Come on you guys. I seriously need to know why “things will be better” with Biden. If you don’t have an honest answer just say so. I gave you my thoughts about what was good before the virus. How do we fix this? Don’t just say get rid of Trump by electing Biden. I need to know how Biden will be different and what he can do to fix the country. No sniping, please, because damning Trump isn’t a solution to the problems.
shareStill...”The Sound of Silence”.
Simon & Garfunkel would be proud!
I'm a conservative voting for Jesse Ventura. I gave Trump too many chances, and he proves every day that he is incapable of being a leader.
You can call it a wasted vote if you want, but both Trump and Biden are scumbags with a shady past.
Maybe if enough people vote for a "third party" candidate, it will encouarage them in the future. I can only hope.
The rest of you can use your voice to support partisan douchebags if you want.
I didn’t inquire about who people were going to vote for this year. My question is what can any candidate do differently to get us out of the quagmire the country is in...be it Biden, Ventura or whomever. I’m not talking about who’s a scumbag or who isn’t. Your guy is Ventura. OK, let us know what he is going to do to “make things better”. Magic wand to wipe away the virus so we can get back to last fall’s economy of 2019. You have to have a concrete reason why you are voting against Trump...not because he’s a scumbag. Just tell me who could do better with the virus destroying our economy?
shareI acknowledge that I was off-topic.
I don't blame Trump for any of the problems we are facing now, but I still disagree with your sentiment of: "You have to have a concrete reason why you are voting against Trump...not because he’s a scumbag."
I don't, actually. I can vote for anyone I want.
God bless America.
I’m sorry I didn’t mean to phrase it like that. I was in a hurry. You don’t have to give a reason why you vote for or against someone. My OP started out to be what could someone else do, Biden or whomever to get us out of the crisis this country is facing. Solutions is what I’m asking for, no blame game which doesn’t advance us to the solutions. As I wrote, you are in front if a class. The question is students who has the answer?
shareI am no fan of Trump but I cannot deny he had this economy working great until the China virus hit. And the Dems, particularly those in New York, made some unfathomably stupid decisions that led to thousands of elderly deaths. If I had any doubts about voting against Trump they were erased over the last month watching Democrats burn, steal, assault all over America. The estimated damage in Minneapolis alone is over a BILLION dollars. In Seattle, a billion dollar investment firm is leaving. And the long term effects? Who would want to open businesses in these places now? No one. Who would want to live there? And this is ALL on the Dems. These cities are run by them, they encourage this 'peaceful' protesting.
shareIs anyone going to teach this class? We need to find solutions and who could change things for the better in today’s climate.
shareNo one has an answer even though they bitch and moan about Trump. I’m still waiting for an answer...what would their candidate do to fight the virus and get us out of the quagmire we are into? It’s easy to gripe about Trump at this stage, but does their candidate have a solution? Think about it...we will still be at the same table with Biden or whomever being served the same garbage that’s being served to Trump. As I wrote...the virus is the enemy...not the one sitting or will be sitting in the Oval Office.
I’m waiting anti-Trumper teachers. What is the solution?
OK, I’ll put it this way...convince me to vote because at this stage I may not vote. Or convince me to vote for whomever. Why? Because neither Trump or Biden can get us out of this mess.
shareYou anti-Trumpers malign him 24/7. Convince me to vote for someone else and why.
shareYou guys continue to bitch and moan about Trump, but you don’t have any suggestions of who might do better. Who else has the solutions to get this country back up and running?
Words are cheap...solutions are not. I’m willing to “listen”. Your 24/7 griping is getting old. So, I inquire again...who can do a better job as president. Personality is not in the mix. I don’t care about the love/hate reasons.
Yes, I’m bumping my post again due to the fact I have not received an answer! I’ve come to the point you anti-Trumpers don’t have an answer. You are unable to step out of the anti-Trump box filled with animosity toward him and his voters. It’s so much easier to bitch about something than to say who could do better with concrete foundations during these troubling times.. If Biden wins he’s going to be served the same garbage as Trump. Unless Biden has a magic wand to dispel the virus, there will be no change.
