Watch this with caution. It's pretty rough, with no punches pulled.
But I think it's important to fully experience what these officers deal with every day in order to grasp just how false the narrative being peddled by a certain portion of leftist ideologues and irresponsible news commentators is.
The recently released bodycam footage depicting the full TRUTH about the George Floyd incident that led to a fundamental shift in our country and months of baseless riots, vandalism and deaths is even more nullifying to that false narrative.
Anyone promoting, or even just subscribing to, this notion of widespread systemic racism or massive numbers of shootings of unwarranted unarmed "victims" (which statistics show simply isn't true) by police (generalizing and applying it to all police, as opposed to targeting it and calling it out where it may actually exist, and it very well may) should be ashamed of their contribution to the mob mentality that destroyed hundreds of lives and businesses last summer, and that has escalated cancel culture to such an extreme that innocent people are being hurt daily now, promoting more division in this country than has existed in many decades.
Now, I do think there's a valid conversation to be had here of devising more effective long-range non-lethal incapacitation means, but current tools are very expensive. If politicians really cared, why wasn't some pork like that included in the latest $1.9 billion bill?
As I've said in the past, it's mostly white liberals who insist that black people are being executed by the police. White liberals who want to control the narrative so they can control the vote. After the lie has been repeated enough times, people begin to believe it and we have riots over things that didn't happen.
>> Now, I do think there's a valid conversation to be had here of devising more effective long-range non-lethal incapacitation means, but current tools are very expensive. If politicians really cared, why wasn't some pork like that included in the latest $1.9 billion bill?
Good, then you should have pout and whimper over what sparks that conversation, that is the way change happens.
It's easy for people who don't worry about their lives being at risk to criticize those who are putting their lives at risk. Imagine going to work knowing that you could die on the job any day. I wouldn't even begin to imagine. Having said that, and I don't think anyone will disagree, there are a blatant cases of cops killing people that are unwarranted.
Definitely. There are indeed examples of overzealous cops crossing that line. And they get prosecuted for it. Anytime someone is carrying a weapon as a part of their job and they get frightened or angered or nervous, often due to a lack of proper training or vetting (a problem that does really need to be looked at in certain cities), mistakes can be made. But the notion that all cops are running around killing unarmed black men right and left is absurd. It simply doesn't hold up to scrutiny. With few exceptions (and there are a few exceptions) the highly publicized incidents are falsely framed that way, when in the vast majority of them race wasn't remotely a factor, and the cop was justified in discharging their weapon, information that would always surface later but never get covered by mainstream news outlets (in part because it nullifies their false narrative).
I've noticed that lately people like throwing the word "systemic" into everything. Instead of having a proper discussion, just say police are systemically killing black people, and you never have to worry about getting into details. The same thing with "the patriarchy". These are such broad terms and a lot of people like to generalize it.
Indeed. I’m pulling in a multi-part post from a couple of weeks back concerning this matter, and tweaking it a bit to provide further ruminations about the notion of systemic racism since you mention it, in case anyone is curious…
27 unarmed black men were killed during confrontations with police in 2019 (around 259 total if including armed), and yet a recent survey indicates liberals think unarmed black men killed by cops is in the thousands due to what they’re fed by the social media and dishonest news outlets they worship. The perception being peddled is fraudulent and downright dangerous, and the progenitor of all the riots throughout 2020. The statistics do reveal that there is indeed a problem to address regarding black deaths, not just by police but much more so by each other in certain cities. Unfortunately, this is obscured by ideological and political snake oil salesmen. Let’s take a look at some genuine statistics regarding the number of people killed by police in the United States from 2013 to 2019, categorized by “race” (again, race is a false concept, but for some reason humans are still obsessed with labeling people as such).
The demographic percentage of blacks killed by police is indeed higher than other groupings. Why? This should be logical, but it’s because they were engaging in illegal activity, usually armed, that warranted a police response that led to conflict. Not because the perpetrator was black, but because they confronted and threatened police, usually with a firearm, and also happened to be black. It’s not racism. It’s a byproduct of cultural and socioeconomic components that leads to behaviors and activities that put those men in dangerous situations.
Again, there could very well be individual cases where the cop has racist tendencies, but almost all of the highly publicized ones have not been, not once we delve into the truth of those matters with unbiased eyes. Just because a certain racial group has a higher number of deaths doesn’t automatically indicate racism, and evidence suggests it’s mostly other causes (i.e. a higher percentage of blacks commit crimes due to cultural and socioeconomic drivers, therefore a higher percentage have confrontations with police).
The biggest tell is the following statistic: while black men comprise only about 6% of U.S. population (if including women, 13% total), black men (and a few black women) commit around 30% of all crime and 50% of all homicides. I’ll repeat that: 6% of the entire U.S. population commits 30% of all crime, and 50% of all homicides! That’s stunning. This statistic alone explains the higher proportion of black incarcerations and deaths during conflicts with police.
A P.I. and a lawyer I work with on real-world police corruption and false incarcerations where it does in fact exist (power can lead to corruption in weak minds), black, white and otherwise (the stats show it’s not racism) puts me in the thick of it every day. But those with an ivy-league education think they know better, caught up in a dangerous mob of groupthink because they don’t actually have to deal with the real problem. They form opinions not on real-world experiences and stats, but on anecdotes, pervasively biased news reporting, and the child-like worldview of an ideological activist.
