MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why are young people so easily seduced b...

Why are young people so easily seduced by the lies of communism?

Just wondering.


It’s the entitlement mind-set. They expect to have everything in their 20’s which took their parents 30-40 years to achieve. They’ve been conditioned to believe they deserve it. Most don’t know what it means to sacrifice. Their parents are raising their kids while they free load. It began with LBJ’s Great Society Program when the government became the nanny from cradle to grave. Self-reliance withered on the vine. Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich’s congress brought some sanity back, but eventually the Dems destroyed the progress made.


Good answer.


Thank you, but you can wager I will receive some flack over my reply! The truth always hurts.


Of course. Those who scream the loudest about being anti-fascist are always fascists themselves.


The day that you are a purveyor of the truth is the day your obit appears in your local rag.
And even then it will contain lies because it will likely say what a good person you were.


Well, to be fair, it ain't easy as it was back then. The American dream is way harder to achieve than before. The wealth gap is also the widest it's ever been too. Most can't even afford a house these days let alone save up for one.


We couldn’t either for several years. It was only when I went to work on the night shift did we start climbing out of the hole. Until I did we had no AC in Florida, no phone, no vacuum cleaner. We made do. We paid our bills before we ate. Also, back then girls didn’t run home when they got preggers. They got married. It’s been proven an intact family will less likely be in poverty. Parents don’t know how to parent, to instill self-respect & to have respect for others.

It started with the school lunch program only for those with low income. Then the free breakfast followed by an after school snack or meal. Now any kid can get a free meal regardless of income. Before the government took over kids took their lunch if they couldn’t afford to buy. Actually they preferred the lunch box or brown paper bag. In today’s times “mothers” pawn off their kids to be fed while they are sure to go to the nail salon. There’s a new boyfriend coming to visit!


So let me ask then since you had to suffer through this you think everyone else should have to also? Is everyone's life the same? Yes women usually would marry the person who they had a kid with. However how many families stay together that are dysfunctional? Staying with someone simply because you have a kid is not a good mentality to have if the relationship is unstable and dysfunctional. That has been shown to rub off onto the kid because the kid witnesses that type of dysfunction.

So you are anti Government it sounds? I am honestly asking.


Sorry, not going to debate you! 🙅🏼‍♀️Been there, done that!


Funny but you will continue debating Keelai, Ultraviolet etc. It is okay I found proving you wrong satisfying and educating you was loads of fun. I will continue to educate those as ignorant as you. That way there will be less like you in the world. The less people with your mentality the better.


I also will no longer debate “The Know-It-All” Keelai. I don’t debate Ultra...I comment. You have not proved me wrong! You have not educated me! Get over yourself! You sit there on your high horse demeaning anyone who disagrees with you. You are a pompous ass who falls into the same category as insufferable “Know-It-All”, and as such you are the ignorant one because you don’t realize it!

Of the 5 Behaviors of “The Know-It-All” this fits you perfectly:


Usually, a know-it-all is so sure of their own knowledge that they tend to be condescending to the people around them. After all, they perceive everyone else as lacking in knowledge. When engaging in a conversation with a know-it-all, you are likely to find yourself feeling like you’re being talked down to.”


I did prove you wrong. You admitted it in another thread you had. Do not lie and attempt to backtrack on what you said. I can disagree with someone but not when like you they think they know everything. Yes I am condescending towards people such as yourself because you did it to me. I give what I get. Remember you were the one who threw the Russia thing at me when we were debating and I never have said one word about that on these boards. You deny, dismiss, deflect and or dumbfound. The reason you brought up Russia was because you had no other argument therefore you attempted to steer the debate in an area you felt you had control. Your attempt failed and now you are upset.


Oh that! I’m not lying. I had forgot your petty little quarrel. 🙇🏼‍♀️ I was wrong. You were correct in pointing out some posters writing Chauvin wasn’t guilty. I had not seen those comments until you linked them.

BTW, I’m not upset. You mean zilch to me and I’m so very grateful I don’t know your pompous ass personally! I have enough on my plate in reality with which to deal. Your pettiness and holier than thou persona is just a gnat on MovieChat’s shoulder. 🤌🏻🪰


To which I do not believe you for one second. I think you are a bold faced liar. Had that been a left wing person making a claim like that you would have been like a fly to feces.

Oh you are upset it is quite obvious. The good thing is your ignorance is dying off and will not be missed. People are waking up and not taking the lies you attempt to feed them. The reason this escalated to begin with was when you accused me of buying into the Russia scandal out of nowhere. You deflected and that proves you are a big hypocrite.


I had a feeling the fangs and talons would come out when I wrote I had forgot about your petty quarrel with me. Your sarcastic reply made me recall. You see, I’m 78 and attempting to pack up a 2600 sq. ft. home by myself. I’m not as strong as I used to be and I haven’t been well. I’m alone now since my husband died of skin cancer last year, June 3 will be a year. I was his caretaker. I’m still trying to do repairs from Hurricane Zeta last October.

