MovieChat Forums > Politics > When you see an American Flag in front o...

When you see an American Flag in front of a home... automatically know they’re NOT Democrats.


It wasn't like that till more recently. Old school Democrats probably still have them up who don't realize their party is GONE. But now the flag is a hated symbol by leftists because Trump loves and respects it so much.

I remember the first weekend of the riots. There were messages being posted that after they (the looters) were done breaking into stores to loot, they were gonna go into nearby neighborhoods and target those with the American flag! The police sent a warning out and I'm sure some people put them away for the night.
I live in a blue state but we have a great conservative mayor in our city.
Looters got nothing (at least nearby where I am but a bit further out they got into about 2 stores). Nothing since because our mayor and cops took care of business. Not a problem with that kind of BS since.

The American flag makes them see RED!!!!!


Thanks for sharing.


LOL, like when you see a Russian Flag, Confederate Flag or the Swastika flag you know you have a Trump Support


Trump wasn't branded a "racist" (rolling my eyes) until he entered politics and ran against the Dems. Chew on that.

Meanwhile the Nazi-association is gross slander, which Dems/Libs love to peddle. They love constant false accusation just like their "father" (Revelation 12:10).

As for your Russian reference, obviously you aren't aware that the "Russian collusion" narrative was proven false by a Dem-led committee after 2 years employing 19 lawyers, 40 FBI agents, issuing 2800 subpoenas, executing 500 search warrants, interviewing 500 witnesses and costing tax-payers somewhere in the ballpark of $35 million. The Dem-led witch hunt failed to indict a SINGLE member of Trump's campaign for collusion with Russia to influence the 2016 election. I said "Dem-led" because Mueller's a RINO and everyone on his team was a Dem supporter/donator, no Conservatives. These facts speak for themselves, not to mention it was painfully clear at Mueller's hearing he didn't even know what was in his "own" report.


Trumps s RINO also knucklehead


If John McCain and Mitt Romney are true Republicans (they're not) then I guess being a RINO is a positive thing.

Trump's actually a Trumplican, aka someone with the gonads to stand up to LIEberal fascism.


Trump was branded a racist when he first refused to rent to black tenants. That you don't think of him as a racist is revealing about you, but not about Trump. That no Democrats fly American flags is a gross slander, which Repubs love to peddle. That Republicans fly Confederate flags is commonplace. As for the Russian collusion narrative, that has been proven true time and again even by Republican led committees in the Senate. Several members of Trump's campaign are serving time (as you know) and his administration is the most corrupt since Reagan's. Count the investigations, indictments, and convictions. These facts speak for themselves. It is difficult to take words such as 'facts' seriously from a Trump supporter as one fact we have to take seriously is that Trump lies and then lies repeatedly about his lies. Sheesh, why did anyone even invent search engines if so many people like you just refuse to use them?


Like I said, Trump was not branded a "racist" (rolling my eyes) UNTIL he entered politics and ran against the Dems.

I'm from the North and therefore don't personally care to fly the Confederate flag. Did it every occur to you that those who do -- mostly from the South -- do so to honor their heritage and ancestors who fought & died for states' rights and not because they're "racists"? I realize that the Confederate flag offends some people. Well then don't fly it. Problem solved.

As for "Russian collusion," that Dem-invented narrative was proven false by a Dem-led committee after 2 years employing 19 lawyers, 40 FBI agents, issuing 2800 subpoenas, executing 500 search warrants, interviewing 500 witnesses and costing tax-payers somewhere in the ballpark of $35 million. The Dem-led witch hunt failed to indict a SINGLE member of Trump's campaign for collusion with Russia to influence the 2016 election. I said "Dem-led" because Mueller's a RINO and everyone on his team was a Dem supporter/donator, no Conservatives. These facts speak for themselves, not to mention it was painfully clear at Mueller's hearing he didn't even know what was in his "own" report.

In other words, you Dems/Libs had more than enough chance to apprehend & offer proof of your slanderous narrative and you couldn't do it. Why? Because you have NO EVIDENCE. Case closed.


