MovieChat Forums > Politics > Death threats.

Death threats.

Bannon just got himself permanently banned from Twitter. Is this guy a covert Satanist?


No he's a fucking lunatic like all the alt-right fascists.


Yeah, but don't these people make you wonder??


No he's a fucking lunatic like all the alt-right fascists.

Yeah, and a lunatic like all of the left wing fascists as well! You forgot that part. Extremists on BOTH sides are insane, disgusting human beings.


I'm sorry, but is antifa trying to shoot up ballot counting centers?


I don’t tell me. Antifa might be too busy burning down cities, and killing and hurting innocent people in the streets to worry about ballot counting centers.

Don’t be a hypocrite and think only one side has nutbag extremists.


Right wing extremists are typically more dangerous and have racked up the higher body count. It's why you don't hear about antifa trying to kidnap governors or shoot up vote counting centers.


Oh Jesus Christ...🤦🏻‍♂️

Ok then. Not even worth it.

People are such a lost cause at this point. 😂


yes you aren't worth it. nobody here is taking you seriously


I’m glad you speak for everyone on these boards. What should I do now self proclaimed emperor of the politics board on movie chat?

Better get to your ANTIFA meeting. You have some buildings to burn down and some innocent people to beat to death tonight, but nah, you’re right, there are no left wing extremists.


lol im antifa now? you just proved my point. anyone who disagrees is antifa. anything bad the republicans do, "well what about antifa!"

you have an obsession issue.

where did I say no left wing extremist? seriously learn how to read. again you are an embarrassment and no one takes you seriously you sad loser


Yep. Sure do. Very obsessed over here. 🙄

And being called a loser on a movie message board by some random progressive toolbag geek...that’s priceless. 😂

Have a great night.


defending death threats with whataboutism. priceless.

can you stay on topic for one second? and not cry about antifa instead?

I know its hard to be focused and be a man and take responsibility for your side but you can do it. it'll only hurt a second


You telling anyone to be a man is absolutely classic! I would put my entire savings on you being a basement dwelling pussy. Haha.

Two messages ago I told you what I thought should happen to ANYONE who hurts innocent people, but you obviously didn’t read or care about that statement. Still only out to vilify.

I don’t have a side. I’m an American. I want our country to succeed no matter who is in charge. People like you would love to see our country burn just so you could be proven right. You’re just as horrible as you claim the people you hate are.


"You telling anyone to be a man is absolutely classic! I would put my entire savings on you being a basement dwelling pussy. Haha."

says the conservative scared of 110lb loser antifa college kids. ouch

"wo messages ago I told you what I thought should happen to ANYONE who hurts innocent people, but you obviously didn’t read or care about that statement. Still only out to vilify. "

its not about vilifying "your side more than mine!"

its about staying on topic. recognizing what YOUR SIDE is doing. and being a man and not doing whataboutisms.

"I don’t have a side. I’m an American. I want our country to succeed no matter who is in charge. People like you would love to see our country burn just so you could be proven right. You’re just as horrible as you claim the people you hate are."

I dont have a side. I just "90% of the time line up with republicans" yes we know we have heard this before.

im literally saying the opposite. that people threatening violence against pollsters are wrong. while you dow hataboutisms..

yes im horrible because I stay on topic and trying to hold conservatives accountable.

saying "dont do whataboutisms focus on the topic which is those threatening violence against pollsters" is just as horrible as those people.

wow. just when you think sut64 cant reach new levels of stupidity. he does it in remarkable fashion


"I don’t have a side. I’m an American."

stop pretending to be the unbiased middle man just trying to give a fair analysis of things unsullied by partisanship. it takes tow seconds to see you are a foaming at the mouth republican. and by "want what's best for america" just means "my guy is best for america and should win"

here's some other non biased gems from the ohh so reasonable SUt6432

"The 4 year liberal adult temper tantrum will finally be over. The CONSTANT whining, bitching, crying, and utter pathetic behavior should cease for a little bit...until something else sends them back to their “safe spaces” for a “cry in”. "

"The mainstream media could TRY to return to some sense of logic and rationality, knowing that their arch nemesis was finally taken down, so they can see themselves as the “heroes” who took him down, and then maybe they could even try some unbiased and factual reporting? "

"I think a lot of people on this politics board need to come back to actual real life, and to sanity. Society needs it. There’s more to life than politics. And I’m not sorry to anyone who is “offended“ by this clip. Have a great day! "

No ones buying your fake facade as you foam at the mouth, red faced, being triggered by other leftists mere existence and daring to disagree and have other opinions than you.

we get it. only conservatives love america, want what's best and want america to flourish liberals hate everything, their country, their fellow citizens. they probably punch puppies and kill grandmas.

we get it fascism lite 101. dehumanize the enemy and only you stand for "the good"


Hahaha. It’s been a while since I’ve had a stalker on here. I stand by everything I say on this site. I find liberals in general to be much more obnoxious than conservatives lately...which you have proved 100%. Thank you for reading through my past posts though, and quoting them for everyone. I appreciate it. Those are some gems, and I’m happy I wrote them. Have a great day.


a stalker aka I respond to your posts with evidence.. wow.. how crazy.. sorry you dont like what it exposes

" I find liberals in general to be much more obnoxious than conservatives lately...which you have proved 100%"

LOL have you been paying attention to this at all?? conspiracy theory posts, posts saying they are leaving this message board and americas doomed.

you've been destroyed. you can move along now loser


Whatever helps you sleep at night. I’m sure you need this site much more than I do. Take care stalker.


get to your safe space! you cant handle a discussion because everything comes back to you crying and whining about something else.

you will be a man one day, but my guess is you are old and mentally deteriorating


but my guess is you are old and mentally deteriorating

I’m 37. Not quite there yet. That’s a pretty good statement about the man just elected President though, lol, but it’s ok, because the other guy says mean things.

