Haha, thing is, I'm not even making fun of people. I'm just telling it like it is. Making fun of people won't do any good (as tempting as it is), it just makes them retreat into their cave further.
Truth is you can't argue with Covid deniers, climate deniers, and people who think they know better than science etc. They believe those things because they WANT to believe those things. And that is because it keeps them from feeling any responsibility for things they're doing that might be contributing to a worldwide issue... it's much easier to live in a fantasy world where these things just don't exist. I mean, let's be honest, from a totally selfish point of view, Covid sucks. It sucks that we can't do all the things right now that we once loved. Having big gatherings, not having to wear these ugly masks around our friends. So instead of taking responsibility and making sacrifices like everyone else is doing, they go into a state of denial... problem solved!
No amount of science is going to make them think differently unfortunately, because it isn't about that. Maybe if they have a serious case of it, or there's a death in the family... that's the only thing that could possibly change their minds. Until then, it's fingers in ears time.