I just remembered one thing Biden plans on doing...wiping away the Trump tax cuts from businesses. Yep, with businesses struggling to stay afloat and being hit with higher taxes. makes common sense!
Economic Effect
According to the Tax Foundation General Equilibrium Model, Biden’s tax plan would reduce the economy’s size by 1.51 percent in the long run. The plan would shrink the capital stock by 3.23 percent and reduce the overall wage rate by 0.98 percent, leading to 585,000 fewer full-time equivalent jobs.
I was thinking about posting a thread like this but see you've already done so, and that you've gotten the (non) substantive responses I figured.
Biden's tax hike, which he insanely still supports despite the need for recovering from the virus shutdowns, is his primary explicit policy proposal. That's what he's leading with. What's most important to him. It would certainly weaken the ongoing recovery and possibly kill it.
On top of that the leftist establishment puppet has vowed to place Beta "I WILL GO TO YOUR HOUSES AND TAKE YOUR GUNS AWAY!!" O'Rourke in charge of gun control policy. He named Alexandria "END ALL FOSSIL FUEL PRODUCTION!" Ocasio-Cortez to head his energy policy.
People may support these things, but they should be honest enough to acknowledge that they would destroy the economy, and certainly would make it far worse than it will be under President Trump.
Have you noticed Biden looks like the left’s favorite phrase, Orange-Man! I wager they won’t refer to Biden in such a way.
shareDamn! Still no answer from the peanut gallery...the ones with TDS? This may help.
Your point of view and posts are worthless. Look at the world through the lies rump tells and ask us to refute?
The earth is flat, antifa is a genuine threat, unregulated guns are the answer, the stock market is the best measure of how the economy affects the poor, Blacks are doing great under rump. It's all a fabrication and you swallow it without question.
Why argue with some hick ideologue? We already have people defending their right to be pro-White here. It's a crap show that makes me bang my head against a brick wall, like listening to junior high students who think they've figured out all the angles, when their education has barely begun, if they care to listen and think.
Did you get your degree from CNN or WaPo?
shareWe were also doing fine in 2016. Unemployment was going down because of a stable economy that had moved away from the recession. Sure, unemployment continued to drop after we changed presidents, but Trump didn't have to do anything to achieve it. It was all automatic. What Trump did was use the stable economy for his tax cuts for the rich which have done nothing for the average worker. Sure, Wall Street likes it because they are putting all that extra cash oversees. But for the rest of us, we don't see a dime. And at times Wall Street gets nervous because of Trump's erratic leadership, primarily with China. It goes up and down constantly and you never quite know if it will recover after the next drop. Biden, for all his problems with not being progressive enough, will at least keep the stock market steady considering they already got their tax cut and Biden isn't taking it away. Biden was responsible for the permanent extension of the Bush era tax cuts, after all.
Will things be MUCH better? No. It will make the neoliberals very happy that they don't have to deal with having a president they believe to be deeply racist. But it will also make most of us happy that we don't have a president who proves he is objectively stupid every time he opens his mouth.
It's also a return to normality away from fake news like OAN and Infowars which has been treated as legitimate alternatives to mainstream news because of Trump's presidency. Talking heads like Sean Hannity have gone full Alex Jones which is something I never thought would be possible prior to Trump.
Sure, it would bring a smile to my face to see all the PizzaGate shills and "lock her up" MAGA chuds with tears in their eyes seeing their savior dismantled after they spent years lifting him up to godhood. I can't deny that. Because for a lot of them, they supported Trump to make the "libtards" cry the same tears. So turnabout is fair play. But in reality, this goes beyond making stupid people upset. Trump is a bad precedent. I want him to lose because I believe he needs to lose for the betterment of the country. And the MAGA chuds who are only happy because "haha Hillary lost" will quickly get over Trump's loss anyway since their happiness was built on a flimsy foundation.
The real question is, if you don't care about "haha Hillary lost" then why would you so adamantly support Trump over Biden? It sounds like you just don't know anything about how republican-like Biden has been. The reason Biden has so many never-Trumpers on his side is because they know exactly who he is.