So, Mr.einsteinfountain, you will have to forgive my memory lapses which are occurring more frequently. I’m overwhelmed with stress to the point I flooded my kitchen 2 weeks ago. I turned on the kitchen faucet to hand wash some items, grabbed my dinner tray, quietly ate my dinner while watching the boob tube...all the while the sink runneth over. I also tripped over a packed box and did a header landing on one knee. I limped for 2 days, bruised all over.

I am not a liar. I forget...especially when it’s of no importance to me. I’m not relating this to garner empathy from you. None is expected. I’m explaining why I have reason to forget and to not be called a liar every time you reply to me.


Okay I am sorry all this has occurred. I am going to ask a simple question would you allow that same liberty to a left leaning person? Be honest.


If I was aware of his/her circumstances most definitely! This is why I never mocked Biden, just posted remarks he’s made to show there is something wrong with him. Dementia, early stages of Alzheimer’s. I felt pity for him when he fell on the steps and relieved it wasn’t more serious. I didn’t understand at the time why someone didn’t bound up the steps to offer assistance.

My life long friend (63 yrs) and family are hard core Dems/Biden voters. We don’t discuss politics. It’s left at the door.


See but most people on here will laugh and make fun of something like that. Your boy RandallGraves actually mocked Chadwick Bosemen's cancer and laughed at it. A guy who has done nothing to him or anyone else gets mocked because he starred in Black Panther. Black Panther in his mind was overrated. Really because you disliked a film and thought it was overrated you are going to mock a person who lost the battle to cancer? I get it you thought it was overrated but seriously? It is why I cringe every time I see you standing behind him and agreeing with him. People like him usually do not care for the average man. They think anyone who struggles financially is lazy, a drug addict or living off welfare.

With as rigid as you are about politics on here I am surprised you can have a friends with that belief set. Some people are struggling because they are lazy but not everyone who struggles financially is lazy, on drugs or living off welfare. Just like how not everyone who is rich did it by hard work. Are there exceptions yes but to generalize it is ignorant. Do not raise minimum wage okay then what do we do about inflation? How long has minimum wage remained the same yet prices for things have gone up still.


Please link me to where Chadwick Bosemen's cancer/death was mocked. I searched, but could not locate.


I already attempted to share with you a link of him defending Chauvin but you for whatever reason could not see it. Okay lets try to do this with the one of him making fun of Chadwick.

Here is his exact quote.

So go put your "force is female" shirt on, your pink pussy hat and slap your little dick to Black Panther. Too bad there won't be a sequel worth a shit. Wacancer forever LOL

It is near the bottom of the second page of that board.


I’m happy I couldn’t see it. I wish I hadn’t seen it! Apparently I have someone on Ignore which would block this filth. The trouble is we think alike in politics. We have the same ideology, but this kind of language is not my cup of tea. I’m not a happy camper reading this. I would say it’s akin to Trump’s wish he wouldn’t use such language. Frankly, I’m embarrassed reading it as I was when Trump said “Grab ‘em by the *****!” I’m of the generation when locker room talk stayed in the locker room.


See but this is the issue I have with you and people like you. You are validating people that are literal trash humans simply because they say some of the stuff you personally want to hear. Which to me shows desperate need for validation. I do not care which side of the spectrum someone landed on to make a jab like that would make me not want to be on the same planet as them much less have a conversation with them on here. Same ideology? As far as politics yes but I would hope you would not stoop to doing something like that. See though you guys want to act like racism does not exist, let me ask a question why is he so upset Black Panther got praised? With a comment like that it makes you wonder why he has such animosity to sink to that level.

Boseman was known for actually being a decent human who did a lot for society. People did not know he had cancer until he died because he did not want sympathy and kept it hidden. I understand not enjoying the film and thinking it was overrated but seriously? Remember though if we suspect he is racist we are playing the race card.

That also leads me to my next point. I constantly hear well I know Trump is foul mouthed and a bigot but I support his policies. What a sad state of affairs when someone must pick the lesser of two evils and act like that is cause to celebrate. That is like saying a film comes out and it is bad but it is better than another awful film. Well at least it was better than that other awful film. As if that is cause to celebrate... How about a candidate has a shred of decency and dignity beyond agreeing with his politics? Is that too much to ask?

You guys wonder why people can't get behind him. Seriously you want people to overlook this stuff? What is so annoying is if Obama got caught saying grab them by the ***** you guys would skin him alive. Rightfully so as well but there is a clear double standard. I have heard people make every excuse in the book for him saying that and how it is perfectly acceptable.


