cult however is a very real thing and it’s scary, you people are fanatical and you should be locked up. No one tried to destroy the country on Jan 6, it was a largely peaceful protest, walking into a building doesn’t constitute trying to “destroy the country”. the libtard cult however incited multiple insurrections ever since Summer 2020 for political reasons. Biden and Harris should be impeached and prosecuted and everyone who voted for those two scumbags should be on terrorist watchlists.



You are on the verge of being an accessory to domestic terrorism. You harp constantly about Jan. 6, 2021 but not a damning word about your cohorts BLM and Antifa. Over 20 murdered in 2020, but you shed fake tears over a cop dying from a heart attack on Jan. 6. No empathy for the female vet shot and killed on Jan.6., but you cried a river 😭😭😭😭 over a scumbag criminal, George Floyd.

You don’t disparage VP Harris for her fund drive to bail out your friends who Burned, Looted & Murdered. Yet, you zero in on a kid who shot and killed 2 thugs in self-defense.

You are a despicable human being. One that did not acknowledge or have empathy for a Black officer murdered by your friends. Say his name, David Dorn! A retired St.Louis police captain. Say his name damn you! David Dorn!

People like you used to be put before a firing squad.


You're wasting your time with Komrade Keelai. He's(?) a fully indoctrinated, brainwashed pawn who can't (won't) see the forest for the trees.


Actually you're the one indoctrinated. Liberals are just calling it the way we see it. You've probably lost all train of thought over WHY they are protesting. I'll remind you. It's because the police are killing people you idiot, and they kill more white people than anyone else. Thanks to BLM for taking a stand but they probably should have named it differently if they wanted everyone on board.


WOW! Just wow!


Trumpites? 🤔 Hmm? I like that. It’s better than being akin to the Borg as the left is! The Borg left wants to assimilate everyone else to their thoughts and actions. No free thinkers! Resistance is futile as evident of the White sycophants kneeling and kissing the feet of their future leaders. They got video of you, Keelai on all fours kissing your lord and master’s feet.


You think other nations are not free to make these same choices? Jeezus lord, man, quit drinking the Kool-Aid !
Or just quit drinking.


The national anthem isn't political, dumb ass.


Of course, it is!




We both agree that you're an idiot.


You just confirmed what I said.


Yes, I confirmed that we both agree you're an idiot.


I don't even know why you try. You're completely out of your league.


Chilone you're definitely an idiot. The anthem is political.


I won't even bother explaining how wrong you are. It would be a complete waste of time.


Of course, you won't explain because you're an idiot who is wrong about the national anthem being political. Even your fellow Trumpites disagree by bringing up patriotism.


No. As we all know, explaining and facts go in one ear and out the window. Your response is to call everyone a racist, which is hilarious since you're a total, Jew hating racist.

P.S. Patriotism isn't political unless you're a communist which you are, Komrade Keelai.


Patriotism is political. You're an idiot.

4. of, relating to, or involving the state or its government:

7.a politically unified people occupying a definite territory; nation.

1. devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty.

Again, you're an idiot.


Says one of the biggest idiots here. Read patriotism again, but with a mind not clouded with loony leftist ideolgy.


You confuse patriotism with nationalism which is loony rightist ideology. You can't even spell English words correctly ffs.


Nope. Give it up.


Great point! Plenty of hypocrites who don't believe in the Constitution except for the amendment about guns.

Who is deciding what is expression and what is propaganda?


Well, everything you say is wacky, loony leftist propaganda (and lies).


Nothing loonier that you Jan. 6th nutjobs triggered over a sociopath cult leader.


As I've stated before (but you ignore all truth), nothing to do with me.


chilone you're just an idiot.


Hahahahaha! Says the idiot!


Yes, you the idiot did say, Hahahahaha!"

Everyone laughs at you including yourself.


The Fool is always portrayed as a laughing jester, so it is no surprise.


KKKeelai is a fascist, he/she wants to force me to agree with athletes showing disrespect to our country and embarrassing us on the world stage


Nothing more embarrassing than your Q-Anon idiots on Jan. 6th. The world was shocked by your behavior.

Most in the world stand with the popular BLM movement.


More liberal hysteria, you need to go see a therapist like AOC, the protest on Jan 6 was largely peaceful, they didn’t burn the capitol down like BLM would have done, nor did they shoot toddler’s in strollers like Antifa would have done. The BLM movement is a terrorist movement who actually were in the crowd on Jan 6.

Biden is an embarrassment to the US, he is Putin’s bitch, no one on the world stage respects him and they are walking all over him but more importantly they are walking all over us.

Also the fact that you have to deflect to Jan 6 just shows you don’t have an intelligent rebuttal.


