MovieChat Forums > Politics > Winning? Europe bans Americans from visi...

Winning? Europe bans Americans from visiting for the foreseeable future

The EU has blocked Americans from traveling at least through this summer, saying America has not passed the criteria to allow visitors in. It's a great indication how Europe sees America, which is 'a big COVID threat' to their countries.

Thanks Trump!


Wow! China - where the virus has started - has made the cut, but America didn't. Definitely an indictment on how the EU sees our leadership under Trump.


Republicans are so quiet about this. Wonder why ?


Too busy complaining about SJWs.


If you are referring to politicians, they are cowards.


Wow that really breaks my heart I can't can't go see the frogs.


Stay quarantined in Texas. No one wants you to leave your house.


Their loss. American tourists spend a fortune in Europe.


It's a loss they're willing to take. Unlike Trumptoads, they're putting the well-being of their residents first before money. Trumptoads and Republicans do the opposite - money before a person's well-being.


Geez, you sure are big with the name calling. But then again, when someone has nothing intelligent to say, that's what he resorts to.

I hope you can pay your bills and survive on your "well being".


It's sad to see 'money' is so important in your life - more important than anyone's health and well-being. What evil has taken over this world?


Oh dear, Melanias, I'm sorry to say that in my little corner of the world, my grocery store wants money, my mortgage holder doesn't care about my "well being', it wants cash, so do the electric company, water company, etc.

It isn't health and well-being vs. money. It's not an either or proposition.

"What evil has taken over this world?" Huh? Were you born last week?

Your way of thinking is a perfect example, truly the epitome of what is wrong with this country today.

I could try to give you an explanation, but unfortunately I couldn't give you the common sense or I.Q. points that you'd need to understand it. So, you're on your own. I wish you the best of luck.




LOL- You leftards sure stick to the script!!! When you have no intelligent reply (and why would you?), you do the "yawn" thing and feign indifference.

I've gotten the "yawn" from a number of lefties who also have nothing to reply to, so you're in good company!


When you have no intelligent reply (and why would you?)

You got that right!

Why would anyone offer an intelligent reply to your vapid nonsense ? A yawn is the best we 'lefties' can offer, before we nod off to sleep from reading the rest of your benumbing post.


Stay in your own disease-ridden state! New York, Conn., New Jersey and several other states who were able to contain the virus don't want you coming, either.


Oh dear little Keelai, I aint planning on travelling anywhere. First of all, I don't have the cash.

"Disease ridden state"? Duh, how do you know where I live? Oops I forgot, the left knows EVERYTHING!

But do they know this "disease" is just a trumped up way (pun intended) to destroy President Trump's chance at re-election. Gosh, you people are such suckers. Like Stalin said, you are "useful idiots".


Like Stalin said, you are "useful idiots".

Trump has said something rather similar when referring to his supporters. Coinkydink?


Melania- since I am only an ignorant "Trumptard" or whatever you folks want to call me (and believe me, I take no offense, call me anything you want!) you will have to refresh my memory on that one.

I mean this seriously, no name calling or jerking you around, can you point me to a speech Pres. Trump made saying that? Can I read it on-line or watch it on youtube?

Forgive me but I just don't take the left as 100% accurate all the time.


"I aint planning on travelling anywhere."

Good! Tell your friends in your state to stay within your borders, too!

"First of all, I don't have the cash."

What? Trump didn't make you rich with high-paying factory jobs??

"this "disease" "

You mean the "hoax" that doesn't really exist, Trump has under control and which will be gone by April? The one which Trump suggests could be cured by injecting disinfectant or magic-thinking. The hoax which should be ignored as states are "liberated'?

You have to get your propaganda straight.


You seriously need to get your sh$t straight.

My state? Do you know which one it is? If not, then shut up.

Trump make me rich? So in your delusional, demented leftard world, you think a President can "make you rich?"

Guess if I voted for the Hildabeast, I'd be living on easy street now. Oops, wrong She was only interested in making herself rich. (or richer)

You think I vote for a President who will GIVE me things, like a job? Only leftwing, nanny state crybabies are under the illusion (the delusion) that the government will "give" them anything. Duh? Please get your head out of your butt!

My cash flow problems are my own. I took a temporary part time job and it helps pay the bills. But there's no money for travel. Unlike the left I don't assign blame to anyone for my financial woes. Well maybe a little to our corrupt LOCAL government which keeps raising property taxes to pay for new turf in the stadium or a new pool.

