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The Mask Supremacy


Seriously? Might as well stop breathing. IF you wear x10 masks, the amount of protection jumps to 150% protection. THINK OF THAT! 150% OF SPF protection. On top of that with the vaccine of 95% THAT'S LIKE OVER 200%+ PROTECTION!!! AMAZE BALLZ. Oh, I hear if you soak your masks in the menstrual blood of feminists the virus literally kills itself.


Spread em and Trust Gov to show you luv


So what ... situations change. The only people who get a rise out of this nonsense are the ones who completely fail to understand that there is no one behavior in life that fits all circumstances. It is really sad that so many people are unable to grasp this.

Today was the first day I went out wearing two masks, and also goggles to keep me from rubbing my eyes, and cellophane gloves in my packet in case I need them. Worked fine so far.


Oh, get off of it! Fauci is the last person to take advice from! On again, off again! On again, off again! People are having enough trouble breathing with ONE mask let alone 2 or 3. Headaches, nausea, light headiness is common among people especially those that have a breathing problem.

I’m sure you were a sight to behold! I imagine looking like a human bug...possibly “The Fly”! If Fauci said to rub caca 💩 inside your mask you would do it as Lord Fauci knows all...sees all!


"Headaches, nausea, light headiness is common among people especially those that have a breathing problem."


There are breathable surgical masks which I use. They have 3-layers so I still need only one mask. I may add a shield if I work with the public.

Doubling masks are in reference to people using cloth masks since they have only 1-layer.


Not nonsense

Go look up what Hypoxia is and why those with asthma can't wear a mask


Yes, nonsense. That's been debunked a long time ago.

But, covid does cause hypoxia! I suggest you wear a mask unless you prefer breathing from a ventilator without your family to comfort you in a hospital.

BTW, I have a close relative with asthma who has no problem wearing a mask.

This toddler is more mature than the average whiny entitled American:


What's been debunked is you thinking you know what you're talking about. Run along mask nazi

Btw I have asthma and wearing a mask makes me feel just like kspkap described which is why many countries have exemptions for those with such medical conditions

But I'm sure you random asshat shitlib know more than anyone else


Your first link says zip about masks.

Your second link's author is a nutjob named Makia Freeman whose other articles include:

"10 Reasons that SARS-CoV-2 Is an Imaginary and Theoretical Virus

Unmasking the Truth: Studies Show Dehumanizing Masks Weaken You and Don’t Protect You

How to Create Your Very Own Fake Pandemic

The Coronavirus 5G Connection and Coverup

Who Created Facebook? New Letter from Alleged Insider Claims Zuckerberg is a Frontman for Military Intelligence

5G Danger: 13 Reasons New Millimeter Wave Tech Will Be a Catastrophe for Humanity

Respiratory Therapist Exposes the Fake Virus Pandemic

COVID-19 Umbrella Term to Operate a Fake Pandemic: Not 1 Disease, Not 1 Cause

“No One Has Died From the Coronavirus” – Respected Veteran Bulgarian Doctor

Are the COVID Tests a Way to Surreptitiously Infect or Implant People?

5G Induces Coronaviruses: New Study Models Millimeter Wave Influence on DNA"

Obviously, you're having a problem distinguishing between conspiracy theories and reality.


The first link described what Hypoxia is you dumbass

Here's more on it

There's reality you moron


Who is Adebayo Folorunsho-Francis?
No qualifications.

Links of kooks and Qanoners are irrelevant.

Your reality is a delusional bubble.


MSN are Q-Anons now LOL


She's not from MSN, Einstein. You weren't too bright to link that old article anyway since it only reiterates my point. The last two paragraphs say it's imperative that people wear masks.


Everyone just has to look down this thread to see how bright you are... Idiot


At least I can differentiate between an article from MSN and a Nigerian website. Yes, you are an idiot!