I want him to lose because I believe he needs to lose for the betterment of the country.
Wrong. GDP growth was anemic under Obama and experts rightly thought the country was slipping into recession. Stocks and business/consumer confidence suddenly surged the day after Trump's election and mostly from then on for a reason. Trump replaced Obama's 8 year stagnation with a strong economy. We went from being burdened with the highest corporate tax rate in the world to a competitive one, and just as important switched from having the stupid global tax scheme to a territorial one like other nations, allowing US companies to repatriate trillions of dollars generated overseas that had been stuck there. For the first time on record job openings outnumbered those seeking work, and wages grew strongly for the first time since the 2000s. The Obamacare individual mandate was scrapped, making America a free country again, and instead of endless mountains of stifling regulations people and businesses have hope. Instead of trying to block fracking and other innovations Trump facilitated them, causing the US to become the #1 oil producer in the world for the first time in several decades and reaching energy independence.
These are very important changes Trump implemented, and reversing them would be disastrous. That's without even getting into other accomplishments like destroying ISIS, rebuilding the military, restoring the US manned space program, creating the much needed Space Force military branch, killing the planet's worst terrorists, etc..
I won't comment on the bulk of your post, except to say that this is clearly an election between the populist outsider, still so despite being the incumbent, and the establishment class that fancies itself a ruling class. If the top echelons of the media, political class, and unelected government bureaucracy that have been waging all out war against Trump since his first day succeed in replacing him with their puppet Biden, it will validate their horrific tactics and prove that the establishment, not the people, really does rule this country. That no candidate could win without the approval of the establishment class. It would effectively end American democracy.
This is all truth. Obama himself said Trump would have to have a magic wand to bring the unemployment rate to 4%. Nope, just good policy.
shareWhat Trump did was use the stable economy for his tax cuts for the rich which have done nothing for the average worker.
I am so sick of this bullcrap! You know why there's tax cuts for the rich? Because the rich are the ones who own all the big businesses people work for. I work for a Kroger store. Now whether you like it or not Billionaires like Trump are the ones putting money into the company Kroger. You go raising taxes by like 50% on those billionaires who own Kroger and they are going to be cutting positions at Kroger. And then me and millions of other Kroger employees will all be out of jobs. And not all of us will be able to get as good of a job as we had at Kroger because there will be so much more competition. But go head and vote for the people who will make me and others lose their jobs just because you're jealous of people who have more money than you!
Companies aren't "putting money into the company" because of tax cuts though. Those tax cuts are an unnecessary cherry on top that companies stuff overseas. Those tax cuts allow companies to fire employees just so the company can engage in stock manipulation with stock buybacks to artificially increase the value of their business.
But you don't want to hear any of that. You wanna live in the world of bullshit where companies were doing badly in 2016 and Trump saved them.
More like the reverse where the billionaires don't like losing their money to the government and start cutting employees to save part of their income.
shareTrump is like Cancer. When he’s gone Next year, the country will begin to heal
shareAnd it continues! I wrote the OP 6 days ago followed by bumping it to see an answer. After all this time you anti-Trumpers have yet to answer my question! So, I will repeat:
”Again how will “Things will be so much better with Trump gone and Biden as president.” Please educate me, no slamming of Trump or his voters. Pretend you’re teaching a class about Biden vs Trump.”
Please read the entire OP. I keep hoping I will receive a direct reply to the question.
” Trump is like Cancer. When he’s gone Next year, the country will begin to heal“ Gong! Wrong answer!
Thats the only answer dunderhead
shareNo it’s not dunderhead! Apparently you are having difficulty reading my OP. I did not ask what you thought about Trump. Tell me who would do a better job facing the same problems and how the new person would bring us out of the crisis.
You anti-Trumpers are long on maligning and bitching about Trump, but you’re short on who would do a better job sitting at the same table served the same garbage. When backed into a corner all of a sudden the insults starts...because you cannot answer the question. It’s easier to keep slamming Trump. Dear Lord! And you vote. You’re against Trump, we get that! But y’all can’t answer a simple question of who would do better and how!
