MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why do you think the name was changed fr...

Why do you think the name was changed from...

'global warming' to 'climate change'?

That way anything that happens can be shoehorned in under the ridiculous assumption that human activity has a significant impact on the climate. The hottest period in earth's history was 50 million years before the first human was even thought of.


not sure, i think it changed after gore claimed the world was going to end 2012. the climate change moniker is even worse because the earths climate has been changing for billions of years.

if these hippies truly want to save the world then we would need to go back to a pre-industrial civilization.


Actually, in the 1970s, climate "experts" were worried about the world cooling off, and warned about the oncoming "ice age" that would imprison the whole world in ice and snow for centuries.

When that stupid stunt of junk science didn't play out, and the world got warmer, they decided to switch the propaganda to "Help! The world's gonna heat up! The polar ice caps are gonna melt and flood the world! And it's all our fault!" I remember hearing about that BS when I was a kid in the 90s, and I believed a lot of it, due to all the "evidence" they showed in movies, tv, science museum films, etc. One of the most entertaining predictions involved Venice and New York City being flooded to the point that Venice would be lost, and New York would have to be abandoned, save for the upper levels of its skyscrapers. You should have heard the BS about polar bears in "An Inconvenient Truth" (a very stupid, skewed film that I refused to watch, and real scientists found about 17 different inaccuracies in it). It too warned of the impending doom that global warming would cause in the 2010s.

Well, the 2010s climate-related disasters. None. Small wonder the sequel to "An Inconvenient Truth" was met with so few people buying tickets. All that doom and gloom Al Snore was promoting never happened, making him and his followers look like idiots. (The gigantic, energy-inefficient house Al Snore lives in over in Malibu rang a few alarm bells about his sincerity as well)

So then, they had to change the title of the narrative to "climate change," since it kept changing and not meeting up with their expectations. More than once people have noted how the world actually got colder in recent years, and posted pictures of people at "climate change" conferences with blowing snow behind them, saying "Global Warming?"

These "climate change" cultists have gotten so desperate that they will blame any environmental/weather disaster on "climate change," instead of looking for the real cause.

For example: this summer, we had some really nasty heat domes, it was very dry in much of the US, and we had more wildfires than usual in CA. Turns out that it's not "climate change." We're going through a La Niña year (2020), where the southern Pacific turns unusually cold, and causes weather changes similar to El Niño, but worse. This happens frequently, and is a natural phenomenon, even if it's not well understood. CA also has had more wildfires because those idiot greenies won't let us clean up the undergrowth in the forest, or cut down dead trees, so we end up turning our forests into tinder-boxes whenever a dry thunderstorm, downed powerline, or some inattentive idiot with a campfire shows up. There have also been rumors of arsonists that were hired to make things worse than they already were, to promote the "climate change" narrative. That, and the CA state govt. wanted to squeeze PG&E for more money as well as turning them into scapegoats for all the wildfires, even if the power company had nothing to do with them.

A few years ago, CA was suffering from 4 years of drought, and then a really strong El Niño showed up. Turns out, if you live long enough to observe, there's always a big long drought before one of those types of El Niño's shows up! That's not human-caused climate change at all!

So you see why I'm very skeptical about these idiots who want to fine people to death over "causing climate change," when in fact, our climate has been changing since earth got an atmosphere.


I grew up mostly in the 80's and the Boogey man back then was CFC's destroying the ozone layer. We were all supposed to be burnt to a crisp by now if what they were saying was true.

Here's what no one ever brings up. There has always been "climate change" long before factories and human's were able to create anything that could even (supposedly) effect the environment.


It's true. From what scientists have been able to gather from fossil and rock records (and even they admit this probably isn't entirely accurate), but it's theorized that blue algae formed in earth's oceans about 3 billion years ago, and started producing oxygen that helped build up the atmosphere we have today. The moment our planet got an atmosphere, the climate started changing, and has continued to change for 3 billion years.

There's fossil and rock evidence that shows that 220 million years ago (which is the beginning of the Age of the Dinosaurs), earth didn't even have polar icecaps. It was so warm that at the poles, it was jungle that would just get a bit frosty in wintertime, whereas at the equator, in the central deserts of Pangaea, it was soooo hot that nothing could really survive there.

There's more evidence that there were a few ice ages preceding the last one, one of which, froze our entire planet in ice and snow. The earth only warmed up again because of volcanic activity.