"You better bar the National Anthem then."

You would rather do this than ask an athlete REPRESENTING their country IN THE OLYMPICS to act like a decent human being who gives a damn about why her privileged ass is where she is. And you libbies wonder why you get accused of being un-American?

FUCK. HER. And FUCK you too.


UnAmerican is not supporting the freedoms fought for including the right to express oneself in the First Amendment. And you Trump cultists wonder why you're called fascists?


Literally turning your back to your flag is the definition of un-American; and the purpose of the Olympics is to REPRESENT. YOUR. COUNTRY.

"And you Trump cultists"

You are seriously retarded. I have told you 167 times I voted for Biden. Straight up moron.


You're a goose-stepping fascist who knows nothing about American values and freedom.

You're spitting on the Constitution each time you reject democracy.

When America doesn't live up to its ideal and values, then Americans must speak out! You were too lazy to vote. Stop asking other people to be as uninvolved and lazy as you.


"You were too lazy to vote. Stop asking other people to be as uninvolved and lazy as you."

What. The. Fuck. Are you talking about?!


Komrade Keelai just throws out baseless bullshit. He is living in an alternate reality.


CCP Chilone is just a bootlicking government savant. Since you're so into your allegiance to your government you need to bend over and kiss our president Biden's shoes.


Wrong on all counts. We are in different realities. Mine is based on truth, logic and common sense. Yours is based on hate, misinformation, bigotry and racism.


You're wrong on all counts. You cannot even form sentences correctly as you forget to use a subject. You're in a reality different from everyone else. Your beliefs are based on hate, bigotry, racism and misinformation, like "The national anthem isn't political". Mine is based on truth, logic and common sense.


You'll never see the light. Sad.


Every time you disagree with Keelai, It responds with "yOU aRE aTruMpsTEr." I have told her dozens of times I voted for Biden. It's response?

"You were too lazy to vote. Stop asking other people to be as uninvolved and lazy as you."

What does that even mean, LOL?!


You're not credible.


Of course not to you. You are a truth denying, brainwashed Jew hater.


Now you're a racist.


Only a fringe kook leftist could come to that conclusion.


You just brought Jews into the conversation. It's a not a giant leap of logic. A tiptoe perhaps.


You're so far off track, you don't even know there IS a track.



Keelai is incredibly biased and frankly very unstable.


Unstable is being kind.


No one is trying to take away anyone’s freedom to not respect the flag, but if they have the right to not respect the flag then we have the right to not respect them. The bill of rights gives you freedom of speech/expression, it doesn’t give you the right to be free from criticism.

UnAmerican is not supporting my right to disagree with people showing disrespect towards our country and the people who died for it.


Decent human beings are athletes that take a stand against tyranny.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”


You mean like the tyranny you're advocating.


No the tyranny you are advocating. Tyranny is forcing athletes to stand attention to a national anthem or forcing them not to compete.


Literally no one is trying to force her to stand attention to the national anthem.


Of course, you are! This whole thread is you and your pals complaining about athletes not standing for the national anthem.


That’s not the same as trying to force them to, dingleberry . If she has the right to show disrespect to the US then we have the right to disagree with her, she doesn’t have the right to be immune from criticism, silly liberal snowflake.


Force through public pressure, fascist dingbat.


Lol well that’s too bad that she’s feeling intimidated by those fascist Americans who disagree with her. Typical libtard logic: “I get to express my opinion but no one should be allowed to disagree with me”

I’m sorry her feelings are so fragile but maybe she should have thought about that before blatantly disrespecting the country she was sent there to represent


Your intention is to deny someone else a voice.


My intention is to express my opinion that she’s being disrespectful, your intention is to deny me a voice you fascist. If she gets a voice then so do I, you’re not that special nor is she. You are literally doing the same thing to me that you claim I am doing to her. Me stating my opinion isn’t denying her a voice, you need to toughen up you fragile little snowflake, your opinion isn’t the only one that matters.

Also now you’re claiming that she doesn’t have control over her own actions. If she’s not capable of not standing for the anthem due to what I say then she needs to be institutionalized


You're representing the fascists here and you're getting all triggered by the original post and trying to deny an athlete her voice.

" If she’s not capable of not standing for the anthem due to what I say then she needs to be institutionalized"

Agreed she should be elected to the highest institutions in the land as she demonstrates a moral fortitude that you are incapable of having.


Please show me where I ever tried to deny her her voice. If she gets a voice then so do I. You are the fascist trying to deny me my voice.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, thanks for the laugh with your last sentence. I think I am going to go ahead and stop feeding you because me responding to you is clearly what you want. You are an attention whore, you get off on arguing with people, you clearly don’t get any attention from Mommy and Daddy so you seek it here. You need help.


