MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden says, "NO, voters DON'T DESERVE to...

Biden says, "NO, voters DON'T DESERVE to know" his position on court packing!

The voters DON'T DESERVE TO KNOW where Biden stands on packing the courts. Yes, he REALLY said that!!

What else don't the voters deserve to know???


Apparently VOTERS didn’t DESERVE to know that TRUMP DOESN'T PAY INCOME TAX


Are you privy to a private citizen's tax returns? Did he do something that was illegal? If not, isn't it the fault of the tax policy more than the taxpayer? Who made the tax policy in the first place? Hasn't Biden been in govt for 47 years? What the hell has he been doing about it? Apparently nothing, yes?


You’re deliberately avoiding the point.

Plus there’s


Again, did anything illegal occur? If not, then what are you bitching about?

To think that voters don't deserve to know what a presidential candidate is going to do is a joke. Knowing that you'll vote for him anyway, shows how you'll give up your liberty voluntarily. Indoctrinated much?


Biden is little more than a buffoon who doesn't even know where he is half the time, much less what his platform is as presidential candidate. Anything you hear him say are what his handlers are telling him to say, and that's pretty much the elite assholes in the DNC. They consider most Americans beneath them. We're nothing but peon peasants as far as they're concerned, and nothing would please them more than to go back to feudalism with them as the kings and tyrants they always wanted to be.


Oh god. The country really is doomed


Not necessarily. We've been through crises many times, and a few times, we almost either didn't make it as a country, or were torn apart....but there was always something to save the nation in the end.


That's because the answer is yes: He very much intends to pack the court.



He's pulling a Pelosi, we need to elect him so we can find out what his plan is.
