Do black people commit more crime?
I've seen this statistic that black people comprise 13% of the population and commit 50% of violent crimes in the US. Is this true and why is this the case?
shareI've seen this statistic that black people comprise 13% of the population and commit 50% of violent crimes in the US. Is this true and why is this the case?
shareBecause white people give them weapons and money to buy cars to go out and do crime. It would be hard to rob someone if all you had was a rock or sharp stick and on foot.
shareThere's three possible causes: economical, cultural or genetics.
'Economical' is the usual explanation in modern left. It fails, though. If that was the cause, then you could compare whites and blacks with a similar economical status, and crime index should be similar. However, it keeps being higher among blacks.
What remains is 'cultural' or 'genetics'. Which one is the main cause? Nobody knows. Right now, this topic is taboo. Investigating it is taboo. Research is taboo.
Have you ever seen YouTube videos of what happens when a large group of blacks gather at a fast food restaurant and there's a disagreement? There's no doubt in my mind they are more prone to being loud obnoxious and violent.
shareDescendants of slaves have a higher than normal testosterone. They were selectively bred to be strong. We know that testosterone affects aggression. They are also the least funded in education, and the most poorly trained by authorities. Blame. White. People.
shareDescendants of slaves have a higher than normal testosterone. They were selectively bred to be strong. We know that testosterone affects aggression.
They are also the least funded in education, and the most poorly trained by authorities.
I don't know of any scholarly studies that show a difference between different African countries, but you can kind of see it with your eyes looking at an Ethiopian. I just saw studies that showed "African Americans" having higher testosterone than other races, and extrapolated the rest from experience.
Here you have the budget per student in US
Detroit is 18,000$, the number ranging from 5,000$ to 30,000$, with the median being about 10,000$.
Detroit is in the top 10% with higher budget.
Sometimes it's a matter of proper management. You check this picture from the article you linked, for example.
The problem with the bath is lack of cleaning. You can have a bath 50 years old looking much better, old and not looking like shit. And the fake ceiling is just lazyness. Even if you don't have money to replace the fake ceiling, you can just take it out and paint the ceiling, which is extremely cheap. It doesn't look as well as a new one, but it looks infinitely better than the fake ceiling in the picture.
Europe after WW2 was extremely poor. You can be sure that schools looked old and poor, but they didn't look like shit. When the only way to solve things is to throw money into a bottomless pit, that's a clue that there's a problem with is not the lack of money.
Oh, so they just need to hire a janitor. Thanks for telling me. I'll rest easy now knowing these kids are getting the highest quality education in the country. Fucking troll.
shareI didn't say they got the highest quality education. Obviously, they're not. What I'm saying it's not a money problem, since:
1. Detroit has one of the highest budget per student in the country
2. Issues like the ones in the pictures (a very dirty bath and an old fake ceiling) are not caused by money, since they're actually quite cheap to fix.
So, the question is, if money isn't the problem, what's the problem then?
Evolutionary theories on sexual selection in warm climates explains the higher incidence in aggression and impulsiveness, no need for the slavery hypothesis.
Paternal investment theory suggests that in cold climates males were selected for provisioning, rather than for mating success. In warm climates, where female gathering made male provisioning unessential, selection was for mating success. Male hunted meat was essential for female winter survival. Genes that encouraged mating success were selected for in warm climates. Negroids (blacks) evolved in warm climates, while Caucasians (whites) and Mongoloids (Asians) evolved in colder climates. Mating is assisted by a strong sex drive, aggression, dominance, sociability, extraversion, impulsiveness, sensation seeking, and high testosterone. Provisioning is assisted by anxiety, altruism, empathy, behavioral restraint, gratification delay, and a long life span. Explanations are offered for racial differences in many personality characteristics, hormone levels, monamine oxidase levels, testosterone levels, lactase dehydrogenase metabolic paths, life spans, prostate cancer rates, hypertension, genital (penis and testes) size, vocal frequencies, liver size, muscle structure, mesomorphy, bone density, sports performance, crime rates, rape, child abuse, earnings, age at first sexual activity, AIDs, illegitimacy, divorce, marriage, and polygyny rates. Eye color correlations are discussed. Negro family structure in the Caribbean and the U.S. may reflect selection in Africa during hunter-gather times. Comparison is made with differential K theory and father absence theories.
When you don't take the time to invest in a community, things generally turn to crap and become ghetto'd where crime becomes abundant. Then you get over-policing poor areas where crime mostly happens and you'll see a rise in criminals getting caught. Strange though whites have poor communities too yet you don't get as much crime from there as you would in a poor black community. Maybe it's because they solve their issues with opioids hence so many overdoses while the other solve it more in crime instead. Culture also plays a role as well with all that rap/hip hop promoting if not influence some sort of violent acts. Why you see many of the gangs have them blasting away on it.
shareWhen you don't take the time to invest in a community, things generally turn to crap and become ghetto'd where crime becomes abundant.
Whites do as much crime only they don't go to jail. They go to congress.
shareIf blacks hold the title for robbing and stealing. Whites hold the title for molesting and pedophilia.
shareYou missed out murdering (for blacks).
shareThats every race. Isis, cartel, mafia, mob, taliban, american gangs, and any war ever.
shareEh? We're talking about civilians. Black civilians commit murders at a much higher rate.
shareIf blacks hold the title for robbing and stealing. Whites hold the title for molesting and pedophilia.
