Still no answer, posters? Not a difficult question if you support Biden more than you deplore Trump. 🤷🏼♀️ Hmm? ”Basket of deplorables” came to mind.
shareIt pains me to be the bearer of bad news but I'm afraid your horse is dead kspkap. I'm so sorry but it's not coming back so you really should stop flogging it.
Sometimes you just have to let go.
It pains me to agree with you, but I’ve come to the conclusion their “no answer”is the answer! The anti-Trumpers will vote for Biden, but they can’t tell us why. I would love to have them run a campaign for Biden because he would lose. I’ll vote for Trump even though I don’t like him as a person, but I could let people know why I’m voting for him. The anti-Trumpers are so blinded by their dislike of Trump they are unable to see beyond their hatred. ”Can’t see the forest for the trees!”
shareYeah, I understood your point early on.
With all due respect your OP could have been construed as a trap by some people. When you demand that people explain their reasons for voting a particular way, which as you know are not always easy to rationalise or verbalise for some, it makes sense that people would be wary of engaging. Why share my thoughts if they are just going to be ridiculed, you know?
I think if you concede that some people just really dislike Trump's manner (or lack of manners) and find him dangerously erratic and narcissistic, it's a fair enough justification for voting for the other guy, who may seem far more statesman-like and presidential. Sometimes it’s as simple as that.
Thank you for your reply. It really wasn’t a trap. I didn’t “demand” people explain their reasons for voting against Trump. Suppose I’m an “undecided” voter. With that in mind explain to me how Biden or whomever would do things differently from Trump while the country is in this unprecedented situational quagmire.
No arguing, no debating, just thoughts and ideas. I definitely wouldn’t ridicule someone if s/he gave me honest answers as to how s/he believed someone else could do better. Also, how Biden or whomever would achieve those goals. This is why I wrote at one time to imagine you are teaching a course in politics.
“For the 2020 election we have Trump vs Biden. Class give me your answers to question #1. How would Biden do things differently from Trump dealing with the same obstacles? Keep in mind we are not in normal times. You may not like Trump...you may not like Biden. But, we as voters have to look beyond just disliking someone. We have to be aware of what each candidate’s plans are in dealing with this crisis. Answers are due tomorrow. Class dismissed!”
”...it's a fair enough justification for voting for the other guy, who may seem far more statesman-like and presidential. Sometimes it’s as simple as that.”
In normal times...yes, I would agree. But, with what we are dealing with wouldn’t you want to know how the other guy is going to deal with what has befallen us? Covid 19 isn’t going away anytime soon. I keep thinking of the adage “Sometimes it’s better to deal with the devil you know than the one you don’t know.”
Honestly you could’ve asked this about the last 5 democrat candidates. Obama. Kerry. Gore. Clinton. Dukakis. They never have a platform or plan. At least not one they’d share with the American people.
So it’s no surprise at all that the lemmings here can’t come up with even one Biden platform item. This really is nothing new. The Democrat party Of hate is bankrupt and has been since JFK.
I’m going to take tim74’s advice and cease beating a dead horse. After this my OP has given up the ghost. As I wrote The honest answer to my question is NO answer. They are incapable of knowing why they will vote against Trump...other than they just abhor him. It’s a good thing they aren’t part of Biden’s campaign going door to door. They wouldn’t be able to answer ”Why should I vote for Senator Biden? Give me a reason to vote for him.”
I’ve decided to stop beating a dead horse (this OP) by quietly putting it to rest. I’m not going to bump it unless someone else does. I actually received the answer...it was no answer, zilch, nada...
All they can do is slam Trump, not how his opponent would do better. Given the same set of circumstances I inquired what their candidate would do to get the country up and running again. If I’m an undecided voter attempt to persuade me to vote for their candidate. They are incapable. They are so consumed by their loathing of Trump they cannot extricate themselves out of the box of hate!🙇🏼♀️
I even gave them a start: Biden would raise taxes on businesses putting aside the fact many of those businesses are struggling. Biden and the Dems could possibly be the reason some businesses never open again. With that in mind, sell Biden to the undecided voters without slamming Trump. Biden surely has a platform, but these are not normal days we are living. He will be served the same plate of garbage!
Trump has repeatedly said he won't take responsibility which means nothing will improve.
Biden already has a team of health experts and economic experts to whom he is consulting and has plans to repair all the damage which has been done from Trump's inaction and incompetence.
BTW, you're being a hypocrite because you don't want anti-Trump comments while you are making anti-Biden comments.
Anyway, a president must be a leader and not slacker who only tweets and watches TV. The buck stops with Trump who doesn't care if Americans die, if Putin places a bounty on our marines, or if the economy collapses. He took a healthy economy and job market and destroyed it. If Trump hadn't fired the pandemic team and removed the American doctor from China, we wouldn't have this pandemic. The buck stops with Trump. Period.
All will be worse but the Democrat news media completely cover up any bad news. Or, more likely blame Trump.
For example gas will probably go to plus 8 dollars a gallon with the Green Screw Deal but it will somehow be Trump's fault.