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My first kudos to Biden

What is it? Biden's response to the riots. I respect Biden's words regarding the riots. He made a POINT of making a CLEAR distinction between rioters and protesters. This is in stark contrast to Donald and his cultists who lump them all into one entity.

What Biden said was presidential: a unifying statement that pays respects to protesters speaking out against riots and violence. He didn't try to justify violence. He didn't try to pander by condoning it. He spoke truth. It was Damn presidential.

After 4 years of this Trump fever dream, I almost forgot what it was like to hear something presidential.

While I'm not a fan of Biden, I can at least say this: He knows how to be presidential in his message. He speaks of unity.

We need that right now. We desperately need that right now.

Will he be a good president? I doubt it. Will he at least be a decent human being and better president than Trump? Without a doubt.

Four years of "boring Biden" over four more years of an infantile, orange clown? Yes, please!


That will still be pandering to some people. They don't want the streets shut down due to protests. They don't want to fear for their safety as they try and navigate the 'peaceful protesters' outside of their homes, using their words saying 'get out here! Black people used to live here!'

Trump will get the votes on the issue of social unrest.
