MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden says, "NO, voters DON'T DESERVE to...

Biden says, "NO, voters DON'T DESERVE to know" his position on court packing!

The voters DON'T DESERVE TO KNOW where Biden stands on packing the courts. Yes, he REALLY said that!!

What else don't the voters deserve to know???


biden is a trainwreck


He didn't answer the question during the debate either.


Trumps tax & medical records?


What does Trump's tax and medical records have to do with policy positions??


Transprancy for the upcoming election, that's what it shows.


I don't think there has ever been a US politician who is as ass-backwards as Biden. He clearly thinks the people should serve him and not the other way around. When you hear him saying that we don't deserve to know until after the election, and all the times he yelled at people who questioned him to go vote for someone else, the man has an entitled mentality.


Biden should just a say "I have no intention to pack the courts at this time. If I'm elected and after careful analysis it makes sense to make a change then we'll consider our options."


If he says "yes" to packing the courts, he will lose most Americans.
If he says "no" to packing the courts, he'll lose his lunatic left wing.
So, the man says nothing.
True politician. 🙄


This assumes Democrat lemmings follow anything outside of Orangeman bad. Stop giving them that much credit. They’re incapable of critical analysis.


Can this be the general answer for all political candidates?

What's your stance on abortion? "The voters don't deserve to know."

What's your stance on illegals? "The voters don't deserve to know."

What's your stance on socialism? "The voters don't deserve to know."

First of all, how the media blatantly covers for Biden, is a joke. Second, how the idiot dems accept it via willful ignorance, shows how much our country is indoctrinated.


Its 100% obvious the dems want to pack the court and are already planning on it.

They already have too many liberal judges refusing to prosecute certain groups
