MovieChat Forums > Politics > Derek Chauvin Trial Verdict Results; GUI...

Derek Chauvin Trial Verdict Results; GUILTY x3!

-Count 1: []
Unintentional 2nd degree murder (while committing a felony) - Guilty

Alleges Chauvin caused Floyd's death "without intent" while committing or attempting to commit felony third-degree assault. In turn, third-degree assault is defined as the intentional infliction of substantial bodily harm.
Up to 40 years max

-Count 2: []
3rd degree murder (perpetrating an imminently dangerous act) - Guilty

Alleges Chauvin caused Floyd's death by "perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life."
Up to 25 years max

-Count 3: []
2nd degree manslaughter (culpable negligence creating an unreasonable risk) - Guilty

Alleges Chauvin caused Floyd's death by "culpable negligence whereby the person creates an unreasonable risk, and consciously takes chances of causing death or great bodily harm."
Up to 10 years max

Note: Chauvin is already 45 years old, so take his age predict his sentencing length. There is also grounds for appeal later on.

So, this means no riots then right? Right?


GOOD. Fuck that guy.


Just hope you never find yourself in a situation where you didn’t intend to kill someone...but you did! The verdicts were unjust! The verdict should have been involuntary manslaughter. No more than recklessly speeding and you hit & kill someone. It will be appealed and re-tried in another venue.


"Just hope you never find yourself in a situation where you didn’t intend to kill someone...but you did!"

You mean like 2nd degree murder, 3rd degree murder, or manslaughter?

"The verdicts were unjust!"

You don't know what the word unjust means.


Count 1 & 2 were unjust. I didn’t say he should not be found guilty, but a more reasonable verdict. Involuntary Manslaughter would fit the deed.

Unjust: Biased, Unfair, Didn’t fit the action done by Chauvin


Your brain is unjust.


As usual when you lack intelligent lower yourself to insults. You are incapable of giving a sound reason for the verdicts rendered. Click on the link warrior-poet posted. There may be a chance you could become more insightful.


Nothing ruffles the feathers of a Trump cultist more than a cop getting punished for killing a black guy.

You'd think it wouldn't be a big deal because it happens so rarely.


Oh stop already! I’m not a Trump cultist any more than you are a Biden cultist...but then again...maybe you are. Not once did I write this cop should not be punished. He should have been given Involuntary Manslaughter and served prison time. He did not get a fair trial. There should have been a change of venue. The judge erred and the jury was under duress. Rioting would have occurred and members of the jury would have faced reprisals if a lesser verdict was given.

Use that gray matter bouncing around in your skull and realize this trial is ripe for appeal. Even the judge said as much. Just because you hate Chauvin is not justification for him receiving the unjust verdicts. A perfect storm was starting when Floyd was fighting the officers. You can see him fighting in the video. Adrenaline rises. Cops get angry over the difficulty of restraining Floyd. You et al dismiss completely the fact if Floyd had complied he wouldn’t be dead and interred in a $40,000 gold plated casket. BTW, no great loss. Thankfully he won’t contribute again to the gene pool. His family wouldn’t have shared in a $27 Million Dollar give away.

Granted Chauvin should have been terminated from the police force for prior write-ups. But, I don’t believe he intended to kill Floyd. Anger takes hold. The “I can’t breathe” is used frequently by those fighting arrest. Also, other cops should have assisted Chauvin in the arrest when they witnessed the difficulty in restraining Floyd. To watch someone applying pressure with a knee to the back of the neck of a perpetrator makes the other cops derelict in their duty as police officers.

Without a doubt if the races were reversed, or both the same race Black on Black you would feel differently. There would barely be a ripple.


That's the thing, sentencing is left by the citizens to choose his judgement. Defense and prosecutor have to convince them to vote for one side or the other through litigation and evidence pointing. In the end, don't matter what we think since it'd be the same for us judging others once you're called upon jury duty.


More pseudo-intellectual babble, meaning you don't know what you're talking about, you just keep misleading others on here with your uninformed, speculating, horseshit!


Oh shit, you caught me. Alright, I will come clean. It was all planned by the deep state. Kamala was behind this and made sure the white cop got punished to the full extent with lack of any credible evidence. The jury were all pre-selected by Joe Biden and swore to the progressive left that they will make sure he is guilty on all accounts. The judge works under Senator Klobuchar who choose him as a plant.


Those counts fit well with what was shown in the video. They didn't overdo it and didn't underdo it either.




You should really just shut the hell up....


The Guilty verdicts on Counts 1 & 2 were given out of fear of reprisals. Count 3 is more justified which depends on the laws of the state. This will immediately go to appeal. Number one the judge should have granted a change of venue. Do people really believe the guy got a fair trial? If you are dreaming! The re-trial will be moved and a justifiable verdict will be given...Involuntary Manslaughter.


I can hear the voices bemoaning “Damn it! We had it all planned as to where everyone was going to start! I need a new TV and man did you see those new $200.00 shoes! I was going to get me some of those! Maybe we can find a reason after all it’s been awhile since I got me some good stuff!”


They need to grant Chauvin a new trial for the many violations of his due process rights that occurred in connection with this farce of a trial.

If not, Murder 3 and Manslaughter 2 should be thrown out by an appeals court as being lesser included offenses. It violates the double jeopardy clause of the Constitution to convict someone on multiple offenses for the same criminal act.


Go burn down a Target.
