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WINNING! Trump Brings In 1 Million Legal Immigrants!


Obama's last full 2 years October 2014 to September 2016
467,370 + 531,463 = 998,833

Trump's last full 2 years October 2017 to September 2019
533,557 + 464, 422 = 995,979

2,854 decrease divided by 998,833 is 0.30 percent! (I think that's what I'm getting on by passbook savings account today.)


Somebody has to work at his golf clubs.


Someone has to mow Baracks grass in Martha's Vineyard.


Martha's Vineyard has the immigrants Trump likes - mostly from Canada, Ireland, Scotland and the Netherlands. It's OK to keep those immigrants according to Trump - they're white.


Don't know where you get that from, but hypothetically if it were true, it would probably have to do with those countries having similar cultural values, thus assimilation will be easier, thus those immigrants will be integrated a lot more, which builds a cohesive society where everyone's happy.

Like, there is a limit to how many people can immigrate to any country, as it affects what the minimum wage is in the free market. more people, cost of labour is cheaper. less people, cost of labour is more. I work in finance, these are basic economic principles.

So if there is a limit, why not just limit it to people that will build a more cohesive society.

Also just as a FYI - Trump hates rapists, murderers and MS-13. The media spins it as, "trump hates Mexicans" maybe that's why you think Trump thinks that?


That's really offensive to immigrants. Are you saying immigrants are only capable of working shit jobs??


Who said he's offering immigrants at his golf clubs shit jobs ?

Your false conclusion is 100% offensive to immigrants.


I am an immigrant. The world already knows that leftists are the true racist and fascist.


If what you say is true, you should not be offending fellow immigrants by concluding they are only capable of working 'shit jobs'.


Yes, at the start. Then they build their skills up, they work hard. They get a better job, then better job, then better job. They get a better job, as they learn and develop skills.
If you have poor English, used to working on a farm or factory. You are hardly going to get that entry level job in the mail room are you?

OR the are a skilled migrant and then they already have the job, or its a work visa, then they already have the job.

I find your ignorance really offensive to non-immigrants as you make non-immigrants look bad, because YOU actually had access to a school system and you should know how to use the internet to inform yourself so you are not ignorant

edit - But to be fair, most of what I Just said is lived experience, from living and doing life and interacting with the world. - Maybe you just need to actually do that?


My family migrated here from a third-world country and now if Biden wins I will be affected by his 62% tax on $400,000 or over income. My bank accounts speak for my experience. I am actually living the American dream. What are you doing?


"I will be affected by his 62% tax on $400,000 or over income."

No one's going to be paying 62% on anything.

Figures don't lie but liars figure...


Damn that's racist of you to say that. But then again, you are a racist, aren't you?!



How so ? Do explain...


Shit. Fucking psycho and racist.


That's an explanation ? LOL!


I think everyone knows which country is the #1 source of {cough} LEGAL {cough} immigration in Fiscal Year 2019...

I was surprised by country #2...


From October 2014 to September 2016 Obama let in 171,710 legal immigrants from Mexico.

From October 2017 to September 2019 Trump let in.... MORE THAN ONE.


(Trump let in 129,446. That's measurably less than Obama 2015-2016.)


Obama let in 126,000 2013-2014...

I report. You decide.


Country #2 is Dominican Republic - 88,000 2018-2019.


Obama let in 70,000 2013-2014.

I don't know why there's big spikes after October 2014... probably due to the slave labor party taking the Senate...


In my opinion, if Obama was a real open borders guy, but he wanted to hide it for his first four years to win re-election, the spike would have started November 2012. But it didn't. It started 2 years later.


Country #3



Denmark? 175. One hundred and seventy-five.


If we expressed this in terms Trumptards can understand:

"If you don't want a bowl with 999,000 Skittles that you don't want moving in next door to you, would you like a bowl with 996,000?"


So if Biden wins, wouldn't you become a Bidentard?


We could take this all the way back to George Washin-tard if we wanted.


Is that what you voted for in 2016? 499,000 legal immigrants every year instead of 500,000?

Is that what you want 4 more years of?


the angst, who hurt you?


I'm merely shining the spotlight on the verifiable facts of what Dear Leader has done in the last four years. If you want more of the same, then you should reelect him.


Trump seems to think that he's the CEO of America and that he can do whatever he wants, when he wants to do it.

I think he actually has that power when it comes to immigration visas. He can pick up the phone and call every consulate and embassy and say "Don't process any more visa applications."

And he could have done that the day he was sworn into office.


What's the matter with legal immigration, pray tell?


Does my vote count? Am I the tiebreaker? Then I vote for ZERO legal immigration for at least ten years.
Go ahead and assume that I'm the most whitest most racist most bigoted most anti-Muslim anti-Jew anti-Catholic anti-Mormon anti-Episcopalian anti-the-Baptisti-church-across-the-street-that-won't-let-the-KKK-sponsor-a-cakewalk-at-the-annual-fair...