Denying someone else a voice is also anti-American. Ignore this traitor.


Hey, you have a 2nd A right to hunt her down, right? And me too, right?


So loving your country is politics.

Fuck off idiot.


The OP literally said Biden was “God” and that it’s OK for BLM to kill cops just for being cops because it’s payback for the cops killing black people, I have a strong suspicion he’s trolling.


Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows it's not politics. Consider the source.


Of course nationalism is politics you idiot. And no protesting your government is not not loving your country.


So she’s a conservative? Since she’s protesting the government which is in the hands of the left right now that means you should be against her.

Also let me get this straight: Not honoring the national anthem isn’t showing disrespect for your country yet standing for the national anthem is political? It sounds like you’re trying to have this both ways.


Let me get this straight, you think that by protesting injustice at the hands of government as represented by the national anthem is somehow not showing respect for your country or nation. Hmm ok? A nation is defined as the body of people so she is standing up for her people and representing her nation. Not her government.

It's all political. Again refer to the definition. The government isn't entirely made up of the left. In this context she is protesting the branch of government known as the police or justice system which is corrupt. Honoring the national anthem is political, protesting the national anthem is not dishonoring the national anthem and that is political, showing respect for your nation by protesting the government is political, protesting the government is not disrespect for your nation and it is political. Protesting the government by protesting the national anthem is showing respect for your people. A nation is defined as a body of people. By honoring your people by standing up against the government represented by the national anthem you are honoring your nation. Following along or is that too complex for your little mind?
Even you scumbags say that you love your country but not your government. Well show it.

Cheat sheet for you high school level thinkers: Honoring your nation means honoring its people, not it's slogans, political propaganda like anthems nor government.


There are ways to protest whatever you think is an injustice without insulting the brave men and women who put their lives on the line so you can have that freedom. She is insulting the people who protect her rights to express how she feels.

My definition says otherwise, and standing for the anthem is not a political statement, it is just simply showing respect for the people who put their lives on the line so you can have the freedom to make such insulting remarks on an online message board. Protesting the government and honoring the anthem are two different things, you can have issues with the current government while still respecting the country and the brave men and women who defend it. Your post is full of false equivalences.

Seriously kid, I know you’re trolling, you said Biden was God and that BLM has every right to kill police officers, the only reason I even respond to you now is for my own entertainment.


Scumbags? Look in the mirror, fool. As soon as you throw those terms around, you are exposing yourself for being as cheap as your insults.


Loving your underage daughter is everyone's right, idiot.

A "Country" is a package of Laws and Ideals, something we should admire and choose to support when it agrees with our own moral understanding. When it obviously veers from our Moral Compass and wants to demonize groups based on Ethnicity and Creed, then we must question who is undermining the Fundamental codes this country was founded on and we enjoy today.


Having pride in the team you are representing is politics? What the hell is wrong with you? Also no one is trying to deny anyone’s right to disrespect the anthem, but freedom is a two way street, snowflake. If athletes have the right to not respect the flag then we have the right to not respect them.


"Also no one is trying to deny anyone’s right to disrespect the anthem"

I am. She's too ashamed of/angry at her country to represent it; which is the purpose of the Olympics. Fuck her.


Fair enough, the truth is though this isn’t a constitutional issue considering the government is not trying to silence her. Freedom of Speech says “congress shall make no law restricting free speech, etc.”, I don’t see Congress trying to pass a law to make her respect the national anthem so therefore bringing up the constitution is pointless.


She's representing herself. It's damn hypocritical to force her into allegiant nationalism yet not allow her to exercise her freedom of speech to make her country better.


Really? I didn’t know she had her own country. If she didn’t want to represent the United States she shouldn’t have gone to the Olympics, or she should have immigrated to another country.


So now you're saying it is political and she went to represent the United States.
Her country is the United States and she is protesting it the way conservatives do when they hang the flag upside down.
She's representing it by taking a stand to make it better and most of the nation of American PEOPLE and the world supports her.


Strawman, I never said it was political. Representing the United States as an athlete isn’t a political statement numb nuts.

Her country is the United States and when she’s on the world stage she shouldn’t show disrespect for it, representing the United States is literally what she signed up for. I doubt she’s that stupid that she didn’t know what she was getting into.


It's not a strawman it is a comparison.

Yes representing ANYTHING NATIONAL is POLITICAL. Omg you kids how can you be this ignorant?

" I doubt she’s that stupid that she didn’t know what she was getting into. "

Oh we know she isn't stupid. But we do know you are. We Americans also applaud her for taking a stand to make her country better whereas everyday people of your ilk are trying to make it worse.