There was climate change going on, long before the Industrial Revolution. There is evidence in the Sahara Desert of Africa, that there was a time when it was cooler and green! Or things changed in the ancient world, regardless of how many wood fires were burned. Even the Year Without A Summer cannot be attributed to human pollution; it was caused by a violent, volcanic eruption.

Basically, these "climate change" cultists made up this whole scheme to make money. One of their number even admitted it! The whole idea was to swindle rich, industrialized nations of their money through strangling regulations, but the 3rd world (including China) can get away with all the pollution they want.

That, and the Naked Communist points out that socialist ideas could easily be cloaked in "environmentalism."


I have noticed that all these Climate change policies seem to cost people more money and put many others out of work. I do not think that is a coincidence at all.

In Australia we call the Green Party "Watermelons" - Green on the outside, Red inside.


Wow. That is so "clever" it might almost pass for real thoughtfulness. An easy phrase to grab onto by the dumb mass while not understanding the real issue. Well done, (sarcasm alert)


Better than black lives matter and defund the police.


I agree with what you are saying but the cutting down of all the rainforest, digging holes in the earth and draining her of her blood, the overpopulation of people, the diminishing of wildlife and important insects that make the world go round, fishing out the seas, and the abundance of emissions and smokestacks in the air can not be good for the Earth. I don't care what side of the political spectrum you are on but the overpopulation of people is 100% making a negative impact on the Earth's "healthiness."


I agree about over population too but the irony, is that the Left are the ones who like to boost immigration and so the tracts of land and especially farmland get eaten up by more housing, more pollution by the extra people. They play the game from both ends it doesn't make sense. You would think you would want to keep populations smaller not allow them to grow, especially artificially.


Immigration does not equal population.
Denying people opportunity isn't going to lessen population, unless it's the most selfish and morbid variety.


We shouldn't be giving people fr other countries opportunities as it tends to lessen opportunities for our own.

I know the idea of immigration satisfies your morbid selfish vision but it's just not a good thing.

In terms of immigration not equating to population?

You truly are a brainwashed left wing stooge.


You are truly a brainwashed wrong wing stooge.

See how productive that was?

This is the Land of Opportunity. If we fail in that ethic, then we are as bad as all the other insular countries that claim it's All About Us. Sure, we can lock up our riches and think we are kings, or we can make the World a better place by accepting immigrants and making acceptance and compassion the credo to live by, not I've Got Mine so fuck you.
Sure it's a messy process, but you either have a Code of Ethics, or you just operate like a band of thieves doing whatever is expedient.


Talk about compassion to the homeless or to the women raped and sexually assaulted by third world scum that you want to let in.


If you think every immigrant is looking for an opportunity to rape and assault our citizens says more about you than it says about them.
And a reasonable person wants reasonable measures to allow immigration - not Open Borders and letting every miscreant come here. That's a shibboleth people like you want to promulgate.
We need to, as a moral statement to the World, let people come here and have a fair shot at prosperity. That's what USA stands for - Liberty and Justice For All.


Wake the fuck up.


Try to explain yourself better than this.
I thought being "woke" was a bad thing.
So try again as to what I don't get.


What part of what I said was too complicated for your simple brain?


And yet who takes the blame for it? The people who don't actually live there.

I read an incredible story on Quora about a British child in 1987 who wanted to study rain forest animals, and he had sent an unhappy letter to the Prime Minister of Malaysia, telling him he should stop chopping down trees and destroying the rain forest where he lived, or there would be no more rain forest in the future, all the animals would be gone, it would ruin humanity's future, and that it would be all his people's fault.

The Prime Minister wrote an epic letter back, basically telling the kid to shut up and learn the truth, and ripping his handlers a new one.

See, the PM of Malaysia knew that this kid did not write this letter on his own. In fact, he saw straight through the fact that the kid had been manipulated by adults who had an agenda, and were using this ignorant kid as a front to make an environmentalist statement. So the letter was actually more for the child's handlers than for the kid himself, though it was important that he read it too.

The PM wrote that the reason they had lumber companies on his islands in the first place was to provide jobs for the people who lived there. If they stopped doing that, many of his people (who were very poor) would be out of a job and starving. He went on to say that they did have wildlife preserves, where the lumber companies were not allowed to touch the trees, hunters were not allowed to harm the animals, and farmers were not allowed to grow crows.