Several of the people in my neighborhood fly American flags outside their homes (as well as whatever sports team they cheer for), and it's weird, because I live in a very blue state. But I take comfort in the fact that I don't live in an area where the neighbors take offense at such a symbol, and demand I take it down.

I've heard a few disquieting stories of people (particularly in apartment complexes) in some states being forced to take their American flags down, and then making a federal case out of it. It's like, what kind of asshole neighbors and apartment owners would pull that kind of shit?


"It's like, what kind of asshole neighbors and apartment owners would pull that kind of shit?"

The nazi kind.


And yet they have the nerve to call patriotic American's "nazis?"


And yet they have the nerve to call patriotic American's "nazis?"


The neighborhood association kind. The ones that permit no flags because they think they are tacky. It is so not political, even though it is a shame.


When I see a MAGA hat, I know there is no brain to be found beneath it.


And yet Lefties lack the sense to know it's evil to kill babies (even ones who survive abortion) and that the rectum is not a vagina.


Then I guess someone should tell that to Donald and all those abortions he paid. Oh, I forgot--he gets a free pass.


Do you have proof of your claim? Are you familiar with his current spiritual state? Do you grasp current state of grace vs. past misdeeds? Let me guess -- no. So it's just more hollow LIEberal slander.

Meanwhile, let's hear about your gross skeletons in the closet.


Lefties lack the brains to know... that the rectum is not a vagina.
What's wrong with anal sex?


Wuchak don’t swing that way.

Missionary for the win.


Actually I favor doggy-style and missionary equally. TMI, I know, but you brought it up.


Wuchak don’t swing that way.

Missionary for the win.
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[–] Wuchak (4502) 2 hours ago

Actually I favor doggy-style and missionary equally. TMI, I know, but you brought it up.
You people didn't answer my question--what's wrong with anal sex? Killing babies I can understand your revulsion to, but consensual buttfucking, what's the big deal?


Dteam6 said that Conservatives don't have brains, so I replied by pointing out a couple glaring things that showed Lefties might lack brains. One of those is confusing the rectum with a vagina. One's a channel for excrement to depart the body while the other is for the pleasure of planting a seed and the miracle of birthing life. I'll leave it at that.



I support him crossing the DMZ, his work towards peace in the Middle East, his bringing thousands of troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan, his trade deals, his EO on animal cruelty, his EOs regarding Native Americans. His Space Force and the Mars initiative are amazing.

Let's see.. also, Right to Try is important to me, as his the EO regarding prescription drugs. Legalizing hemp is good. Energy independence is amazing. Respecting State rights while dealing with the pandemic and riots are important to me. Prison reform was a big get.

That's all off the top of my head. But hey, whatever, clearly I have no brain, right? Or perhaps I do my research and simply come to different conclusions than you.


Well, that's astonishingly misinformed. Your mind-shield against information and logic is beyond even my considerable powers.


You need to now post a sign along side it saying Sensitive Content


That's absurd, but isn't that usually the case with Liberal mandates, policies, rules, laws?


Hong Kong protesters held up the American flag in protest of the Chinese govt.

Leftist protesters hold up the USSR flag in protest of the US govt.

How about a trade? I wonder which side will have buyers remorse. Take a guess?


Nobody holds up a USSR flag LOL. Are you living in 1983?


Try to pay attention when you watch the news, pal.


They did what?! :O


Here in the UK when Immigration started to increase significantly some 20 or so years ago, you would see more British flags hanging from windows. To some people, and primarily those of the older generation they somehow felt threatened by people of other cultures living near them. They just could not get used to it. And hence they felt the need to kick against it and assert their Britishness, and fly their colours.

I have never felt like that. The truth is immigration actually started in the UK way back in the 30's and 40's. There have always been people of other cultures here in my lifetime. But some people would have it that its a recent phenomenon. It is'nt.