(also anti-the Sihk-whose-ass-I-kicked because I'm "anti-Muslim"...)

Does my vote still count? Do I have to give you a reason, that you must find "acceptable?"

There are 10.5 million illegal aliens in the United States (2017)

"Looking forward, immigrants and their descendants are projected to account for 88% of U.S. population growth through 2065, assuming current immigration trends continue."


"In 2017, the Trump administration deported 295,000 immigrants, the lowest total since 2006."


Go ahead. Go write to your congressperson and tell them how you want to be represented. You live in LA, which has a load of diversity. It's also a sanctuary city for illegals, which you are okay with. I'm sure your congressperson will be a dem. Go tell them you want zero immigration.


Trump was on Limbaugh recently bitching about "chain migration." Well, he had a GOP House and Senate for two years, they could have changed that. But no one should be surprised that a Hospitality Industry tycoon would want more immigration - he needs armies of dishwashers, busboys, gardeners, cooks, maids, etc.

Everybody wants more and more immigration. (Except the citizens.)


Tell me what is wrong with legal immigration? You're bitching and whining, but failing to address what your bitching and whining about.


I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you want all the illegal aliens deported.

The Pew Research link above says there are 10.5 million illegals aliens here (that figure is 2017, and doesn't count the anchor babies, and is probably way higher than 10.5 because Pew is 110% pro illegal alien.

I ask you:

Wouldn't it be easier to find and deport the illegal aliens if we weren't letting in 1,400 new foreigners legally every day of the year?


No, because the legal immigrants would have paperwork that could easily be confirmed. If immigrants are legal, they have no reason to hide from the govt. That is basic common sense.

What would be easier to deport illegals is getting rid of sanctuary cities and having local govts work with the federal govt in getting this done. Again, that is basic common sense.


I can't refute your argument:

If we brought in legally 20 million unskilled Vietnamese immigrants tomorrow, that would crush wages for the illegal aliens from Latin America to the point where they'll have to self-deport.

I see other consequences of this course of action...


Offering an implausible hypothetical as your argument only shows how stupid you are.


"implausible hypothetical"? Isn't this PRECISELY what's been done over the last 40 years? American citizens haven't self-deported to another country, but they have self-deported from once-magnificent cities like Detroit and Chicago to shitholes like Nashville and Charlotte. What were real inflation adjusted wages in 1972? What are they today? What percent of the GDP was wages in 1972? What percent is it today?


Moving to another city you consider self-deportation??? The hell are you talking about?

Tell me why people moved out of Detroit? Why people are moving out of Chicago? If Nashville and Charlotte are shitholes, why are they moving there? What does this have anything to do with "20 million Vietnamese immigrants"?

Really, what the fuck are you bitching about?


We're just going to have to agree to disagree. I want the 10.5 illegal aliens gone, and until they're gone, I don't want 60,000 new legal immigrants from Mexico coming in every year.


"In 2017, the Trump administration deported 295,000 immigrants, the lowest total since 2006."

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that that "lowest total since 2006" is a whole number, and not a percentage number... meaning that Trump deported a lower percentage of the illegals here than Bush did in 2006...



Democrats be like what's that.

Huge caravans in central America waiting to see if Biden wins.

Trump has too many obstacles for illegal immigration


"Huge caravans in central America waiting to see if Biden wins."

From the link in the OP:

Trump legally brought in from October 2017 to September 2019, 408,000 immigrants from North America and South America.

(3,000 came from Canada.)


"Trump has too many obstacles for illegal immigration"

Well, yeah, when he has to send ICE agents to Portland to knock around pot-smoking hippies...


But it's so fun


Trump brought in more than 21,000 new legal immigrants from Haiti.



If there were a land border between Ethiopia and Haiti, Ethiopia would exhaust its entire treasury to build a wall.




They're legal, who cares?


I can't figure out a concrete number for how much we're paying to detain families at the border. It's got to be astronomical...

"At the South Texas Family Residential Center, immigrants have been detained between 12 to 363 days, according to Levy. Two children are about to hit their one year mark, a 4-year-old girl and an 11-year-old boy. Overall, 47 kids have been detained at Dilley for more than 300 days, according to Levy, and 68 kids have been detained for more than 100 days—80 days longer than what the Flores Settlement Agreement allows."

Why don't we just let those people in, and stop bringing in 203,000 people legally EVERY YEAR from Latin America and the Caribbean? Are the 88,000 Dominicans Trump brought in going to build a six-story-tall giant robot samurai like the Japanese did? (Trump brought in 3,000 Japanese.)


27,000 from El Salvador for Trump last two years.

(24,000 Obama's last two years)