Yes yes I get it. You love the almighty whitey nation and you’ll be in denial no matter the cost. It’s fact! Whites are known for serial killing, molesting children (Jeffrey Epstein being the latest), and fucking women with their shirts and sox on. Fact!
shareYou love the almighty whitey nation and you’ll be in denial no matter the cost.
I won’t read that shit. Who’s facts are those? You know how many whites don’t get caught or reported for diddling little kids. Shit serial killers don’t get caught for decades sometimes. Those statistics are full of shit since they aren’t in real time. Search your past memories and try and remember the time when your mom told you never to be alone with your uncle John.
shareIt seems that you love the almighty niggey nation and you’ll be in denial no matter the cost 😄
shareI’m not black.
shareOh and denial about what? Black on black crime is real! Either way my race is better than all of yours.
shareHe's talking nonsense about UK, I live here and majority of pedophiles are white from any perspective.
shareStatistics say otherwise.
What you mean by "I live here and majority of pedophiles are white from any perspective" is really "pedophiles that appear in mainstream media are always white" (unless you are in a pedophile multicultural circle, your opinion is formed by what you see in the media).
And that's surely true, the big majority of pedophiles in mainstream media are surely white. Your mistake is to believe that what media cherry picks is a fair representation of reality.
Well, in a second thought... probably it's not a mistake, it's actually what you want to believe.
Dude, I am the OP of this thread which is criticizing blacks. Clearly i'm not biased since I have criticized both white and blacks. We've had this conversation already on another board. Majority of pedophiles cases in the UK are white males, from any perspective.
He gave a Stern lecture.
Radio icon Howard Stern is tearing into Tinseltown, claiming they’re treating Oscar slapper Will Smith differently compared to Dave Chappelle’s attacker.
The 68-year-old shock jock criticized the supposed showbiz double standard during a Wednesday episode of “The Howard Stern Show.”
“This guy jumped up on stage and attacked Dave Chappelle,” Stern fumed into the mic, Mediaite reported. “As soon as that happened, did they let him go back to his seat and laugh and sit next to his wife and then give them an award? No! They took him backstage, they broke his arms and hands so bad.”
Michael Jackson and R Kelly disagree with you.
shareWhether it is true or not the most death, damage and thievery is done at the top.
shareNot a reason to excuse black americans of any accountability.
shareSo by what reasoning do we excuse the death, damage and thievery is done at the top then?
shareWhen we talk about crime at the top, we can talk about crime at the top. The subject of this thread is the black crime rate in the US. There's no point constantly trying to deflect attention away from it. Clearly something needs to be improved in the black community as they are the bottom of the hierarchy in every meaningful way. Even Asians who have been in the US for less time and are a much smaller minority have established themselves beyond the black community.
The culture of black people needs to change, and on the government side the welfare system needs to change as it encourages single parent families, a massive issue in the black community.
> There's no point constantly trying to deflect attention away from it.
First of all, that is not what is being done, the point is that when you talk crime you have to have some kind of objectivity and perspective.
How much money do we spend to fight crime in the streets which does little damage and is directly a function of what happens higher up.
It is not your call to make opinion statements as fact. It is significant that you see it as important to your argument to shut out other facts - that smacks of dishonesty.
Everybody'd culture needs to change. I would most likely be very correct when I accuse you of not knowing anything about black culture ( not that I do, but I know a bit ) and its demise. It was a result of hostility and government policies that broke up the black family.
Read about what happened in Tulsa. Whenever blacks anywhere build something good whites would come in and try to destroy it. They built places for blacks to live, and then would police for crime, drugs, prostitution, everywhere but in the black places where they wanted it to settle. It's clear you know nothing but your very strong uninformed bias, which can be accurately called racism.
It was a result of hostility and government policies that broke up the black family.
You are doing just what the strategy to bad jacket Israel is ... focus only on Israel and never the context of the issue or the system as a whole. Your purpose was not to ask the question as you misleadingly do in your original post, but to attack black people. It is thinly veiled racism.
By the way, not all blacks are rioting which is the image you want to project - by far.
Not worth it to discuss something with someone who is allergic to facts.
Ah so you support Israel as well? Says it all really...
By the way, not all blacks are rioting
You are just a toxic barrel of negativity aren't you?
I support justice.
In the case of Israel the story is not just about what Israel does, it should encompass the whole history of the region and what is going on on the other side as well. The only reason the world can talk about Israel is that it is an open and free society, even for the Arabs that live there. Never hear anything about Palestine because they are closed and secret.
You are just a toxic barrel of negativity aren't you?
The only reason the world can talk about Israel is that it is an open and free society, even for the Arabs that live there.
Run away if you cannot support your own racist rant why don't you?
shareRun away if you cannot support your own racist rant why don't you?
Whether it is true or not the most death, damage and thievery is done at the top.
You'd be lucky if you actually had anything useful to say.
share> Says the one who supports Israel
I just go through saying what I support, you only make such a false claim because you now your statements are such negative nonsense you cannot defend them and have to lower yourself to such deliberate misstatements.
>> Even Asians who have been in the US for less time and are a much smaller minority have established themselves beyond the black community.
Asians do not have close to the same history that blacks do.
Many Asians also have connections to the country of birth or nationality.
Most of the Asian coming here today are from money and are wired right into jobs black people cannot get. Asians are predatory to the American economy - a lot of them are at this time.
But previously Asians were just as badly treated as blacks, and even worse.
If you are trying to say that groups should be studied to see what works and what doesn't, that makes sense, but there is a whole array of factors set against black people.
Whether it is true or not the most death, damage and thievery is done at the top.