MovieChat Forums > Politics > Could Covid help Trump?

Could Covid help Trump?

If he winds up getting a mild case with little to no symptoms then he could tell everyone that he was right all along and they have nothing to worry about.


Who would buy that scenario?





LOL! Nothing stops them from being stupid!


What lol. The man got infected by a virus he says didn't even exist.

How on earth does that help him. Only the dumbest of dumb trumptards can possibly believe a narrative that stupid.


They're right here on Moviechat!


Indeed. And they vote in droves. For some of them, it may actually work.


Amazing he said it doesn’t exist considering he closed the border to China months before the Democrat party called for any action on covid.

A little review for your stupidity. In March Democrats Pelosi and others were telling people to go party with Chinese at the parades. Trump formed the Chinese Coronavirus task force in December. In Jan Trump banned flights flights from China.

Show us anywhere before the end of March where Democrats called for any action on covid. You can’t because it doesn’t exist.

You idiot lemmings need to get your heads out of your asses and stop getting your news from hate night tv. You just embarrass yourself with your ignorance.




Except that he did say it doesn't exist. So exposed his own ignorance and the ignorance of all the trumptards that share 5 brain cells.


He'll likely be just fine. It helps he's one of the most alpha Presidents in our history.




I'm sure he'll let everyone know what they experienced after the quarantine is up. He and his wife both appear to be relatively healthy for their ages, so I doubt they'll suffer too much.


I think they will be fine and will recover quickly. But if he does wind up getting very sick he won't admit that to anyone. He would never show weakness/vulnerability like that. He will just say that he was fine no matter what really happens.


Yes. Very much.

If he does survive he will say Biden wouldn't or couldn't survive the virus. Trump will say "If you elect Biden, he is at a high risk of dieing from covid so you are really just voting for Harris".

That would be my strategy.

At his advanced age, most people would only give a 50/50 shot at Biden surviving the virus.


Biden is only three years older than Trump.


It's is a concern that is not voiced well in the media.

The possibility of disaster if he gets sick the week of the election.


I don't think so. I think he just lost the election. People are going to think he can't handle pandemics even though he shut down the country to try to prevent the spread of covid.


The Trumpian Mind: Trump catches viruses he did his best to minimize and belittled those who said differently. So, what should we do? DO A VICTORY LAP, OF COURSE!


It really showing all the hate in the left's black hearts. That's for sure.


Because they want a terrorist to lose an election?

More dumb logic by dumb trumptards


Who’s enabling the Democrat terrorists in BLM/Antifa to burn down Democrat controlled cities in Democrat controlled states?

But but Orangeman!