The PM then completely torpedoed the kid's nationalistic idea that the British had run things better when they had owned the islands. He wrote about how the British had planted rubber trees in the area, only employed British people to harvest them, and then sent all the money back to England, not once benefiting the local people. It was all for England. It was only now, with actual Malaysians running the joint, that the locals could be uplifted out of poverty, and not treated like scum for being who they were.

He finally pointed out that if the child wanted to yell at someone, he should yell at his own people over destroying nearly all the forests in England. Evidently this guy had studied England's past, and found out the island used to be covered in forests full of wild animals; but over the centuries, the island became full of more people, and the forests are now almost completely gone, as are many of their wild animals. He actually told this kid in his letter that he should try studying animals in his own backyard before considering studying rain forest animals.

I felt like applauding the guy after reading that letter. Someone needs to send a letter like that to old Potato Face Greta and her shithead dad.

Here's the link to Quora:


You consistently lay claim to be one of the most deplorable people on this forum.
If this is a point of pride for you, I don't know what to say. smh


I thought it was because the climate wasn't warming so they had to shift the goal posts.


They're like the Woke Crowd; always changing the rules and goalposts so they can "get" people for committing the "crime" of being non-PC.


Yep, back in the 80's for example it was all about inclusiveness as far as immigration and multi cult went, it didn't matter your religion, skin colour, where you were from etc, we all considered ourselves Australian. Now they let these people move their countries within our borders and it creates more division and that is exactly what their true intent was all along.


Actually the cause run by international globalists for communism has been relabeled at least a half dozen times since the 1970s. The label changes, but the solution is always the same. More communism, more Democrats.

Peek oil
Global cooling
Ozone hole
Global warming
Climate change
Climate disruption

With the success they’ve had using the covid farce to manipulate the brainless lemmings we can expect a move from climate yada yada to more biotech themed scare tactics. Dont forget to submit and wear your pointless mask.


Well, because you can get 100% of scientists to agree with the statement that the climate is changing, because it always has and always will. But it is harder to get that percentage when you say the climate is getting warmer.


Anyone who doesn't see the climate is getting warmer by the numbers is not a scientist.


"It was warm today. Isn't it supposed to be winter?
It was cold today. What's with Global Warming, haw haw."
These people think every weather report is an indictment against Climate Change, and it's a Conspiracy.

Just give up. Let rich people make as much $$ as possible, ruin the environment for their benefit, and support them to your last dying breath. Don't ask questions, don't raise concerns, be a good little tool and go along with what they tell you. Of course an exploding population with the enormous use of fossil fuels doesn't have any effect on the environment. Why should it? We can do whatever we want, pollute as much as we want, there are no consequences, fuck everyone who says otherwise.


Just look at the numbers and shove the rest of all the unhinged nonsense.


I'm not sure what you are referring to and if I should not participate here, ignore my gut reactions to all the hate and disinformation I see, without stating numbers to back it up, then - okay.

Intuitively, I know things coming from the wrong wing are manipulated and fucked up to high heaven. It's like Nazis trying to reason with us that it's okay to discriminate and exterminate because life will be better.

Maybe I should just shut up and stand on the sidelines. Very frustrating, but if you know better ....


Check out some of the interview videos done by Richard Muller, a climate science skeptic who once he and some famous scientists did the review on the numbers determined the the Earth is warming, and that warming trend tracks exactly with the generation of CO2 by humans, and only by that. Nothing else, no volcanos, no sunspots or cycles of the planets or stars, just the amount of CO2 generated by humans.


Welp, unless the ultimate plan is to pretty much kill off the majority of the population...then we're fucked and there's no reason to go full eco-fascist is there?


Global Warming assumes a definite conclusion and lost its impact after several predictions all fell flat. Same happened with "Global Cooling" in the 60s/70s thats why it was changed to global warming.

"Climate Change" is very vague and an inherently tyrannical term that can be molded into whatever agenda is being driven.


No it's not, and you are just someone who posts nonsense all day to bug people.


Hey, I respect your right to hold an opinion. Fortunately it's just an opinion and not reality.

Also, Two more predictions are going to expire on Thursday!


Maybe we just need to pollute more so the aerosols can reflect the sun rays back into the atmosphere and create the cooling effect again to then control global warming and affect climate change? hohoho


Their BS didn't pass any smell test so they changed the name to be confusing as hell to the unlearned observer which did help them a bit. But they are liars so who gives a F what it is called.