Pres. Trump suggesting we inject disinfectant? Please point me to a video where I can hear him say that.

You need to get the wax out of your ears.


I don't care which state you're in. just stay in it and don't infect the rest of us with your "liberation" of cooties".

Trumpites have short-term memory problems as you demonstrate. Many Trumpites fell for the lies and false promises of Trump's "MAGA" rhetoric including high-paying factory jobs, a wall which Mexico will pay for, cheap health insurance and prescription drugs, a 1-page tax form with huge taxcuts for the middle-class, no nukes in N. Korea and Iran, winning a trade war with China, 4-5% GDP and prosperity"

Instead he delivered death, bankruptcies, record unemployment,a bear market, nukes in Iran and N. Korea and farmers on the dole.

At least Hillary wouldn't be in bed with Putin killing American soldiers. Hillary wouldn't be talking about injecting disinfectants to cure coronavirus. Hillary wouldn’t have defunded and dismantled safeties put in place to protect Americans from pandemics because science is bad. Hillary wouldn't ignore her national security advisors and health advisors for months by calling it a hoax.

If you have no cash, then you have no money if you get coronavirus and are hospitalized. That means my taxes will support you. You owe me thanks and not a snarky attitude.


I owe you NOTHING except sympathy for the fact that you're a dunce and don't even know it! LOL

"Cooties" ha ha, The last time I heard that term used was in grade school by immature ten year old boys! I suspect you're hardly even THAT mature.

For your information I wear this stupid mask when I go out as prescribed by a government which is systemically chipping away at our rights. On the off chance that some highly susceptible people are out and about, I wouldn't want to make them sick. But I'm not sick

I never said I have NO CASH, sheesh, take a moment from p#ssing yourself, climb down from your virtue signaling high horse and actually read what I said.

I don't have money for frivolities like vacations. It doesn't bother me. President Trump is not to blame. The area of the country I live in has had factory after factory shut down for many YEARS before he took office. I wasn't looking for a factory job anyway. But I guess unskilled dolts like yourself are sorry that you can't get one.

I won't get this stupid hyped up virus either. I'm healthy and haven't even had a cold in years.

And golly gee, what is so WRONG with a card carrying libtard like yourself paying for my health care? It's sure is swell of all of you to invite hordes of illegals (read future Democrat voters) into the country and crying "racism" when people don't want to pay for THEIR health care.

"Hillary wouldn't be in bed with Putin"...LOLOL When was the last time ya think she was in bed with ANY guy? (well how old is Chelsea?) So probably nine months before she was born.

You're another deluded libtard which I don't have the time or patience to educate. I'm too busy working. I wish you luck and a rise in I.Q. points.


Trump said his voters would be 'tired of winning' if they voted him in as President.

I guess he left you on the losing end, because you don't seem too tired, and you're especially not winning.


LOL What exactly am I not "winning", aside from brownie points from the left because I don't subscribe to their sad world view.

Typical response from a leftie though. Nothing substantive, just silliness.


Everything that Trump promised his feeble-minded followers in 2015 and 2016, while he was campaigning:

1. High-paying six figure jobs he was going to create for you.

2. A better and cheaper healthcare system to replace Obamacare.

3. A big, beautiful, border wall which Mexico was going to pay for to keep the 'illegals' out.

4. A GDP at 4, 5, and 6% (we're supposed to be at 6% this year).

5. High paying factory jobs.

There's more - but those were his top five. I don't think you got any.


And why do you CARE. Melania?? And for the record, I'm not feeble minded nor are the many people I know who voted for Trump. We were all just fed up to here with professional politicians and their bullsh#t.

I never bought into his or any other politician's promises in my whole life, even when I was as young, gullible, and impressionable as you seem to be.

NO six figure jobs will be coming to my area in my lifetime or in the next hundred years. It's a depressed area with a shrinking population.
Aside from that, I don't count on any politician's promises. I just aint that gullible.
My life and my happiness do not depend on who is elected to office.
Do you think you'd be living in a magical, happy, wealthy Disneyworld if his opponent, Hillary, got elected? Do you think she gives a "sheet" about you or anyone else? No way. She got "hers" by screwing everyone around her. And she'd just as soon screw you over.

Truth be told, I shouldn't admit this, I was never fond of Donald Trump the businessman. But to me, his greatest accomplishment was denying a coronation to that self entitled broom rider.


