“Joe Biden has revoked an executive order from President Trump that was aimed at keeping foreign countries and firms away from America’s bulk power systems, especially entities tied to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).”
”China Has ‘First-Strike’ Capability To Melt U.S. Power Grid With Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon”
They only pick arguments that are handed to them on a platter, ignoring the hypocrisies in the process. They can’t defend things like this...they will most likely just call you “racist” like they do everyone else. Haha.
Still no comments from the lefty Democrats. They can’t defend it because Biden is playing cozy with China! Without a doubt the alt left Democrats haven’t met a Communist yet they didn’t like! Is there any doubt they prefer the Communist form of government? Obama loved Castro!
It's caused a pause, not a rescind. Yeesh. Talk about throwing fuel to an open fire. 90 day suspension from further rule making until they are reviewed by a Biden-appointed head or another delegate. Not even worried about this as this will mostly pass. Did you even bother to read the article before you made your post?
“The Secretary of Energy and the Director of [Office of Management and Budget] shall jointly consider whether to recommend that a replacement order be issued.”
”China has suggested potential warming of relations with the U.S. under Biden’s leadership.”
The above sentence says it all. And, yes I read the articles before posting! Biden has paused, rescinded, revoked for 90 days. Take your pick.
”China used stolen U.S. technology to develop at least three types of high-tech weapons to attack the electric grid and key technologies that could cause a surprise “Pearl Harbor” attack that could produce a deadly blackout to the entire country.”
”The phenomenon of a large electromagnetic pulse is not new. The first human-caused EMP occurred in 1962 when the 1.4 megaton Starfish Prime thermonuclear weapon detonated 400 km above the Pacific Ocean.
One hundred times bigger than what we dropped on Hiroshima, Starfish Prime resulted in an EMP which caused electrical damage nearly 900 miles away in Hawaii. It knocked out about 300 streetlights, set off numerous burglar alarms, and damaged a telephone company microwave link that shut down telephone calls from Kauai to the other Hawaiian islands.
And that was from 900 miles away.
On the natural side, in 1989, an unexpected geomagnetic storm triggered an event on the Hydro-Québec power system that resulted in its complete collapse within 92 seconds, leaving six million customers without power. The storm resulted from the Sun ejecting a trillion-cubic-mile plume of superheated plasma, or ionized gas.”
Question: Do you read the articles? It only took 92 seconds for the above to occur. China will have 90 DAYS! Geez! 🙇🏼♀️ The question to begin with is, why pause, rescind, revoke or whatever? Why give China an open door to our grid system?
why do you ask for anyone else input when you have already invented the narrative in your head and decided everything and nothing will ever dissuade you. you dont want a convo. you want an echo chamber
Just because China has suggested doesn't mean Biden will go for it. You've drank the Beijing Biden kool-aid thinking he's all in on China. Imo he wants China to play fair and instead of isolating allies like Trump has done, he wants to bring them in as a group against China. US is only about 15-25% global GDP. Add that with allies and you have the GDP of those affecting collectively against China as well. That's what I call a powerhouse hit, not isolationist battle.
You're thinking small and not big. You pay nations so they don't send their garbage to you by helping them fix their problems at home so they can deal with the issues there be it migration/refugees or other.
And that text you quoted is just a theoretical scenario that has never happened. You could any fit anything else in there to drum up your fears further if you want. Woulda, coulda, shoulda. You're assuming in 90 days they'll automatically EMP the US or some drummed up conspiracy. The Biden administration put out a blanket pause on most if not all of Trumps policies until proper people have been confirmed in the Senate hearings to review these policies in question and to act accordingly if they were justified or not.
If I wrong on this, you can make fun of me all you want. If I am right that it will be fine, someone refer to this post again because someone will have some ball sucking to do.
” Just because China has suggested doesn't mean Biden will go for it. You've drank the Beijing Biden kool-aid thinking he's all in on China. Imo he wants China to play fair and instead of isolating allies like Trump has done, he wants to bring them in as a group against China. US is only about 15-25% global GDP. Add that with allies and you have the GDP of those affecting collectively against China as well. That's what I call a powerhouse hit, not isolationist battle.”
I believe you are the one who has drank the Biden Kool-aid. You are dreaming if you think China is going to “play fair”! The country which released a deadly virus is going to “play fair”? When have they ever played fair?
”Progressives seem to have a new message when it comes to rampant wrongdoing by China. “Who cares?” Brazenly stealing technology and illegally manipulating currency. “Who cares?” Allowing carbon emissions to rise unchecked while encouraging developed countries to handicap their own economies in the name of fighting climate change. “Who cares?” Threatening the sovereignty of American allies by illegally constructing military bases in international waters. “Who cares?”
”Democrats have gone right along with this “see no evil” approach toward the polluting ways of China, demanding that Americans bear the burden of drastic emissions cuts, while turning a blind eye to the fact that Beijing has adamantly refused to take any actions that might harm the Chinese economy. Nearly every Democratic presidential candidate is proposing a radical environmental agenda that would cripple the American economy, while doing nothing to make China cut down on its carbon emissions.”
I still say putting a “pause” on anything regarding China is a dangerous road to travel. To put it bluntly...you don’t give China the 92 seconds and you sure don’t give them 90 Days! If you think China is going to sing Kumbaya with Biden...sigh. Biden was VERY friendly China during the Obama admin
The Dems are street fighters. They will not turn on one another. They are like a pack of wild dogs who will eat you alive! Republicans are cowards and will turn on others if it benefits them! Mitt Romney is the worst. How could Trump win with enemies in his own party? Have you ever seen Democrats form a group “Democrats Against ????” akin to “Republicans Against Trump”? Hell No!
Republicans when asked to form a firing squad...comply by forming a circle aimed at each other!
”Here are all of the House Republicans who voted to impeach Donald Trump”
Biden is the lesser of two evils. We're stuck in a two party system and both parties are controlled by big donor corporations. My hope is for Biden to use federal government resources to develop a nationwide plan to combat covid-19. That's the only reason I voted for swamp creature Biden. While Trump did allocate resources towards a vaccine, he did not invest in methods to prevent the spread. Trump even stopped talking about covid-19 when he realized that it was out of control.
Biden suspended the order for ninety days so we'll see if a new policy is adopted. The Trump administration launched a bunch of anti-China attacks when they should have been packing their bags. The Trump administration was trying to sabotage US-China relations on their way out the door.
Actually he’s not the lesser of two evils. Why? Because he’s a puppet whose mental state is deteriorating. The alt left is pulling his strings. And Trump was correct in his handling of China. Without a doubt China released the Covid-19 in retaliation for Trump standing up to China. Biden is already kissing China’s arse!
At least we know Biden's not using Covid to line his pockets like we know was the case with Trump. Your manhunk lust object put his boy-in-law Kushner in charge of vaccine distribution and whaddya know? Biden did an accounting today and a million vaccines are missing. It completely explains the flood of vaccines that hit the black market the last month Trump was in office.
At the end of the day your orange manhunk is a corrupt huckster in ways that Biden is not. It's nice having competence back in the driver's seat at the top.
The object of your cultlust is just inept. His greatest skill is as a swindler duping ideological tools like you.