MovieChat Forums > Politics > Who the hell thinks the economy was good...

Who the hell thinks the economy was good from 2016 to now?

Frickin' homelessness is rampant, income inequality is insane, States are struggling to raise the minimum wage while the Fed min stays ridiculously low, inflation outpaces wages exponentially, yet we still have well-off idiots claiming the economy has never been better. WTF? Just more lies these people figure if they repeat loud and long enough, it might sound plausible. But it's not. rump's stupid tax cut helped no one but corporate murica. Everyone knows this but pubs can't admit it for fear of showing how bankrupt and corrupt their whole agenda is for the average American.


Nailed it ... the vast majority of Americans are getting poorer and going down economically. The stock market has nothing to do with the state of the country, nor does GDP.


In 2016, Obama was technically still in office. Trump didn't officially begin his term until January 2017.

Yes, I admit the economy was better during the last few years, but things were already slowly beginning to turn around by 2014-2015 under Obama .

The 2008 stock market crash wasn't Obama's fault!


Obama inherited the Great Recession which included millions losing their jobs each month, a banking crisis which threatened a global economic collapse and a mortgage crisis in which millions would've lost their homes.

Obama didn't sit around blaming others and calling it a hoax. He fixed it.

Trump inherited a good economy which he destroyed. The trillion dollar tax cut to hedge funds and other rich people further juiced the markets.

Things can becomes worst under him. Imagine waking up and your bank balance is $0. Or another virus pandemic while we're still dealing with covid. This game show host needs to go since he only wants to play golf instead of lead or work.


Obama inherited the Great Recession which included millions losing their jobs each month

And here we are, 12 years later in the same situation.

Only difference is during the election of 2008, McCain called the economy 'fundamentally sound' (which economists didn't all agree on).

This time around, Trump is saying the economy is 'booming' - which economists are just guffawing over in unison.

Now, once again - like in '92 and '08, it will take a Democrat (Biden) to clean up the mess and repair the economy.


The Republicans have been trying to goose the economy off the edge of a cliff since W. It is there idea of a reset of the governmental state to a plutocratic Libertarian slave state .. if that is not to dramatic and conspiracy theory sounding. Republicans, or rather the new Republicans and their backers are what Thomas Frank writes about in his book the Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule. This is all about creating a virtual concentration camp society outside the plutocratic enclaves because they would sooner see the country burn up and die than have to accept people they don't like as voting citizens that have unalienable rights under the Constitution.


That's why Trump isn't taken seriously!

He pretends to be the successful "Big man on campus"when all he did was inherent his family's millions (like the Kardashians), cheat his way into being elected, and turn American citizens against each other.

America was not now, and never will be perfect (no country is) but now, under his term, it's just embarrassing and shameful.


Matilda- you should know all about not being taking seriously! You're an expert at it by now.

Again with the Kardashians! Gosh, you are SO deep! You just know what famous people to pull out of your a@@ to make a point. LOL

Embarrassing and shameful, two things that describe Matilda.

I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of my country. But then again I'm not you who looks at the world with the expectations of a spoiled five year old.

Oooh yes, guess I'm I'm "stocking' you again! hahaha


I can say the same thing about you! I'd have better luck teaching pigs to fly than finding one.......just ONE trait about you that proves you deserve to be taken seriously.

Oh I get it! Everytime someone proves a point that you don't like, you mock people. Don't worry! By your 10th birthday, I'm sure you'll grow out of this non-sense.

Oh! So expecting cops to treat everyone with respect and NOT be attempted murderers is "spoiled 5-year-old mentality?". Wanting everyone to stop confusing "freedom" with "defiance" is "spoiled 5-year-old" mentality?

I guess according to YOUR "grown up" world, it's ok for people to disobey authority even if it means putting others in danger. Even if it means innocent people get killed and no justice is served.

Oh and I'll save you the trouble of saying, "I Kant cpelllll.". "I hav pour gramur". Lol


... it's spelled nonsense without a hyphen! You needn't have bothered trying so hard to misspell your last sentence. You seem to come by your ignorance of the English language so naturally. LOL

Just what "point' did you prove? You mistake your angry opinions with rational argument.

If you don't take me seriously then why do I p@ss you off so much? haha

Oooh my tenth birthday!!!! Oh the agony of being cut by Matilda's swift sword of sarcasm. How WILL I ever get over it?

Teaching pigs to fly? I think you should try it. You'd probably cause less damage than what you probably do to the young minds entrusted to you when you attempt to teach them.


Oh look it's my stalker. You have severe obsession issues don't you.

Oh you don't piss me off, I just like to put you in your place by explaining my point of view that you ignore by making this about spelling on a stupid forum board.


I'd say it's YOU who has "severe obsession issues". (and BTW, you asked a question, it requires a ? sign. Just thought I'd let you know. Now we can add stupid punctuation to the list! lol)

You must think that you are SO very interesting that people stalk you, or as you put it before so eloquently, "stock" you! LOL I have yet to see your response to THAT post. But being the chicken that you are, you just ignore the posts that make you look TOO overwhelmingly foolish.

Oh now WHO is the liar? I do make you mad. Or else you wouldn't come up with your spluttering nonsense.
Being put in my place by YOU? You do live in a fantasy world. My place is way too above your head to even contemplate.

But at least you're not too embarrassed to have your a@@ handed to you on a regular basis. You get points for courage.

So now it's a "stupid forum"? lol Well if it was only populated with posters with your I.Q., then I'd have to agree! Before, your excuse was that it wasn't a "professional forum".