It is a strawman, you said that I said it was political which I didn’t.

LOL, now you’re just flaming by calling me “stupid” because either A) You know your premise is nonsense or B) You were trolling from the beginning, I’m going with B. LOL I’m making it worse, how are lower taxes, a strong border, less corruption, less government (which you claim she’s protesting), safer cities making it worse? Please kid, your troll job isn’t even funny anymore it’s just pathetic.


Hopefully you have made such a pathetically unpersuasive argument the other person gave up.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.
You can kick an ass many times, but it may not move.
This is the case here.
Stick with it, bucko, you are really on a winning streak here.
The gap-toothed crowd admires you for your efforts.


I knew somewhere out there there was some deluded sippy cup, libtard cultist who agrees with what is so obviously a troll job. Thanks for proving my point, little man. That happened a lot quicker than I expected


Is this your first time hearing about the Olympics? Are you unfamiliar with their purpose? Let me be the first to welcome you to our planet.


If you think the Olys have some singular purpose that fits your agenda, my goodness ... !


What's the purpose of the OLympics?


If she's representing herself is she on the Herself Olympic Team or the USA Olympic Team?


When the team is representative of a nation represented by the national anthem it is. The national anthem is all about politics.

You high school drop outs really are a piece.


Having pride in your country isn’t political, however embarrassing your country on the world stage like this woman did is political.


Of course it is!!! That's political! Oh my god the level of awareness (or lack thereof) is incredible.
4. of, relating to, or involving the state or its government:


Having pride in the country and the government are two different things, dingleberry. I personally love the US as a country, I have no respect however for the government.


Yes they are different things dingletits but they both still fall under political. The state is the country, the Government is the government.


Glad you concede that they are two different things numb nuts. She was sent there to throw the hammer and represent the US, not to make political statements. If she had a problem representing the United States or if she thought it would be a good idea to embarrass us, then she shouldn’t have gone to the Olympics. I’m just glad that the two athletes who beat her, the better athletes did respect the US/.


I didn't conceded, I instructed you in what is political. Having pride in your country is political.
"She was sent there to throw the hammer and represent the US"
Representing the US is a POLITICAL STATEMENT and she is representing it by standing up for freedom, morals and by showing integrity - somethings you know nothing of!

" if she thought it would be a good idea to embarrass us"

She's only embarrassing you traitors that she stands against. She's making the rest of us proud and when we visit other countries they tell us how brave our athletes are to stand up against tyranny.

Do you ever even go anywhere? Have you ever even left the country let alone your own state?

"the better athletes did respect the US"
They disrespected the US by not standing with her to protest the wrongs.


Yes you did concede, you agreed with me that having pride in your country and condoning the current government are two different things.

LOL now I’m a traitor for thinking she shouldn’t have shamed the US on the world stage? Kid, the only people she is making proud are traitors themselves, she herself is a traitor, she is the very definition of a traitor. What tyranny has she experienced?

Yes I have left the country multiple times, I’m sure I know more about underprivileged countries than you do.

HAHAHAHA, so you’re a traitor for showing respect for your country? Yeah you’re definitely a troll, it’s not funny anymore kid, your little game has run its course.

Just admit it, you’re a Trump supporter and you’re just trying to make the left look insane, trust me they don’t need any help from you.


No I didn't concede lol Your argument was "Having pride in your country isn’t political."

I educated you that it was and you have agreed.

"Yes I have left the country multiple times, I’m sure I know more about underprivileged countries than you do. "
Probably only as a state paid killer.

"HAHAHAHA, so you’re a traitor for showing respect for your country? Yeah you’re definitely a troll, it’s not funny anymore kid, your little game has run its course. "

You're showing disrespect for your country by disrespecting the athletes that represent it and wish to make it better. You're a traitor admit it.
Patriotism isn't as patriotism says and what symbols it waves, patriotism is what patriotism does.


You absolutely did, I said that having pride in your country and condoning the current government are two different things, you agreed that I was right. Standing for the national anthem is not saying that you agree with the current government, I think Biden and Harris are traitors who belong in federal prison yet I would still stand for the anthem because the US is the greatest nation on Earth despite the fact that it’s currently being run by traitors.

You have educated me on how to be a very obvious and not so funny troll, your parents must be proud.

No actually on multiple mission trips to help underprivileged people, would you like a cookie for being completely ignorant?


[–] MovieChatUser497 (8589) 24 minutes ago
Having pride in your country isn’t political, however embarrassing your country on the world stage like this woman did is political.

