CBS’ Grammys telecast reached 9.2 million — television and streaming — viewers Sunday, the lowest number on record and a precipitous 51% drop from last year, the Nielsen company said.


People stuck in their home and still refuse to watch this crap

Get woke go broke


If Hollywood's entertainment is sooooo woke, why are their movies making people fall asleep?

And if you are having trouble figuring out who the bad guy is in a movie or show, here's a's you.

Hollywood used to be able to make stuff that adults enjoyed. Now it seems to be nothing but stuff designed to make you feel sad.


I don't think I've ever watched, or cared about an awards show. Isn't it just hollyweird sucking it's own perverted cock?


Pretty much


For the most part they used to be funny and entertaining when you had a good host and relevant awards.Now it's all just about woke quota's and identity politics.Not to mention all the long winded preachy political thank you speeches by pretentious actors who don't understand that no one cares what their personal political opinions are.


That’s pretty funny. The music industry is dead. It’s sad.


Kind of old news but you have to wonder how low the ratings will go for the Oscars this year.