Personally I enjoyed the movie “Black Panther”. One of my favs from the MCU . I bought Phase 1, 2, & 3. I recently binge watched on Disney + all of them set in timeline order.

BTW, I felt sadness when Chadwick Bosemen died...such a waste and so young.

We are at the point of holding our noses when we vote. In today’s time there is no way in hell I would vote for a Democrat. No sir! As I said JFK couldn’t get elected today with the far left loons in power.


I enjoyed it as well. However there is a group of people like RandallGraves that can not stand a film like Black Panther got critical praise. One has to wonder why that one irks him so bad? The other films in the MCU have gotten critical acclaim why is that one such a sore subject for him? I wonder why? Hmmm?

So did I. I absolutely loved him and thought he was a great actor.

There is no way in hell I would vote for a republican. Especially when it is people like Trump? Yeah not a good look for your party. Both parties are just as corrupt as the other. I think it is foolish people act as if one party is so much better than the other.


” With as rigid as you are about politics on here I am surprised you can have a friends with that belief set.”

As I stated the “politics are left at the door". Their friendship which is like family means more to me. There’s no risk involved with debating, arguing, etc. with unknowns on MovieChat. I have everything to lose if I get into it with my friends, so we just cancel out each other’s vote.


So then on here are you really expecting to change anyone's mind? Honestly you sound like a closed minded person who will not budge on beliefs. So why come on here?


I’m not going to change their minds anymore than I’ll change mine. When it comes to politics I believe everyone is closed you are. I could ask you the same thing “So why come on here?” I believe we come on here to voice our thoughts to unknowns. To escape. To vent. To gripe about the politicians we don’t like. It’s OK if I cross swords with you...nothing lost...nothing gained. I can let loose, make someone angry to the point I’m called a “bold faced liar”, but all I have to do if I’m so inclined is to delete MovieChat, close my iPad and deal with more important things.

But, in reality we risk losing people we care about. If I had the same back & forth with family & friends
I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. I could give a rat’s patootie if I never had dialogue with you again. You are an unknown to me. My dad was a hard core union Democrat, but the politics were left at the door.

There are and have been a hand full of posters who I would love to know personally. We lost a dear one over 3 yrs ago and we actually grieved...tears were brought to my eyes. We genuinely got to know this precious man’s persona. He would have been the same person in reality as he was on MovieChat’s board.


No I would disagree with you there. I actually had my perspective changed on the drug war by chatting with people online and listening to crime podcasts. I come on here to debate and are there things I am rather concrete in what I think sure but I honestly do not believe you have changed your perspective one iota. I do not think you have any interest in seeing another view. There is no consequence but it sounds like to me you need to iron that out with your family and friends. Part of having an understanding relationship is knowing and acknowledging differences. If you would lose a friendship over political discussions perhaps the friendship is not as strong as you think.

See but that is why this country is in a divide. No one talks or communicates they keep things bottled up and then antagonize people online. If I can't be honest with someone about how I feel or think then they are not worth having a relationship with.

How do you know he was good? I am not denying or smarting off I am just curious. I am sorry to hear we lost someone. Death of a decent human is always sad. I am sorry to hear that.


She is proudly partisan and happy to claim she has an Ideology like it's a birth right and not a decision. Over and over she says she has an ideology like it's a Given, it's written in Stone and she's entitled to it, not realizing it's an irrational bit of brain-washing to where information will not alter her outlook -- and she's proud and purposeful of it.
I can only shake my head and wonder where this country is heading if people are being earnest with this thinking.


It is this type of mentality which cripples the country. People can't call out corruption honestly they have to favor their side. This type of thing to me is mind boggling. Have you had past encounters with this user?


Several of us received letters from his girlfriend. Each one was composed from his words directed specifically to those of us who gave him comfort towards the end.

Arguing about politics brings nothing. The people I hold dear in my heart are more important. You sit there and judge me on how my relationships with family and friends need to be ironed out. I don’t need to “iron out” anything with them! It’s not important to me. “If you would lose a friendship over political discussions perhaps the friendship is not as strong as you think.”How dare you! How pompous you are!

You have my permission to debate and argue with others to your heart’s content! I value a 63 year friendship more than politics. I don’t think I like you. You aren’t worth one second of the people I’ve known for decades. You should be so lucky! I doubt it though. Now I am really pissed off with you lecturing me about my life...what little there is left of it.

This is my final reply to you so go have at it with someone else! I have much nicer poster pals elsewhere.


Well that is neat. I mean that honestly good on people for being good to him until the end.

Oh yeah but you are free to comment on whether George Floyd's family cares about him or not. Apparently it is important to you I can tell by your hostility on these boards. I stand by what I said if you can't be honest and open with people is that a true relationship?