Not a single anti-Trump poster has been able to give a real answer to the op.
That's the modern Democratic Party, ladies and gentlemen: intellectually bankrupt.
And like I wrote...they vote! Dear Lord! They don’t know why they will vote for Trump’s opponent. 😱 All they can do is gripe about Trump...that’s all they have.🤷🏼♀️
shareStill no answer to this question. It’s not a difficult query so....
shareWhen he’s gone Next year, the country will begin to heal
Lesser hatred will certainly improve things!
Lesser lies and lesser alternative facts too.
Pretty simple.
It comes down to well-being. And that's of major importance!
So what do I get for answering this soo difficult question?
How will Biden’s election lessen the hatred and lies that come from the Democrat media/party?
A few examples would be calling Trumps inauguration speech Hitlarian. Trump hadn’t even taken office, and Chris Mathews, highly respected DC establishment journalist for MSNBC, and former chief of staff for Democrat speaker of the house Tip O’Neal said those words minutes after Trumps first speech. There was nothing hateful about the speech.
Or the lies told by the Democrat party media for 3 years about evidence of Russia collusion. The evidence was never produced.
The reality the Democrat party of hate and lies will never stop because the media is the watch dog and they are the Democrat party. Uninformed ignorant people like yourself will continue to fall for it because you’re incapable of doing otherwise.
No surprise none of the bot cut and pasters responded to the OP. They’re Incapable of formulating independent thoughts.
Biden won’t be the nominee.
Hatred > lesser hatred > no hatred
Of course the democratic party is lying. It's in the system. There is no fix when it comes to telling lies and doing whatever you can to make your opponent look even weaker than you are.
I'm sorry but these are the rules of politics. So don't ever trust anyone blindly!
You still don’t get it! You didn’t answer the not so difficult question. Read it again. Whomever you vote for will be sitting at the same table, with the same plate of garbage served to him/her. Will less hatred make Covid 19 disappear? Nope! They all lie so that won’t solve the problems. Well-being? What does that mean? Does it mean because you have a smile on your face due to Trump losing, the Covid 19 will magically disappear? Does it mean the country will open up and we won’t be in the Twilight Zone any longer? No more masks? Does it mean everyone will be singing Kumbaya?
You get a ZERO for your answer. None of you anti-Trumpers can answer what the next person would do differently in the same situation, with the same hand Trump was dealt. I will let you in on a little secret. I posted it earlier, but in case you missed it...here is Biden’s tax plan. If you notice he will be hitting businesses while they are down or starting to recover. Grand idea, don’t ya think?
My original OP:
Okay Folks...Biden’s Tax Plan! Read It And Weep!
Hang on to your britches! As if we don’t currently have enough problems!
Details and Analysis of Former Vice President Biden’s Tax Proposals
No, no presidential candidate will have a cure for Kung Flu.
No, Biden won't have all answers to all questions already existing and those yet to come.
Welcome to earth. This is the human condition. You don't like it?
Sorry! Why don't you ask God where the perfect candidate is hiding? Oh, I forgot. He never answers!
I’m aware no presidential candidate will have a cure. I’m being facetious in asking that question. All I’m asking is what would someone else do differently facing the same set of circumstances. I can understand during “normal” times anti-Trumpers may be able to say the other candidate would do it this way or that way.
But, faced with the same crisis going on and will continue if we are to believe Dr. Fauci, the next person isn’t going to do any better. I for one remember how things were better in the country before the virus. Economy was good, people were working again, etc. I personally don’t care for Trump as a person, but because of him we were doing better. His ideology is more in tune with mine. He just doesn’t know when to shut the hell up! I fear people are voting against him for that reason. Common sense is in play here. You look at a person in the whole. We already know what Biden’s tax plan is. He’s admitted it. He’s going to raise taxes on the very ones who are struggling.
My question still stands who would do better in today’s world...and how would s/he do better?
All politicians lie. The illuminati makes them. If you think elected officials have any control you’re naive. When you go against the puppet master you end up like JFK, John Lennon, and 2pac.