"My cash flow problems are my own. I took a temporary part time job and it helps pay the bills. ... my financial woes. "
You're poor.

"The area of the country I live in has had factory after factory shut down for many YEARS before he took office."
You're actually agreeing with me. Trump promised to reopen factories and deliver high-paying jobs. He failed.

Coronavirus is spreading into red states and rural areas now. Eventually, you'll know as many dead people as I do or at least people who have had family and friends die.

The reality is that there is no national leadership and Trump doesn't care. He has wasted and still wastes time by refusing to coordinate a national plan to beat coronavirus. The E.U. and even China with a billion people were able to contain this virus with strong leadership.

"I wear this stupid mask"
Bravo! The mask also provides some protection for you. I know of healthy people who ended up in the hospital. This virus' effect is random.

There's nothing funny about a president who has willfully failed to protect the American people against this virus and believes it's alright for Putin to place a bounty on our soldiers. Over 128,000 dead Americans because of bad leadership. That is what you're defending.

You appear to have some common sense re: the virus. Why do you support Trump holding a rally in a crowded area with people not wearing masks especially in Tulsa where the rate was rising? Some of those people looked like they could end up dead if they became sick.


"I'm poor"...and you know this how? Have you seen my financial records? haha Well truth be told, they weren't so "healthy" before the virus anyway.

Does it make you happy to think I'm "poor"?

How do you know I supported a Trump rally in a crowded area with people not wearing masks? I didn't even know about it. I have come to an age in life where I realize I cannot control other peoples' actions.
I keep wearing a mask in public. All the stores have signs posted, but many people are now choosing to ignore them. I don't have the power to enforce anything.

Our mom is elderly and we do all her shopping. She doesn't go out. All I can do is what any one person can do, namely take care of my own corner of the world.

Sorry for your lose re: the virus, but I personally know of no one who had it. There are cases in our county. But I don't know any of the people. Guess I'm lucky.

Don't mean to get mean. I just have come to a place in life (getting older) where I know I can't control things. I wear my mask. It fogs up my glasses and I get in and out of stores quickly because I am claustrophobic and can hardly breathe with it on. That's it!


It doesn't make me happy to see anyone struggling financially. It bothers me that so many people brought into Trump's BS and are worst off now.

"My life and my happiness do not depend on who is elected to office."

Indirectly, it does. Miss sports on TV, movies, wearing masks, new depression, closed stores and businesses?

Compare how the U.S. has handled the virus vs. other wealthy nations. The virus is under control in many of those countries and raging here. Trump wasted months calling it a hoax, telling people to "liberate" states by ignoring the virus and not to wear masks and social distance.

I get frustrated because those actions stopped it from being contained here. Supporting him to screw Hillary only backfired. She would've done what all the other countries did and we could've been over this already. Maybe it would've never became a pandemic since the doctor in China who was there to alert us about possible pandemics would still be working there instead of removed by Trump.

I'm surprised you didn't know about Trump's rally. Thousands attended wearing no masks nor social distancing. Herman Cain who attended is in the hospital now.

I hate the mask as much as you. I sit at my desk wearing it for hours when I work. I'm used to it by now. A few where I live get complicit and wear it under their nose which I hate. Most comply though and wear it properly.

Thanks for your condolences. I hope you and your family remain safe. These are very scary times.


Okay Keelai, I thin I see your point. No use fighting each other!

Bot some of the things you brought up do not affect me at all. I haven't watched sports in years, so I don't miss it.

I don't miss movies because I don't go to see them. In the last fifteen years I went twice to the theater. Both times were at my sister's insistence. She wanted to see the new Planet of the Apes movies.

I cancelled my Direct TV last fall because I found it to be a massive waste of money. I hate all those commercials. I have been building up my own library of old films and films from the 70's and 80's.

Our local towns don't enforce mask wearing. The town I am in at first adopted measures like closing the town pool, no Fourth of July fireworks, etc.

But the town caved in and tomorrow there will be firework displays all over town. They are allowing open containers (read-alcohol). People will be gathering in groups, no social distancing. I'm avoiding it. But I can't stop our silly local officials from doing this.

Well, happy breathing! I make the shortest trips possible to the grocery store. I've not done any "non essential" shopping, like for clothes, in months.

I don't know what else to do.


"I don't know what else to do."

You're doing the right thing by having basic common sense and protecting yourself and your family. I wish everybody did. Most people appear to have a problem with delayed gratification.