I do not require asking you permission for anything. I don't need it nor want it. If you can comment on what a family you know nothing about thinks of their loved one being killed why is it so outrageous to lecture you? Anyway I do not want to end on a sour note. I am sorry I got uncivil. I honestly wish you live a good rest of your life. You have loved ones and friends that is more than most people can say.


See PM. Dewey 😇 was the soul of the General Discussion board. Damn, I miss him as others do.


After all the hateful carp you've left here, don't tell me you are sentimental over someone's passing. That's BS !!


well said, I think they also are romanticizing the past, thinking it was better than it was...and I would also suspect kids are being brainwashed when they are younger and in college.


The issue is people like you assume that the reason people can't afford their bills is because of laziness. You ever consider that sometimes people just can't make it and it has nothing to do with laziness or welfare?


communism is that everyone is equal, a doctor and a house keeper would make the same money. a lot of people are lazy, especially now, there are job shortages because people are making more money sitting at home then working. i dont want to work either but I do, i would love for the government to give me $600 a week for the rest of my life, it would be awesome.

the people that "truly" need help can get it, but people also take advantage of the system and collect social security unemployment because they are depressed.

McD's even helps people with college, but you have to try and apply yourself. go to college and get educated, but then again people want things given to them because they think they deserve it.

my dad and uncle grew up dirt poor, they both joined the military and got trained to fix airplanes, they both made a career out of it. my dad can still out work me any day, cause he had work hard to get out of poverty, I am lucky that he did that.

I see Mexicans working their ass off, building houses, roofing and road construction, house keeping, you hardly see white or black people doing those jobs anymore.

I know there are special circumstances where people need help, but its rare and there are resources out there they can take advantage of.


"I see Mexicans working their ass off, building houses, roofing and road construction, house keeping, you hardly see white or black people doing those jobs anymore."

Why you think that is?



Despite my aversion to communism, I do think unions are necessary. This makes me unpopular with the right.


Ehh, it's a give and take. A lot of unions these days are profiteering rackets, like SAG-AFTRA.


Why do you think unions are necessary?


People such as myself are not asking for everyone to make the same amount. That is what you automatically assume the second someone asks for more money or help. I do not want to work but I do as do many other people. Sometimes you can't make it working a full time job. Sometimes even working two jobs is not enough to make it.

No blatant lie. Are there people that take advantage sure but what is your solution cut off the people who need help because some people take advantage? Sometimes even with help you can't make it. You have bought into the lie that America feeds people. Work hard and life will be ok. If only that were always the case.

College a lot of times is not worth going to. It is another thing people have fed people in order to think they will make money by completing it. Just because you graduate college does not guarantee you will make money. There are plenty of people without degrees that make more money than people with degrees. Sometimes people are in the right place at the right time. College can make a difference sometimes but it does not guarantee you money or a career.

My mother never collected welfare and worked two jobs. We still lost the house despite her attempting to get help. Even while working 80 hours a week it made no difference.

It is rare people need help? Your ignorance is truly baffling. No sometimes no matter how much help you get or how hard you work it will not matter. We as people are not asking to live high on the hog we are simply asking for a chance at a fair life. Why is it someone working full time 40 hours a week or more can't afford a basic one bedroom apartment? Not a house a basic apartment. That is not how it should be.


80 hours a week🤣 full of shit.


Oh I know it is because it does not suit your narrative. You have no idea what goes on in my life. You have no argument go crawl back in your hole.


80 hours a week at 10 dollars an hour is $3200 a month (btw, most fastfood places pay much more than that, and thats the bottom of the barrel) If you can't survive on over 3k a month, you are blowing money on habits, or living WAY outside your means. So either your mom was an idiot with the finances, or you are lying, you pick.


Is 10 dollars minimum wage? Back in the 90's or early 2000's or even now? Also I am sure you are smart enough to know that you do not keep every dollar you earn. Did you take into account taxes? Did you take into account going through a divorce with 3 kids, medical issues? So lets take your math into consideration. 3200 a month times 12 equals 38400 dollars. Not a bad salary right? Well now lets take out taxes because you were too dishonest to do so. What is 35% of 38400 it is 13440. Which makes a total of 24960. Which means it is 2080 per month. When you factor in house payment, groceries, kids and medical issues how far do you think that goes? Remember this going off the assumption you are making above minimum wage at 10 dollars an hour for both jobs. Want to bury yourself deeper or do you want me to stop now?


You are showing your ignorance or age. Everything you said is false logic. Sure wages were less in the 90s, but not much. Inflation has gone MUCH higher in that time than comparable wages, so her dollar was worth more then. Also, a single parent with multiple dependants pays almost NOTHING in income taxes, so wrong again. I think possibly your mommy misrepresented the situation to you, and you've simply assumed its true to this point, but there is nothing logical about what you are saying. And yes, perhaps a manufactured house is a better fit if you have children and lack enough skills to earn more than minimum wage. Again if she made that much SHE DIDN'T LIVE WITHIN HER MEANS. It sure as fuck isn't up to the taxpayers to provide a luxurious lifestyle. If you can't earn more, acquire better skills so you can, or expect to live in an apartment or trailer. I used to because a was an apprentice who didn't have skills. Now I'm at the top of my field and I have a nice house. If I'd kept my skill level at minimum wage, I wouldn't have a nice house. I'm guessing your mommy was shitty with the budget, because you absolutely could afford a house and the rest of the bills with that income if you didn't piss it away.