This is not a discussion we’re having, you’re a nut job moviechat stalker who seems to be going off the rails. I’ve been bored of this for the last four messages you’ve sent. When someone bores me I go chat somewhere else.

I made a comment to point out the hypocrisy of someone saying alt right extremists are psychos, but ignoring any psychotic left extremists from doing any wrong in the world, and he just busted out generalization after generalization. I do it sometimes too. We all do. But I felt like pointing that one out.

I get it, you’re a “tolerant” liberal who is “on the right side of history”, etc. and all conservatives are racist, sexist, and whatever other “-ist” words you want to bust out. More power to you. We can be done now.


"I’m 37. Not quite there yet. That’s a pretty good statement about the man just elected President though, lol, but it’s ok, because the other guy says mean things.

SO what's your excuse then? um wtf does my comment have to do with trump saying stuff? Jesus man. STAY ON TOPIC. make coherent connected points. like I said. mental deterioration.

"This is not a discussion we’re having, you’re a nut job moviechat stalker who seems to be going off the rails. I’ve been bored of this for the last four messages you’ve sent. When someone bores me I go chat somewhere else.

You made a claim. acting like you weren't biased or partisan. I decided to researching clicking on the first two posts you made to verify your political bias. How dare I use facts and evidence. must mean "stalker".

Ive never sent you a message.. this a board and I have commented (remember my comment about mental deterioration. you keep proving it)

"I made a comment to point out the hypocrisy of someone saying alt right extremists are psychos, but ignoring any psychotic left extremists from doing any wrong in the world, and he just busted out generalization after generalization. I do it sometimes too. We all do. But I felt like pointing that one out. "

There was no hypocrisy. They made a comment about one thing they didn't say "I dont like that but this but im oaky if this group I like does it!"

what happened was he made a comment about the far right, and you tried to do whataboutism and change the subject

(remember when I said about your mental state deteriorating?)

its like there being an article about the Soviet Union. me saying "stalin and the communists were murderous scum". and you saying "what about hitelr!?!?! why aren't you bringing up Hitler! omg hipocryte!"

No one was ignoring them. You just didn't like he didn't bring them up like you did.

"I get it, you’re a “tolerant” liberal who is “on the right side of history”, etc. and all conservatives are racisst, sexist, and whatever other “-ist” words you want to bust out. More power to you. We can be done now."

LOL WTF are you talking about? remember? mental deterioration? you make up these narratives in your head. Get mad others aren't bringing up things, then call them a hypocrite cause they didn't bring up an unrelated thing.

You are so stupid its painful


Shortly after this post of mine, he falsely accused me of stalking him in another thread. He's been easy for me to read since I first discovered him at 90 posts.


Yeah, he’s obviously a wack job. It was fun for a while, but I’m bored with it.


antifa means, ain't f*****g anything. Made up by the wrong wing as a distraction away from their own gun-toting goons. They can't justify their home-grown militarism without having someone to fight against. Ergo - "antifa" which doesn't exist.


"I don’t tell me."

no no no. its YOU tell us and provide evidence. Jesus have none of the republicans on movie chat even taken a first year introduction to philosophy or know how burden of proof works?

"antics doing bad things!!! therefore threatening to shoot up ballot counting centres is okay!""

failing the burden of proof and whataboutism in a nut shell


All I said is there are nut bags on both sides, and instead of any of you on here simply admitting that, you’ve chosen to generalize what you think my political beliefs are and start putting words in my mouth.

You are so brainwashed by your own political beliefs that you can’t even acknowledge that there are people on the left who threaten people with death and hurt other people as well. It’s sad and hysterical at the same time.

I don’t condone anyone shooting up anywhere, right wing or left wing, and anyone who does kill innocent people should be set on fire in public as far as I’m concerned.

It just shows how in the toilet our politics in this country are, not that they ever were anything special. When a horrible act is committed, the first thing dipshits like you do is try to find out what their political affiliation is to get a “one up” on the other side.


the post was about right wingers at polling stations. and you chose to do whataboutism.

LOL im so brainwashed I never voted Biden, ever voted democrat, and have multiple posts on here crapping on them.


you are a pathetic loser. go away you piece of garbage


Care to supply a list of cities that have been burned down by the phantom aren't believable?
Seriously. Portland Oregon is still standing and doing fine, so what other cities have been burned down?


You follow the news. You know what cities were damaged by riots over the summer. Do your own fucking homework.


where are all the top democrats making insane claims like this?. im sorry but some college antifa kids twitter is not "the Democratic Party"


They should all be murdered!


Steve the Impaler


Where do you get 'covert' from?


He's pretty open about being evil, isn't he?

Has he come right out and admitted to serving Satan? I wouldn't be surprised, although Hubbard was up front about his supposed "reincarnation" of Satan and look at his followers.


Even Trump Jr. is trying to incite violence with his "war" threats. Both men should be investigated.

Speaking of which, isn't Bannon already in hot water for fraud?

I'm sad to say it but I fully understand why most of the world is leery of trusting us ever again. Just look at everything that's happened and the massive millions of Americans who are 100% on board with NAZI-level tactics in this country.

It's scary as all hell.


I don't know how inciting violence can be legal - and you would think especially for a President.


Beheaded... Only Islamists talk like that. Looks like Bannon is getting radicalized.


Islamic jihadist from Satanist though would be a downgrade.


I thought radicalization had nothing to do with Islam?