Local officials prefer to risk everyone's life in order to help businesses. Money over lives and health.

Trump held another rally last night with no social distancing nor required masks.

This pandemic isn't permanent. We just need to ride it out by staying safe until a vaccine and/or real government leadership is in place to control it better. I'm expecting next summer to be normal or close to it.

Have a safe July 4th!


Trump held another rally last night with no social distancing nor required masks.

And the fallout from his last COVIDpalooza two weeks ago is incredible - Kimberly Guilfoyle is the latest to test positive, along with Squirmin' Herman Cain, and 7 staff members (who knows how many civilians).


I saw an elderly man sitting next to Cain. I wondered what happened to him.

Many secret service agents are testing positive, too.


I think we're going to hear more and more victims of COVID from the Trump COVIDpalooza this summer.

Does he realize he's killing off his own cult ?


Best post ever ! A round of applause !


Never understood why Chuck Heston got so upset over some statue the frogs gave the US.
The French never did anything for us, right?


Like I was really wanting to go see the pungence there.


You don't see enough in Texas ?



"The European Continent on Tuesday decided to reopen to visitors from 14 countries but not the U.S."

"The EU extended its ban on visitors not just from the U.S. but from China and from countries such as Russia, Brazil and India where infections are running high. Britain dropped out of the EU in January and maintains its own rules, requiring arriving travelers to go into 14-day self-quarantine."

"President Donald Trump suspended the entry of most Europeans in March."

"According to European Commission figures, the United States is the EU’s biggest in-bound long-haul tourism market in terms of arrivals and tourist spending. In 2014, U.S. tourists accounted for 18% of the total nights spent in the EU by visitors from outside, followed by Russia at 14.9%. Tourists from China, Japan and Brazil each accounted for less than 5% of nights."

"Tuesday’s decision will not go down well with all Europeans.American make up a big share of Europe’s tourism industry, and summer is a key period. More than 15 million Americans travel to Europe each year, while some 10 million Europeans head across the Atlantic."


First of all, China is not banned you fool.

After that lie, I couldn't read any more of your gibberish.


"the EU has compiled a list of safe countries whose citizens will be permitted to enter the region without a quarantine. Notably, travelers from China will be allowed to enter the Union’s 27 member countries if China adheres to reciprocal travel arrangement on visitors from Europe."



Here is what you said in your first post:

"The EU extended its ban on visitors not just from the U.S. but from China ..."

Here is what you said in your follow-up post:

"the EU has compiled a list of safe countries whose citizens will be permitted to enter the region without a quarantine. Notably, travelers from China will be allowed to enter the Union’s 27 member countries if China adheres to reciprocal travel arrangement on visitors from Europe."

Two different statements by you. Which is true, jackass?

Is it true that China is banned from the EU like America is (Statement #1) ?

Is it true that China is not banned from the EU, but with reciprocal travel from Europeans (Statement #2) ?

You provided two opposite answers, which means one of them is a lie (I'm sticking with statement #1 as the lie).


Europeans like to pretend that they are supremely more intelligent than Americans.

I love listening to Europeeeens brag about how they travel to other countries.LOL
Sure, travel in one direction 50 miles and BOOM your in a new country and travel another direction 100 miles and BOOM in yet another country.
You can't do that in America. F'k'n idiot wannabe big brain MFers.
Just kidding. LOL. Kinda.


Just look at the european map, you intelligent and stable american genius!
Europe isn't THAT small.
I don't know if europeans are more intelligent but I'm sure they are by far better educated than americans.


Do you really believe that I've never read a map before?

Are you really that fucking stupid?


I'm actually pretty damn good at geography.

Anyway, go F yourself.


Stupidity owns you!
Now that's what I believe.
I wished I wouldn't have to, but there's too much evidence to ignore it.
Go educate yourself and please don't procreate! There's too much at stake.


LOL! Now Timmy's mad.


I'd feel safer going to a resort in Mexico over going to Europe. No big loss.


Mexico is filled with rapists and drug dealers according to Trump. Why do you wish to go there?

On the other hand, Trump says Europe is filled with white people - which is why he has his golf resort in Scotland, and wants immigrants from Norway. Why wouldn't you want to go there ?



I saw a post about this earlier and an American replied that Europe is crap to visit anyway and he prefers Italy and Spain lol.


That's a Trumptoad for you. It's the same when they say to get rid of Obamacare, but not the ACA.
