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Now the liberal media is trying to pit Asian Americans against Whites

...up until a few days ago Asians were lumped in with Whites as "privileged" oppressors of the Black and brown.

(I capitalized "Whites" because the left now insist on capitalizing "Black" exclusively, I saw the CC of a documentary about the Ken Burn's "Civil War" series that PBS actually does this. It was sometimes hard to understand the southern accents)


haha yea the funny thing is Asians are twice as discriminated by the sjw woke mob than whites. some Asian has to pray to get into with a medical school with a 4.0 but an afro murican will be welcomed in with open arms with a 3.0 gpa. they want everyone to fight amongest ourselfs while they take our money and send it to israhell


The Atlanta shootings (that had no racist motive) is being fully exploited and they are trying to turn it into the Asian George Floyd event.


As they say, don't let a disaster go to waste. Aren't most massage parlors worked by Asians? That's how I always took it. Me Luv U Long Time be it Thai, Korean, Vietnamese, or other. For here it's that and for taxi it's mostly East Indian drivers.


And customer service via phone is a trip unto itself! It’s so much fun dealing with them when you’re hard of hearing!🤦‍♀️


Speaking of customer service:

Be careful of scammers.


Damn! 🤬🤬🤬🤬


So, is it safe to say you support Asian hate then? That's what you sound like.


How did you jump to that conclusion?


When it comes to white supremacy, nobody is safe! That includes Asians. Especially after a virus that started in an Asian country. Asians have been facing discrimination for decades, but this pandemic made it 10x worse! I wish I can tell you it's not true, but that's unfortunately the country were living in.


Racist!!.... racist everywhere!!!!


How many "white supremists" do you know? I know none.

I'm sure there's a lot of whites who dislike blacks. I dislike blacks that are loud and crazy. I dislike whites too who are the same way.

I judge people individually. Most people do the same.


Let's just unplug the wifi already and throwaway our iphones so we can back to 1996.


What a great year


Can there ever be an attack on white people?
Could that ever be a headline?
If 6 white people are killed?


White Supremacy makes blacks attack Asians... CLASSIC!


The liberal media can sit on the dog shit they're peddling and make it disappear.
