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Could You Pass Literacy Test To Vote In Louisiana in 1964?

I don't think I could pass it. {starts on page 7}

Applicant must correctly answer any four of the following six questions so as to evidence an elemental knowledge of the Constitution and Government, an attachment thereto, and a simple understanding of the obligations of citizenship under a republican form of government.

I also could not pass this other one after 5th grade:

That one's wild. 30 questions in 10 minutes, one wrong answer is a fail.

The comments are worth reading.


" as to evidence an elemental knowledge of the Constitution and Government, an attachment thereto, and a simple understanding of the obligations of citizenship under a republican form of government."


where's my red pen?


Yeah, those people would be red-penning us, let's be honest here.


Can you explain what that sentence means? Is there a document titled "Government" that is attached to the Constitution?

And what are the obligations of citizenship? Is it to not break the law? Isn't that the obligation of everyone, citizen or not?


Let's be clear that racist test was given almost exclusively to black voters - not white.

The purpose of the test was NOT to test literacy or government knowledge, but to stop blacks from voting by making the test as difficult as possible. In other words, it was meant to be failed!

Same racist garbage happening now as racist Republicans try to prevent blacks from voting.


You're the kind of person that thinks it's okay to vote against a candidate because he "was a big meanie", instead of knowing both candidates policies and deciding based on that.


It sounds like you support racism - past and present - against blacks who want to vote. In other words, you're against democracy.


We aren’t a democracy. We are a republic! A democracy suppresses the minority. Christ was executed by a democracy.

”In a pure democracy, laws are made directly by the voting majority leaving the rights of the minority largely unprotected.

In a republic, laws are made by representatives chosen by the people and must comply with a constitution that specifically protects the rights of the minority from the will of the majority.”


"Christ was executed by a democracy."

WTF you talking about?


Think about it. The people were given a choice of who was to die. The majority chose Christ to be executed over the thief Barabbas. They shouted “Crucify Him!” (Jesus) Democracy in action = Majority Rule.

To repeat:

”In a pure democracy, laws are made directly by the voting majority leaving the *rights of the minority largely unprotected*.”


We are a democracy and republic and you don't want black people to vote.

The Bill of Rights protect the rights of the minority.

Judea was not a democracy. And the Bible is mainly mythology.

Whatever you're smoking today, you should stay away from it.


you don't want black people to vote

This is why no one takes you seriously.


What part of voter suppression of black people using the literacy test which is discussed by the OP is confusing you? Your denial of racism is ridiculous considering the obvious evidence which is linked by the OP.



How do you come up with these harebrained ideas? To you everything is racist! You have used the word towards everyone who disagrees with you. If I noticed a store across the street I would like to browse, crossed the would deem me a racist because there happened to be a Black guy walking next to me! You’re a pathetic human being who is deeply troubled and shallow.

BTW, I did not write Judea was a democracy. I wrote the act itself was based on a majority rule. Majority rule/decision is a form of democracy. A true democracy is when the majority welds the power and makes the decisions for the minority...Who in this case was Jesus.

This is you in a nutshell:

Here Are 5 Behaviors a “Know-It-All” Will Display


I know more than you do, but 99.99% of the posters on this site do.

Bringing up a Bible, which is mythology, doesn't help your argument.

Let me ask you point blank, if you dare answer. (I think you'll be a wimp and not answer. Prove me wrong!) Do you believe that black people should have the same equal access to voting that white people have?


Of course! Why would you ask me such an inane question?

BTW, you just proved my point about the 5 signs of a know-it-all!


"Of course!"

Fine. Then stop bellyaching about democracies and majority vs minority and other rambling nonsense.

Seriously, you're the one starting arguments over things that should be easily agreed. You and your sock puppet cohorts refuse to simply denounce an Asian woman being urinated on. Shame on you!


Your total life 24/7 centers around racism, who is/who isn’t one, which in your feeble mind 9 out of 10 Whites are racists. Your holier than thou persona rings hollow.

You zero in on someone who may not be aware of such vile happenings as the sub-human jerk who urinated on a woman. Notice I didn’t bring race into the topic due to the fact it doesn’t matter the race of the victim. The abhorrent act is what matters! The vile, despicable evil one should be hanged by his testicles!

But, you are having a field day over this and not a damn word about the two Black bastards who raped and caused the death of a WHITE spring breaker! Without a doubt if the victim who was urinated on was White it wouldn’t be on your radar! As I wrote you live 24/7 for racist news so you can get on your high horse and tell the world how rotten the White race is! You are either a person of color or you hate being a Whitey!

You prove every day you are just a know-it-all snot-nosed little twit!


You sound guilty and triggered.

The OP topic is about a test meant to prevent blacks from voting. If you don't like the topic, then don't respond.


