MovieChat Forums > Politics > So Trump got secretly vaccinated..

So Trump got secretly vaccinated..

Last month. But he kept it to himself.

Because he's afraid of being cancelled by the mob of deniers and hoax monkeys that he has cultivated.



He and his wife did before leaving office. My question is, I thought he was already vaccinated or cured with the Moderna so why need another? Thought he had the antibodies already. In any case, he's the president so he gets priority as would Biden.


I thought the virus was no big deal and that you shouldn't be scared of it. Now I hear you need several vaccinations.


what made you think the virus "was no big deal and that you shouldn't be scared of it" ?
didnt you see it bring the world to its knees over the last 12 months?


Muh prezudint sez.




The news


What kind of answer is this? By the way what you wrote is just stupid,because Trump always says proudly how he made possible for the vaccines to come fast,saying he saved milions of lives in this way etc. so he always said he is pro-vax


I never said he was anti vax. I said he courted the mugs who voted for him and then donated to his bogus legal challenges and who are also well subscribed with anti vaxxers and conspiracy theorists.

If he's pro vaxx then it begs the question why he was secret about his vaccination instead of promoting it and encouraging more and more people to get one. You know? Healing? Unity?

Nah. He's afraid of being cancelled by his lunatic core.


He's afraid of being cancelled by his lunatic core.

/\ /\ /\




The answer could go either way.
He came out of the hospital claiming he was now immune to the virus and "Felt great". Why would he want to brag about getting the vaccine? On the opposite side, seems to me as he is a self-proclaimed Germaphobe he would want people to know he is double protected.


He wasn't totally immune. The antibodies from being sick ware off eventually.


I know that. That’s what he claimed


He gave Covid-19 to his secret service agents in that drive back to the White House.


Did Trump tell you this or did your deranged mind make it up?

I think I know the answer:

The Orange Man drove you crazy.


Or perhaps he drove YOU crazy (!?!)


I can smell the desperation, coming from you, through my monitors.


If he didn't get it you all would cry he's endangering lives and a denier

You all just want to bitch cause you have rampant TDS


Read the post. It's the fact he hasn't admitted it in public and it's been kept secret until 2 months later that's the problem. Why would I have a problem with him getting a vaccination?


Read my post

You just want to bitch cause you have TDS


And? He started Operation Warp Speed...why wouldn't he take the vaccine he is responsible for getting to the public so fast?

This post reeks of TDS.


"He started Operation Warp Speed...why wouldn't he take the vaccine he is responsible for getting to the public so fast?"

Now that's the real Trump Derangement Syndrome right there.


Lol, no its not. Please point out my anger and rage towards him...

It's not going to work bro. Everyone knows what TDS is, you just look like an idiot. Which isn't very hard for you.


Can't read too huh?

The issue isn't him taking the vaccine. It's keeping it secret for two months.


Since when is someone else's personal health decision-making YOUR business. Ever heard of HIPAA laws?


The former president is a public person and political "leader", therefore it's everyone's business!

Stop deflecting! The point of this subject is Trump for close to a year had downplayed covid and but then sneaked getting a vaccination. That's a cowardly move and a betrayal to his cult.


You said it yourself FORMER which means he's back to being a PRIVATE citizen dumbass


He wasn't a private citizen when he got the vaccine.


And again why is his private health care your business. Go read up on HIPAA laws


You're not very bright are you?

Or you are wilfully ignoring all the times Trump accused his opponents of covering up their health issues. Even mocking them


Much brighter than you that's for sure


He's still public which is why he spoke at CPAC and why my taxes are supporting his security.


LOL I doubt a jobless bum like yourself pays any taxes


You know I'm right which explains your personal attack rather than a legitimate response.


Just think of this. You think of Trump 24 hours a day from your cardboard box and he's never thought of you once LOL


"So Trump got secretly vaccinated.."

As the OP has proven, Trump only thinks about himself. He's killed many of his own followers by telling them not to worry about covid while he sneaks a vaccine for himself. You're his sucker!


And you're a TDS suffering nincompoop parroting the MSM


You know I'm right which explains your personal attack rather than a legitimate response.

It still applies.



Did you forget that the personal health of someone sitting as or running for president is always a matter of public national importance?

Did you forget that there is a pandemic on and the president at the time publicly boasted that the virus was no big deal to him and that it should not affect our lives?

And that he courted the country's anti-vax conspiracy theorists?


And he already had the virus we all know that so who cares if he gets a shot?

Oh right you TDS sufferers


His anti vax supporters care. That's why he kept it secret.



"miss me yet?"