No actually it is not. You attempted to imply minimum wage was 10 dollars. Minimum wage is not ten dollars now and when was the last time minimum wage changed? Since you wanted to be dishonest about minimum wage I figured it was perfectly fine with you to be dishonest about taxes. Now since you realize that I saw through it you are upset. Also you know what else you did not factor in? Medical bills. Do you know what medical condition my mom had? No you do not you are assuming you know. I know it is not up to the taxpayers to afford a luxurious lifestyle you idiot I never said it was. Truly a dense idiot like yourself would jump to that conclusion.

Sometimes acquiring more skills is harder than it appears. Sometimes people are stuck at a job and are actively trying to achieve better skills. While in the mean time they are struggling to make it. I own a house myself and a rather nice one. However unlike you I am not insensitive to people's struggles and actually care about the hard working man. Lol and again do you know what medical bills cost? Do you know what illnesses my mom had that were not self inflicted? If you don't then you can go ahead and STFU! It is time to wake up old man and realize that not everyone gets to have nice things by working hard. Hard work is good I do it all the time but it does not guarantee you will succeed in life. It should but it is not a guarantee. Anything else or we done here? You have proved your ignorance once again. So I guess I got my answer you want to keep burying yourself. So you want to keep going?


Now you're creating straw men because your argument is falling apart in your face. I never implied or said anything about minimum wage, something fast food places average well above in pay. Since your willing to lie to have something to refute, I stopped after the first sentence. I don't waste my time with lying fools.


Nope I can pick up on an implication that is made. You assumed she made 10 bucks an hour at both jobs. You also did not factor in medical bills which was deceptive. You assumed I was lying or that she mismanaged money without knowing the full story of what was going on. I then pointed out your ignorance and you attempted to backpedal. Since that was your tactic I also threw in a tactic that did not tell the whole story. Annoying isn't it? It's okay though your mentality is dying off. I suggest you leave the country. So we done here then? I'm honestly tired of burying you I will call it here. What I find funny is watching you idiots trip over yourselves. Anyhow bye bye bud get educated.


Bury me?🤣 I've owned your dumb ass every step of this argument. Awwww, isn't it cute how you play dumb with yourself to defend mommy. If she was so useless that she couldn't earn at least 10 dollars an hour, it was pretty dumb of her to spit out multiple children. Again, not the tax payers problem. Pass this on to your mom the next time you see her: if you are so useless you can't earn 10 bucks an hour, keep your legs closed so I'm not expected to pay for whinny brats like you.


How cute you thought you actually had my mom pegged. Little did you know the only thing you could operate on was baseless assumptions. You know what is even funnier is you had no idea where we lived. It can be easier to make more money depending on your location. You still didn't address the medical issues lol. Way to dude step that man you are so smart just avoid points and consider it a win. Never have lived off of welfare and work very hard at what I do. Notice I don't make assumptions which are baseless that is your game. I can tell you are an ignorant idiot though based on what I see you post here. Baseless assumptions backed by nothing is a good sign someone has no argument and is losing the debate. So we done here or do you want to keep playing?


You couldn't counter any of my facts about income, inflation or living within your means. The fact that you didn't even try says it all. You lost.


Nope actually I did. You assumed she made 10 dollars an hour at both jobs. Then you didn't take into account medical bills that were costly. How can you live within your means if most of your cash is eaten up by medical bills? See you won't address this because you know it pokes a hole in your weak argument. How far you think three grand goes with kids house payment groceries on top of expensive medical bills? Since you have her pegged provide facts about where we spent our money. If you can't then you need to concede to making a baseless assumption.


Also, just a little fyi. I've debated with intelligent people and not agreed with them, but the way you write and repeat phrases like they are some knock out bullet point tells me you aren't very bright, but you think you are. Don't worry, the smart people got this, that's why we DON'T have a socialist economy, yet silly fools like you think we should. I'm over trying to explain logic to a simpleton like yourself. Again, there is a reason intelligent people have higher levels of office and they don't implement policies like you'd like to see. It's because they are smart and you are not. I won't be replying anymore, because at this point I feel like I'm picking on a child.


You got owned today I was happy to beat you down. If you need more I'm more than happy to give you more. Capitalism is perfect no flaws in that system right? Corporations have never exploited people or done anyone wrong. I'm done here you are another boot licker that eventually will be gone. There is peace in that honestly. Later bud.