A best friend from college who’s black (along with a few other black friends) keeps me in the know on the truth of the situation. His view is that liberal policies are what's racist because built into them is the false idea that blacks (and Hispanics) aren't good enough, talented enough, smart enough, etc. to be successful on their own merits. Intentional or not, these policies trap these communities in a cycle of control, not through force, but with overbearing compassion, doing everything for them instead of teaching them to help themselves (like a “smother” who doesn’t let their child try, fail, learn, and develop to become a functioning adult). Real compassion is about teaching, not oppression through coddling, i.e. free housing, free money, no responsibility. That's his view, anyway. He claims his family rarely experiences real racism. It is out there, no doubt, but it's not nearly as pervasive as the uber-leftist narrative created by white elites suggests, and it is not systemic (unless we count wayward liberal policies that ended up producing unintended consequences).
A quick YouTube search produces a handful of black people with a different perspective. There’s a lot more out there, but I quickly picked this first batch of them as I ran through the list. I also threw in a Ben Shapiro video at the end because it has some merit (although listening to that guy is a bit grating). My point is that it’s worth listening to other perspectives and picking through them for truths that might be summarily dismissed by those locked into an opposing viewpoint. Other than the last video, every one of these is from a “black” person that would argue against everything progressives are espousing.
Everything should be a matter of probability, never fully 100% accepted or dismissed, always ready to adapt as new information is garnered. Once we catch a glimpse of what this means we rise above the lure of groupthink, the trappings of bias, the fallacy of belief (an evolved trait all biological lifeforms on Earth suffer from that was useful during early evolutionary stages, but must be kept in check by individual constituent members of a civilized, transcended society), and can deprogram ourselves from all conditioning. The “right” has always had a belief-based penchant of wanting to hang onto the past tightly, repelling new ideas (thus the moniker of “conservative”), which indeed holds them back. But the left has been so pervasively infiltrated by illogical nuttiness, so influenced by big money and powerful elites, in recent years, that it’s spun out into the ethersphere and far surpassed the cognitive belief-based limitations conservatives possess.
Both sides, in fact all ideologies, are wrong to a certain degree. But after the past decade, the left is barely accurate at all anymore, much more locked into belief in a cult-like fervor than the religious right, and that’s saying something.
There was a point in time when culturally the U.S. and the world as a whole was more of a balance between what society perceives as liberal and conservative viewpoints, but the left has shifted and become so twisted that it now promotes segregation, encourages identity through skin color instead of individual merits, talent and effort, has recently resorted to cultural appropriation (e.g. “be less white”), and all of that narrative is mostly generated from white, pretentious college leaders and corrupt power-hungry politicians, with a goal of inducing radicalization. It is not the liberal worldview of the past. It’s infested by juvenile emotions and controlled by corrupt elites clinging desperately onto power.
The ultra-left’s one-sided, irrational, belief-based bias is clouding any judgement. I just hope that they wake up from their "woke" (to employ a term coined by the youth of today) delusion someday, grow up a little, and see reality for what it is. Because they’re creating their own problems while perpetuating and diminishing the actual problems of others, inciting the very thing they project onto their perceived opponents. THEY are the problem, destroying the once reasonable Democrat party from within, turning everything liberals once stood for on its head. And conservatives are doing little to help.
J.F.K. is rolling in his grave. Oh, for want of an Infinity Gauntlet. Snap!
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
1. Has Heather Mac Donald been cancelled for writing those WSJ and USA Today articles?
2. (From the WSJ article) I can't believe that Obama said that black people had a right to be scared of police during a ceremony where they were honouring 5 dead police officers. There's a time and place to stay that, and that wasn't it.
Just because a certain racial group has a higher number of deaths doesn’t automatically indicate racism, and evidence suggests it’s mostly other causes
I've said this before on this site. Why do people look at proportion and automatically think proportion should always be the same with the percentage of a demographic? Should half of women be on jail because they're half the population?
black men comprise only about 7% of U.S. population, black men commit around 30% of all crime and 50% of all homicides.
Someone directed me to a tweet from Black Lives Matter last week. They tweeted the same stat. I don't have an account anymore so I couldn't read all the responses, but the ones that I was able to read were making fun of them for not realizing that they just called black people criminals. It's almost like they agree, but it "sounds racist" so don't do it.
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But those with an ivy-league education think they know better, caught up in a dangerous mob of groupthink because they don’t actually have to deal with the real problem. They form opinions not on real-world experiences and stats, but on anecdotes, pervasively biased news reporting, and the child-like worldview of an ideological activist.
It's part laziness because they don't want to think and part "playing it safe" because they don't want to be called racist. I'm not liberal or conservative, but I heard a conservative say something to me once that really stuck with me. He said (I'm paraphrasing here): liberalism is the safe way. No one will call you racist if you want an endless amount of immigrants to come to your country. However, if you say you want slow down on immigration so that homeless people can get jobs, you're called racist. He was absolutely right. Liberalism is the safe way. Just say there is systemic racism and the world is under patriarchy rule and you come off as compassionate without any vitriol spewed your way.
Have you heard the song "Fake Woke" by Tom MacDonald? He's a white Canadian rapper who criticizes the woke people. If you type in "Fake Woke reaction" on YouTube, watch any video with a black YouTuber and you'll see how much they agree with him. reply share