Except you just called MSN a QAnon link


You need to be more responsible during a time when so many Americans are suffering because they lost someone. Whether online or in your personal life, spreading lies and propaganda related to how people can best protect themselves and others during a pandemic isn't ethical, moral or patriotic. Help contain covid by practicing behavior which protects lives from covid. Don't spread conspiracy theories.


You need to eat a dick. If you want to wear a mask like a good little sheeple that's your fucking business. I'm sure if they told you covid was passed through farts and the only way to stop it was to wear a buttplug youd shove one right up your ass.

Have fun with your 4 masks on going shopping idiot


You're the one repeating QAnon talking points, "sheeple".

425,000 dead Americans from covid prove you're wrong.

Stop spreading the virus and conspiracy theories.


Stop breathing you oxygen thief


Ew! You're a Covey Spreader! Nasty!


All these ass-play drops lately are getting me kinda hot...


Awesome post! Lmao. People are fvcking sheep when it comes to fear. It's pathetic at this point. You wanna control people? Induce fear. It's the most powerful emotion imo. I've never wanted to move to a deserted island more than I do now.


Well, you can’t expect common sense from Democrat lemmings! 🙄 Fear is one of the reasons Harris/Biden got elected. Trump didn’t play the part of “Chicken Little” running to and fro while yelling “Covid-19 is here! You need to mask up, glove up, goggle up, wear a mask while having sex, shelter in place, report your neighbors for not wearing masks, etc., etc.!

“The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”



How dare you quote FDR!

FDR founded the March of Dimes to help stop polio which was the epidemic at that time. He focused on prevention, treatments and science. March of Dimes was instrumental in creating the polio vaccine!

The only lemming is you by following your QAnon cult off a cliff to join the already 425,000 dead Americans.


If i saw you wearing 2 masks, I'd point and laugh at you for being such a sheep.


Literally did that at Petsmart yesterday this woman had 2 on. Also saw a girl skydiving on Tinder with a mask on in one of pics LOL skydiving and wearing a mask .... Idiots


I see people driving alone with a mask all the time. Fear makes people stupid.


There has been reports of parents putting the damn things on infants! Infants! They should be arrested for child abuse! If not that, arrested for being so damn stupid!! Sometimes ya just can’t fix stupid...who happen to be most of the Democrat lemmings with 1 Megohm from ear to ear! 🙇🏼‍♀️


“And if you stop breathing altogether, you’ll become immune, experts found.”


LOL! 😅😂🤣


Still no link.


God damn you're dumb


At least I know how to provide proper links, Einstein.


But not smart enough to know why dead people can't spread or get covid



"why dead people can't spread covid"

I'm a lot smarter than you:

"Though we are still learning more about how COVID-19 spreads, it may be possible that you could get COVID-19 by touching the body of a deceased person who had confirmed or suspected COVID-19 prior to the body being prepared for viewing."



And I bet your dumbass believes that. You better wear 10 mask when you go humping corpses



Can you link to one doctor or nurse who has had that issue?


just go to the morgue to see people who have stopped breathing.


Surgical masks have never killed a doctor or nurse by preventing them to breathe.


true, but if you stop breathing then a mask does no good.


It's a fact that Coronavirus stops breathing and masks help to prevent Coronavirus therefore you should wear a mask.

Whining about wearing a mask at this point is entitled behavior on your part.


thats what I just said, when you stop breathing, you will no longer have to wear a mask.


I take it everyone here wears shoes. And even socks. Right?


Do you wear them over your face?


No I wear a face mask on my face. These are foot masks.


was a great idea to storm capitol and not wear a mask so you could be identified like the 400 so far great job


Not to mention removing themselves from the gene pool (and thus the electorate) at a higher rate than mask wearers. I really do appreciate that.


They aren't pussy antifa members who are afraid to show their face and stand up for what they believe in.


Wah wah wah waaaah, wah wah wah. Waaaaaaah.


Doctor Fauci keeps going back and forth on mask wearing; wear them don’t wear them. Seriously, how are we suppose to believe anything he says????


We can't. Best to ignore and continue living life.