My feeling about my culture (White British of Irish parentage) is that I am comfortable with it. I would not use the word proud. I have never felt the need to shout about my nationality, defend it or display it somehow. Conversely, neither have I ever felt ashamed or inferior of my identity.

And I will also say this to people who think that other cultures are taking over the UK...I can vividly remember when growing up a large population of white British people who never worked and claimed state benefits for years, simply because they were lazy, or considered certain jobs beneath them.And when people of other cultures came here and saw these jobs available they snapped them up. Because many other cultures have a very different work ethic, and may have come from a place where there was poverty and violence.

And the huge irony of the last statement is that when you ask those lazy white British people why they did not have a job, the answer was 'Because the foreigners have taken them all'.

Yes...such people expect to sit back and do nothing and wait for someone to offer them a high paying job with benefits, despite having been unemployed for years. They have no work ethic and no self respect. But somehow other cultures are to blame for that.


What do think about what John Cleese said?


What did he say?


He said something like England wasn’t British enough or something like that.


I read his comments. Some of them refer to statements he said years ago, and some of them are comments that friends have related to him about the ethnic makeup of London.

And he said because of that he is moving to the Caribbean...oh the irony...

He does not walk the streets and use public transport the same way normal people do, so I think his opinion is probably a little narrow, to be kind.

There are so many of repeated myths that are circulated about London to other parts of the world. Apparently we live in fear of gangs of marauding Muslims, Sharia Law is rife and people are stopped in the streets by Muslims for infractions like drinking alcohol, and there are ghettos and indeed no go areas where white people are not allowed to go to.

Its all utter rubbish. Yes, there are areas of London and UK that have concentrated numbers of certain ethnic backgrounds, but the vast majority of people of different backgrounds do live and work together.


Did you vote for or against brexit?


Didn't vote at all. Never have, never will.


So you whinge, yet by choice, you don't cast your legal right to vote? I find that hypocritical.


It's also a legal right not to vote. People fought and died for that freedom.

I also pay my taxes and insurance, rates, council tax, have always worked and contribute to the economy, so I have every right to have my say whether I vote or not.


You don't have the right to NOT pay taxes and insurance. Those are mandatory regardless. Nevertheless, you don't have to vote if you choose not to. Yet, that's not the point. The point is, how can you choose not to vote and yet whinge at govt?


A better question is why do you think I should not be able to?


Why you shouldn't be able to whinge? Because you FAILED to let your voice be heard legally, by casting your vote. If you choose to not cast your vote for what you believe in, then why should you whinge about not getting what you want? You didn't even help your own cause.


Legally? You are suggestion I have no legal right to voice my opinion or complain because I choose not to vote?

You are utterly deluded if you believe you cannot complain just because you choose not to vote. You may think that but thankfully the real world does not work like that.

I can indeed give my opinion, complain and protest if I feel the need. There is nothing that can stop me doing that.

And here's something for you to think about. Politicians are all self serving. They are there for themselves. They are not there to help you. They ask you to vote for them based on a series of promises that are inevitably always broken or reneged on.

And then the merry go round starts...people get fed up with the current government, so they vote someone else in. On the basis of the same lies and promises that are always used as a carrot to tempt voters. And a different party is voted in. But after a year or so, the same problems persist, or possibly even worse ones. And the people blame the government, so they are voted out and the whole circus starts again...

I vividly remember Tony Blair and labour being voted in in the UK in 1997, he was seen as a young, fresh faced messiah that was going to put everything right...things can only get better etc...there were literally parties in the streets. And yet some 4 years or so later, he was villified and seen as a war criminal, and became a hate figure.

But I never voted for him, never voted for anyone. So my conciense is clear.

It staggers me that in 2020 people still follow these same patterns of voting for who they believe will do their best for the country. They may as well stick a pin in a board with a blindfold on. The whole system of voting and government rule needs to be overhauled.


I write 3 succinct sentences and you reply with paragraphs that don't even answer my question.