There is no money in communism. You are just another clueless person.


Did you just make a gender assumption?


There, I fixed it. You can stop crying now.


communism is that everyone is equal, a doctor and a house keeper would make the same money.
The problem is people think thats what not voting republican means.

Policies like taxing the billionaies more , and having a liveable minimum wage ,

or not the same thing as russian stlye 'doctors and cleaners are paid the same'


I can recall when FHA/VA would acquire used homes, repair and paint them in order to offer them to low income families with a small down payment. The homes had the basics, working plumbing, working appliances, no AC, no carpet, just bare terrazzo floors. We looked at some, but could only dream. They were what everyone dreams about especially when living in a 10 x 55 foot mobile home with 2 young kids! We couldn’t afford the low monthly payments! No, it wasn’t easy back then either.


Media and education are overwhelmingly communist. They promote envy and anger at anyone’s success. Rather than uplift those who need it, they want to tear down anyone who has it better. Look every communist democrat party run city. Shithole. Run by communist Democrats for 50, 60, 80, 90 years straight.

California has been run by communist Democrats for over 25 years straight.

The only people helped by Communism are the people who run it. The .0001% politicians and oligarch elites. Communism doesn’t help anyone it claims to serve. It’s about controlling the masses like cattle. It zaps the human spirit. Takes away the freedom to choose. It seeks to make everyone the same. The same crappy broken loser. Everyone but those in control. They do very well. Don’t see any poor politicians do you.

Look at BLM. Who’s that helped? Well the ceo has 4 houses. Money goes to the democrat party. Hasn’t done a single thing for the poor. It’s a complete shame. A way to funnel money to the elite at the DNC.


"California has been run by communist Democrats for over 25 years straight."

If you say so.


BLM did a wonderful job in helping to make George Floyd’s family wealthy! A nice tidy sum of $27 Million! Do you suppose they will share with Floyd’s victims...especially the pregnant woman he accosted at gun point? How in the hell did the powers that be come up with that exorbitant amount? He wasn’t worth it! I’m curious about something. Since BLM is “protesting” in well to do neighborhoods and shouting they want their land returned to them...will they demand Floyd’s family give up their mansion with the land? 🤷🏼‍♀️


I thought you weren't going to discuss George Floyd anymore? Why don't you call out the people who were cheering for him to die and defending the cop? I thought not. Deny, dismiss, deflect and or dumbfound.


Hard to call out people cheering Floyd’s death do to overdose. As there weren’t any.

But keep sharing your fantasy land version of reality. It really is quite entertaining. I suppose we should thank Don Lemming for spoon feeding you?


Pardon me? Is that a fantasy? Check your facts before making yourself look ignorant. People on this site in all their glory defending Chauvin's actions. Cheering at Floyd's death as well. Oh yeah you did not realize I was referring to the people on here. That was because you butted into a conversation without realizing the context of what was being said. You may go now.


Frankly, I could care less about him’s the way he died. Not a good thing. Again, no defense of the cop. There were people at the scene cheering for him to die? I wasn’t aware of that either. Rather a low class reaction. It’s akin to watchers shouting for someone to jump who’s on the verge of suicide. At least he won’t be contributing to the gene pool again.


I know you do not care about him dying. I never said people were at the scene cheering for him to die. I said there were people on here specifically that defended Chauvin's actions and were cheering at Floyd dying. I do not believe you also when you say you are Christian, you say heartless things constantly. I will take the higher path and realize that his family could read your words and find that to be harmful. Oh well do not consider others keep on being ignorant.


His family could give a rat’s patootie! They’re probably thanking him for the $27 Mil. If I were you I would have more empathy for his victims. You see I feel for the ones who are and have been harmed, the victims of the George Floyds of the world. Not for one millisecond do I have empathy for those who do the harming!


Number one you do not know that. You are again making an assumption. You do not know those people personally. You never know his family could have been decent people. It is wrong to judge a person's entire family on one of their family members actions. I would hope you would at least be smart enough to know that. I do feel bad for the victims of his. You realize it is Chauvin's fault that 27 million dollars was paid right? That is what baffles me about people like you. You will moan and groan about people sucking off welfare or being lazy. However when a cop messes up big time and there is a huge lawsuit and a settlement comes guess who pays the price? We the taxpayers!


You are correct! It falls on Chauvin, but also on those who made such an outrageous settlement amount! That amount was not necessary.


They did not need that amount I agree. However this all could have been avoided had Chauvin not been a fool. I am more pissed off at him than I am the ones who made it that much. He is the one who started this mess it is a domino effect. The people defending Chauvin are also part of the problem. They bring up Floyd's past and it is irrelevant in this case. Is he a good person who was a saint of course not! You have people though that will side with the police no matter what they do. It is a case by case basis. Do I think all cops are bad? Nope but I do not believe all cops are good either. If a cop acts appropriately and the criminal is in the wrong I will call it like I see it and vice verse.