You are clearly in over your head and drowning in your own foolishness.. I'd suggest some water wings before you go under for the third time.


No I'm not mad at all. Everytime I read your posts and put you in your place I start laughing uncontrollably behind my screen until my stomach hurts. I think YOU are the one being pissed off. Or else you wouldn't be bring up my past posts. I obviously hurt your little fragile feelings, but I don't expect you to tell the truth.

No! You're a stocker! During my time on this board, I've never had a user reply to or complain about my comments as much as you. You're like my #1 fan and I'm flattered 😂.

But little girl, you need to learn that stocking is creepy and people will look down on you for it. Do that to your boy crushes in real life, and you'll scare them off! I promise you that, and you'll never get dates.

Try getting a life developing some proper mature social and communication skills. You obviously don't have any and that's why your behavior is so childish. You can't claim to be "superior" to someone when you act like this.


"stocker" and "stocking" Again? Or is this your way of trying to annoy me as you posted before? I suppose that I shouldn't point out the flaws in your education if you are so determined to prove yourself an ignoramus.

I should fill you in on seem to think I am a clueless 20-something like yourself! When I WAS a 20-something I was nowhere near as immature as you. I had a lot to learn but having to learn good manners wasn't one of them. Only childish females call other women "little girl" when they are backed into a corner and defensive.

"Boy crushes"?? For f#ck's sake, don't project your sad, failed dating history on to ME! Scaring off the boys must be something you do with alarming regularity. Maybe that's why mom and dad got you a computer for your room, to keep you out of trouble and to avoid law suits.

Again, "boy crushes" and your other adolescent comments demonstrate your immaturity over and over. When I was teaching school, I never even heard junior high girls speak so childishly. You are one of the most extreme cases of arrested (emotional) development that I've ever encountered.

Since you brought it up, I'll tell you a bit about myself. I am way older than you are and divorced. I dated a guy a few years ago and he turned out to be much too clingy. I turned down his marriage proposal and he stalked me for over a year.. Kept coming to my house, calling me, following me around, bringing me gifts, etc. He knew where I walked my dog and would show up there, butting into every conversation I had with friends who were walking their dogs. It was creepy and very annoying.

So you see, I am familiar with stalking. I guess you are too since you have so much advice about it and how it doesn't work! Guess you've tried everything, huh? Next time try not acting like a desperate a-hole!

I'm not surprised to see you are laughing uncontrollably at your imagined witticisms! Many people in mental institutions (or who need to be in one) do that too!

Your #1 fan? Well you seem to treat your "fans" in the same way that some snotty, arrogant celebrities do! They are rude to them and diss them.
Their egos outstrip their talents. Gosh if you had any talent at all, that might be understandable.

I get a kick out of you advising me to learn "proper mature social and communication skills". LOL How would YOU know what they are?
You trying to teach me? That would be like me taking driving lessons from Stevie Wonder!


Rampant, LOL?! Less than 1% of the population is homeless:

"Seventeen out of every 10,000 people in the United States were experiencing homelessness on a single night in January 2019 during HUD’s Annual Point-in-Time Count. These 567,715 people represent a cross-section of America.

Who? I believe economists did.

Unemployment went down every year since 09, with 16-19 being the lowest during that time frame and the lowest since 06:

GDP also saw growth during that time:


The economic recovery started with Obama. Trump wrecked it by mismanaging covid.

You have to be a sociopath in order to be so blase about homelessness. Each number represents a human life.


It Trump wrecked the economy via Corona, wouldn't that mean the economy was good until that point? The OP said it wasn't good 4 years ago up until now. You just said "Trump wrecked it" meaning if was good until March.

Less than 1% of people are homeless, that's just a fact. He said rampant. It's not rampant. That is also a fact. That's not blase, it's just stating facts.



I see that you're still getting your news from an unreliable source.


Well, I was told it was Obama's economy after all...


You never believed it. You said it was Trumps.


Cant have it both ways!!

If the "great economy" was obama's and Trump inherited it, then animals rioting and burning down their own cities started during Obama's admin, then it's Obama's America that Trump inherited.

Slow news day for the CCP, I see.


Homelessness is generally a product of socialism. When you get handouts, shelters, free cell phones, food vouchers, and a pass for shitting on the sidewalk, are you really surprised people choose to do nothing besides be a bum? Ever notice how the worst homeless issues are predominantly in democrat run cities?


This is Trumps America. It’s mourning in America. We are poorer and sicker because of him.


Burk- NO they will NEVER notice because then they will have to admit that LBJ's Great Society and the socialist experiment that followed is a big ,fracking failure! Better to blame everything on ONE man!


LBJ's Great Society was over by the 80s. Every economy since then has been one variation of Reaganomics after another. In fact we can't even go back to Reagan's tax code without corporate lobbyists demanding politicians to call it socialism so the dullards buy into it.


Okay then. Prove it. After you prove it, then explain it why Clinton and Obama didn't change it?


You're in serous denial! The federal government had to step in this week to stop evictions for 40 million Americans for the next few months because the situation is dire.

Covid is mismanaged by game show host Trump. Remember Americans are 4% of the world's population, but 25% on the deaths.


Grocery prices are going up while our wages remain the same. But the Trump psycho cultists will sit here, raving about the stock market like the good little sheep they are.

If Donald asked his cult members to ""service"" him they would happily and eagerly oblige whether they were female or male. They'll play along with any narrative the fucking imbecile uses.


this hasnt aged very well, what is dementia Joe doing to increase wages? your stock market is crashing and inflation is out of control, but of course now its not the current presidents fault. lol