You'd protest, but you won't vote. How bloody dim is that? Are you not protesting to sway people's sentiments? Thus, trying to gain their vote for a specific proposition and yet you will not even cast your vote for it? Why? That makes no sense.

Politicians are self-serving? Brilliant deduction Holmes! In every govt in every era, when have they not been? When will they not be? That's the system we live it. It's not perfect, but it's better than no system. Just because you don't vote doesn't make it any better. Dim and daft, are you?

Such smugness. For you to think that you are above the system by not voting and protesting like a peon is the right thing to do, have at it. I don't care. It's stupid. You don't help yourself or your cause at all. In the end, you're just an absolute pillock.


This is why I use the word delusional, because you think your vote makes a difference. It does not and you know it does not.

And I gave a detailed response that not only answered your question but also gave a history as to why I said what I did.

You just seem fixated on this absurd notion that if you don't vote, which is a legal right not to, you should keep your mouth shut.
I will remind you again that people fought and died for our freedom

And that includes the freedom not to vote.
Yet you seem to be content to work with a clearly flawed system and continue voting for people who clearly don't have your best interests at heart...purely out of habit. And also based on the deluded notion that your vote is making a difference...


If I thought like you and hundreds others thought like you and then thousands and then tens of thousands, do you think that would make a difference? It's pitiful you think the process is futile and yet you'll whinge about not getting what you want.

Your "history" doesn't change the fact that your vote counts, does it? It's your naivety that justifies why you choose not to vote and it's your hypocrisy that you whinge without voting.

What system is flawless, pray tell? Answer. None. So what are you whinging about? What protest are going to do to overthrow your govt?
What govt are you going to put in its place? Are those new politicians going to be altruist saints through and through? Answer. No. You make do with what you got and use what you are given. Why is that so monumental for you to understand?

You are completely free to not cast your vote. You whinging about it like a crybaby afterwards, you are part of the blame for that. Look in the mirror. You'll see a hypocrite staring back at you.


Well carry on as you wish, with the delusion that your vote actually makes a difference.


It does. How you fail to see that, is your ignorance. Ignorance is Strength, innit?


Bliss actually.

Tell me, has every party or person you voted for always done right by you? Have you always been happy that they have fulfilled their promises? Have you never been let down or disappointed by the people you vote for?


Your question is irrelevant. Just because politicians aren't saints and aren't 100% virtuous, doesn't mean you shouldn't vote. Again, that is the system we live in for better and worse.

Of course I've been let down by the people I voted for. Nevertheless, I will still vote for the person I believe will do the best job based on my viewpoints.

Ignorance is Strength. You haven't read many books, have you? Start.


I think that has been happening in the US too. My dad told me of numerous times in so'Cal (and this has happened in other states) where farmers and orchard owners tried getting white high school and college students to come in and do the work for summer jobs, and many either couldn't bothered with picking fruit, did a bad job of it, or quit after the first day; whereas the Latinos would come in and pick every single fruit, and not quit until the work schedule demanded it.

However, that doesn't really describe Americans, [not even blue-collar ones] as a whole, and there are many who want jobs, but nobody will hire them because they are white, will want a higher paycheck, and will not put up with abuse in the workplace like an illegal will.


My family are Democrats. They literally don't know or believe what the Democratic party have morphed into(violent commies).

They have America flags. Always have.

This may be the saving grace of the DNC, families that don't know the DNC actually hates them and wants them dead. Soon they will know, but many won't know before the election.


How and when did you become a repub?


I was generally speaking, Tim, as well as being a smartaxx.

As you point out, there are still some Dem-voters who curiously haven't yet realized the Democrat Party is now full-on anti-American. My older brother, for instance, usually votes Dem but flies the American flag at his house; he hasn't got the memo yet.


He must be a Classic Liberal. They're easier to talk to, and still believe in the original ideas of liberalism.




These types are open enough to have a conversation. And when they’re proven wrong you get the old “well they’re all corrupt” response.

Talking to brainless democrat lemmings is like talking to a brick wall. Can’t fix stupid.