I do not like how you made an assumption though about people you do not know. Whenever cops mess up royally and there is a huge lawsuit the taxpayers pay the price! You realize that cops have done similar stuff to Chauvin and they get a slap on the wrist. They walk away maybe a little suspension with pay and we the taxpayers get to front the bill. How is that fair? Cops for messing up royally need severe consequences not a slap on the wrist. Just like how if a criminal does some violent crime should be punished.


We're in more danger of reverting back to the days of the robber barons in the 19th century than we are of communism.


That's why they need trolls to post these provocational just not-thinking questions.


"Troll" -- (N) Boogeyman of the brainless.

Ex: "That person doesn't have the opinion corporations told me to defend. He must be a troll!"


I guess you can see it that way when you have no understanding past a simple-minded knee-jerk reaction to certain words or ideas or are trained to attack like a Pit Bull any time something reminds you of political opinions you don't like and don't want to have to defend or justify.

Just to be clear, no corporation told me to defend any opinion, and if they had I would be inclined to do the opposite.

Also, just to be clear, I have attacked trolls on my side of the political fence, so example a certain group of people refer to the former President as Rump, or t-Rump, and I criticize them because I think it is stupid, childish and unproductive. But I do hate Donald Trump and want to see him go to prison.


If you have chided me for calling the ex prez "rump" I must have missed it. I just can't abide giving such an enormous boor any sort of respectful regard. Not like I call him "shit-head" or "orange man", I just truncate his name and leave off the capitalization to display my disgust for this abominable non-person. I can't even refer to him as a Person, for gosh sakes.


I understand that even share the feeling, but it's the same BS as when people call Biden Dementia Joe. It's just a block to civilized conversation.


Good point and I will try to adapt. I actually try to Learn and Be Better, unlike what a lot of other Neanderthals like to suppose.
"They're All The Same, Just Like We Say They Are."

effing christ ....



Is that why the guy stood in front of a tank in Tiananmen Square? He was fighting to retain Communism! He wanted no part of a free society with Capitalism! Gotcha! Gee, I learn something new every day! 🤷🏼‍♀️

FYI, since you believe as the guy did who stood in front of that tank how great Communism is:



I’m not aware of what country you live in, but the Communist leaders in power today should sign you on to write a propaganda pamphlet on the “The Wonders of Communism! How Great It Is!” If you live in the U.S. we would be so very happy for you to vacate the country and take up citizenship in a Communist country...don’t let the door hit you in the arse! Cuba, China, Viet Nam, and North Korea which would love to have you. You can stand in the breadlines if you are able to since people are starving.

”Unlike Capitalism, Communism does not allow private ownership of trade or industry, and everything has common ownership. Wealth is distributed as per needs and ability and allows for an egalitarian system (all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities). All profits earned by the enterprise are distributed among all the people, unlike Capitalism, where it is enjoyed by the owner only.”

Sounds wonderful! Toil away for years and not own anything! Marx & Lenin would be so proud of you!


I wonder if Ukrainians were being greedy and selfish when Stalin starved them to death


And we must not forget how great it was for the Cambodians with the Communist Pol Pot in power! They had to be happy when millions of them were slaughtered under his direction. A movie was made...”The Killing Fields”. Wonderful depiction of how great Communism is.

Look at the following photos. Ain’t Communism grand?


If you get your thoughts about Communism from the movies then you aren't thinking looking at politics from a very sophisticated view.



Read a history book, PLEASE.


The real question is why are you stuck in the 1950s zeitgeist?


Don't be disingenuous. Make a legitimate argument.


Quite simple really. They're young and have a heart and believe everyone should be treated equal. They "think" communism will lead them to some economic equality where everyone will have everything they want. They haven't studied history though to see that communism has failed and lead to poverty everywhere its been implemented with only the elite being wealthy. They also think communism will lead to a classless society yet they never stop to think that in communism there is still the ruling class and the working class.

If they had any intellectual curiosity they would then learn these facts and become conservative if they had any sense


There are no classes in communism. And that's why we haven't seen communism yet. Only elitist assholes who pretend they are communists.


What's the common denominator in every failed communist country? Communism.

Not saying capitalism is the answer. I just happen to be old enough to understand communism always leads to mass murder and misery.


Communism is a stateless, classless society. So, what communism? Where?


Classless society LOL there will always be a ruling class


And you are old at heart and think there are some people who do not deserve rights, like the original corruption in our constitution that the country should be owned and controlled only by the rich people.

You always talk about communism like there is a communist party or like anyone is advocating communism.

You call Europe and the rest of the developed world communist because they have socialized medicine that works better than our system and costs much less. But you do not ever do the reality check, you just repeat the terms you were taught way back in time. There is no communism.