Having pride in your country is political. Then misunderstanding the definition of political you tried to change the subject.
"Having pride in the country and the government are two different things"

Again, here's the definition.
4. of, relating to, or involving the state or its government:

Having pride in the country (state) is political.

You're flailing here.


The google definition says otherwise: relating to the government or public affairs of a country. Not disrespecting the team that you are on and the country that you are a member of isn’t making a statement about the “public affairs” or “government” numb nuts. Not disrespecting your own team isn’t a political statement , it’s just not being disrespectful. If Biden walked in the room and I didn’t turn my back that isn’t me saying that I condone all of the evil that he’s doing, that’s simply me respecting the office of the presidency and choosing not to be disrespectful. So many false equivalences on your part.

She knew she would be representing the US, if she hated the US so much she shouldn’t have chosen to wear the US on her jersey. Or are you suggesting that she’s too stupid to realize what she got herself into? She chose to wear the US jersey literally no one forced her to. She was given the privilege to represent her country which is why people are objecting to her behavior .

Epic fail, junior.


Ah so you're getting your reality from Google. That explains it.

You're flailing here.


You’re getting your reality from And google is highly liberal, if they say I’m right then you clearly don’t have a leg to stand on.

You’re flailing here.


And lexico (Oxford English Dictionary). Google is just a corporate search engine, it's neither liberal nor conservative however, being corporate makes it conservative leaning and the fact that it spies on everyone makes it conservative leaning too. Think Patriot Act, NSA all brought to us by the Republicans.

Flailing? ha this is easy peasy. Did you even graduate high school? You're pathetically low grade.


My definition says otherwise so why should I believe yours? Also it’s been proven that google has censored and removed searches that don’t suit their narrative and they cowardly hide behind calling it “misinformation” which it isn’t. On the other hand they don’t censor the lies and conspiracy theories the left spews out on a daily basis. This isn’t some right wing conspiracy, it’s factual information, someone apparently forgot to give you the memo.

Your comment about the Patriot Act is another false equivalence on your part, kid.

You aren’t even a challenge, you’re pathetic, I own you. Are you mentally challenged? That isn’t meant to be a put down or anything but if you are then I need to back off because that means I’m a bully. Have fun with your “God” Biden and worshipping him in your libtard cult.


"No actually on multiple mission trips to help underprivileged people, would you like a cookie for being completely ignorant? "

And was it to impress them into your religion? Wow I am so impressed you actually did something for others although it is highly unbelievable considering your ilk.


Nope, I’m an atheist, I just went there to help people. At no point did anyone try to impose their religion on anyone. Another completely ignorant assumption you made.


It's not an assumption it is a question. So why do you want to help people in other countries but not your own?


I want to help people regardless of what country they live in. I help people in the United States as well. I do far more than you do which is sit on your fat, lazy ass and troll people on movie chat.


LOL by destroying the country they live in?! I doubt you've done more than I have to help others. I wonder if you've ever helped anyone ever in your life. Conservatives just don't do that. Their MO is bombing people, and wrecking lives.

"which is sit on your fat, lazy ass and troll people on movie chat. "
That must be projection.


Whose country did I destroy? Yeah I’ve done far more than you you pathetic troll boy. Liberals don’t give a good damn about anyone but themselves, their MO is to turn people against each other and to incite riots, looting in murder. This of course tears society apart and innocent, underprivileged people die, they want to defund the police, take away guns so people can’t protect themselves and let violent criminals out of jail which harms the very people they cowardly claim to want to help, but it gives them more power and money which is all that matters to them.


Glad we are done here and you now realize that showing "pride in the country" is political.


Another strawman, I said no such thing.


Another strawman, I never said you said it. I wrote you realized it. Or perhaps you have forgotten again.


You did strawman me, I never said nor did I even imply that I “realized it”, you really suck at debating.


When you think about it she learned her tactics at the feet of Obama. He did the same damn thing when he travelled overseas.

” Obama goes to foreign country and TRASHES America, then tells a lie about our laws”


good lord, not again

you will never grow up, will you


Historians have rated Obama in the top 10 greatest presidents. Isn't that awesome. What a great president he was.


Oh, he was not! It hasn’t been long enough for history to rate him. I won’t be around, but he will be rated much lower. He and Michelle were both race-baiters. He welcomed and lauded an Army deserter. I won’t give the deserter credence by typing his name! Obama did not like law enforcement & he didn’t like the military.

BTW, you don’t get married in and attend a hate Whitey church for years without it having an influence. Then when the heat got hot he disavowed the racist pastor & church.

No president in history got re-elected with the economy in the tank as it was in 2016. He was hanging on by his fingernails, Super Storm Sandy & Ohio gave him the win.