I have no reason to feel guilty. You are correct though in regards to being triggered. I’m triggered because your true bigotry against Whites is coming through loud and clear!

I read the damn test, but why in the hell are you continuing to harp about a test from the ‘60’s? Silly me for asking such a question when I know the answer. It gives you another platform to squawk about racism and mean old Whitey! Yep! Your 24/7 existence is to race bait.


A few days/maybe weeks of studying and anyone could pass that multiple-choice test. I could pass it no issue.

Why do you think Black people are stupid?


You are.


Why do you think Black people are stupid?

Answer the question you fucking racist.


There should be a literacy test and mental health assessment before anyone can buy a gun.


Call me the N word.


It wouldn't matter if the most difficult question on a test is 1+1. If it's exclusively only give to one race, it's racist as hell!


It wasn't exclusively written for one race, but I agree with you about what the real intention was...these were democrats after all.


And you are a fruitcake with a self-appointed know-it-all attitude.

I’m having keyboard problems.


You don't know anything.


I have forgot more than you know! Deeply troubled and shallow little Keelai who is a joke gone bad.


So you admit you have dementia. No surprise!

Yet you continue to address me. What does that say about you?



Are you suggesting that, if instead of what (allegedly) occurred, the rabble had huddled together and said "let us pick one person from among us to decide who Pilate should free" and they pick Bob the Tomato, and Bob tells Pilate "I want Barabbas" and Barabbas is freed and Jesus is executed, that this is somehow better?


An open racist calling someone else a racist.

That's rich.


yeah but that person provided sound reasons and evidence.
you didnt


yeah but that person provided sound reasons and evidence.



well , on re reading the thread Kelai was just restationg the evidence provided by the OP

"Let's be clear that racist test was given almost exclusively to black voters - not white.
The purpose of the test was NOT to test literacy or government knowledge, but to stop blacks from voting by making the test as difficult as possible. In other words, it was meant to be failed!"

look at the link , look at the wording of it


Racist defaults to racism because you have nothing, as usual.


You do realize that all voters were given literacy tests, but it turned out that only some voters weren't smart enough to pass them. That you're not smart enough to pass the test doesn't make it racist.


"You do realize that all voters were given literacy tests"

No, they weren't.


I wonder why they're not suppressing the Latino vote instead to counter the illegals coming in along with being a higher % of demographic than blacks. Guess the racism still exists and a higher black population count in those Southern states.


It's probably because Hispanics are more split between parties than black people are.

Suppressing the Latino vote could prevent repubs from winning Florida ever again. It might even go as far as turning Texas blue. A bad idea for repubs all around.


Hispanics and young people are being targeted for voter suppression now since most are democrats.

But, the OP is talking about a 1964 test.

"During Reconstruction Black political power expanded dramatically. More than 1,500 African American men held public office in the South. Sixteen African Americans served in Congress during Reconstruction, and at least 600 served in state legislatures, with hundreds more in local offices.

The Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups mounted violent campaigns against African Americans who voted, ran for office, were economically successful or owned land. White allies were also targets. Because groups like the Klan often drew leaders from “respectable” society, notably law enforcement, it was difficult to prosecute and convict offenders in local and state courts.

Tools of suppression included literacy tests, poll taxes, grandfather clauses, property requirements and other measures to restrict access to the voting booth.

As federal troops left the South, “redeemer” state governments took over, with the goal of recreating the “Old South.”

“Redeemers” were invested in keeping Black voters away from the polls. They wanted to ensure that African Americans would return to being a politically powerless source of labor.

Over the next three decades, the right to vote that African Americans exercised during Reconstruction was lost under white rule in the South. The promise of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments would only be realized in the South in the 1960s, after passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965."


Hmm, you're right.

The only demographic more closely split are just whites while the rest lean left but still a sizable portion of hispanics lean right.


6. The President of the Senate gets his office:

a. by election by the people.
b. by election by the Senate.
c. by appointment by the President.


I thought "none of the above" (or "all of the above") on this one, and sure enough, on one of the other tests (there's like 10 tests) there is this question

2. The President is elected

a. by the Congress.
b. by the direct vote of the people.
c. by the people through electors.

So "c" should be the correct answer for both questions (although "by the people through the Electoral College" would be a better answer.)


I can barely string together a coherent sentence to post on this site.


2. Limits are placed on the right to vote by the

a. National Government.
b. States.
c. courts.


5. The Constitution of the United States places the final authority in our Nation in the
hands of

a. the national courts
b. the States.
c. the people.


Easy, all answers are listed at the end


I'd bet that if this were a written test, not multiple choice, in my high school Government class and I wrote "The President is elected by the people through electors WITHOUT mentioning 'Electoral College'" I wouldn't even get half credit.