Socialism is democracy, but you cannot really say blatantly you are against democracy, do you have to make up this boogieman you call communism, and link it to everything bad. Your world view is incoherent lies.

You have the lyin-est political party in the world ... our current Republican party, the most two-faces racist organization in history and say there is intellectual curiosity and sense there. That is just pure mental illness on your part.


Your democrat party gave us the KKK but sure keep telling yourself current Republicans are the most racist in history while also proving yet again you don't know history at all. Idiot


What is so hard for you to understand about history ... what was the Republican party or Lincoln morphed into the Democrats. They basically switched. Idiot^2.


Sure they did pal


Democrats abandoned the South BECAUSE of the KKK. We didn't want to have anything to do with the racist politics of the region. What is so hard to understand about this?
This isn't about Labels of when things were going on, it's about the Intent of what our political parties are trying to achieve currently.

And saying "idiot" is pretty lame if you are trying to win an argument.


Must be why JFK picked LBJ as his running mate and the KKK supported Clinton/Gore in 92'


Whatever. I have no idea what point you are trying to make, other than you want to justify being a rotten person. Don't think Clinton wanted the KKK to be under the umbrella in '92 but you can go wherever you want.
As long as thoughtful people understand it's BS, I'm cool with it



Like I might ever reply to you. That's like inviting The Devil to your 3rd Birthday Party.
Don't want to go there, don't want to be a part of that, good luck with your future, and when I see your handle responding to me, I don't effing care.


LOL must be why you're in here replying to me to tell me how much you don't care... Rent Free


Right off the bat, it's a false premise, so why people like you are considering it seriously just shows what a red herring this whole crap show is meant to be.


So you don't have a heart or think people should be treated equal? Thanks for admitting that


Don't be a dumb ass and actually make an honest argument.


You said right off the bat it was a false premise. So what was the false part? Oh that you don't care what I say or will reply to me

Thanks for your proving you're a liar LOL


Anyone can be brainwashed.
Any person, any group.

The last decade or so girls/women of teenage up to around 30 is the main target.
Of those, white Christian girls are the bullseye of the target.

PS. No I don't care if you believe me or not.


That made a lot of sense ... and no I don't believe a thing you have ever said.


What about the lies of capitalism? Like the one that everyone has the same chance for success? Or that hard work will make you rich?


Got to be honest--everyone I've ever met who's successful did exactly that. Everyone who isn't generally didn't make any effort to succeed.

I'm a recovering Marxist, by the way. I just (thankfully) grew up.


I don't trust or believe this. I'll try to remember that you are one of the deceitful types here and give a wide berth.


You have the mind set of the entitlement crowd. I have news for you. You aren’t entitled to anything but the air you breathe! If you are of sound mind and body you do have the same chance for success. It all depends how willing you are to do the hard work to achieve the success you envy of others. You don’t have to be college educated either. I’ve known millionaires who started out working 90 hours a week, putting every dime they could back into the business in order to grow and hire people. Eventually they didn’t have to work the 90 hours because they invested. And you begrudge them! There are many tradesmen who are quite well off because they worked hard.

FYI: ”21 billionaires who grew up poor”

Jeff Bezos, Mr. Amazon worked the grill at McDonald’s

”From fry-cook at McDonald's to waitress at Hooters, here are the unglamorous first jobs of 28 highly successful people”

Hard work pays off.


21 billionaires? That's you argument? In statistics that's called "irrelevant anecdotal evidence".
How about the other millions of people who work their ass off and still cannot feed their children because their millionaire boss 'cannot afford" to pay them living wages? That's why rich people need to be taxed to smithereens if they choose to not pay their workers a fair salary.


I was just showing what could be accomplished if a person works hard to give a product people need. Do I expect everyone who works hard to become a billionaire? Of course not! You missed the whole point! These people started with nothing, but became successful by working hard. If you punish people for being successful by taxing them to “smithereens”, you then will destroy jobs. The people who are working their asses off will soon be unemployed. Why do you think employers keep a work force of under 50? Or why do they hire only part-time? It’s because of government taxing to “smithereens” or making demands.

I have never begrudged someone’s wealth. More power to them! I could have ended up where they are if I had applied myself.

As I first wrote, if of sound mind and body there’s no excuse to be poor in this country! Wise decisions and hard work does wonders! Don’t like what you’re paid? Get a second job or go into business for yourself.


Rich people don't get taxed to Smithereens. There are so many tax dodges and loopholes and then there might be the simple desire to live w/o multiple everything while others are left wanting. Hell, in a perfect world, my boss would live next door in a modest home and be a good member of the community. Instead, he needs to live in an expensive house up in the hills designed by an architect and costs a crap-ton so he can complain about how expensive his taxes are.
