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Bad news for Joe Biden! BREAKING NEWS!!

Uh-oh! Looks like there could be some bad 'breaking' news for Joe Biden. From the Washington Post:

"Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., his Democratic presidential campaign battered by charges of plagiarism in his campaign speeches and in a law school paper, admitted yesterday that some of his boasts about his college academic achievements were untrue, including the claim that he had finished in the top half of his class in law school.
In a statement yesterday responding to a story in the current issue of Newsweek magazine, Biden admitted that these claims were "inaccurate."
Biden held a news conference last week at which he confirmed he had faced disciplinary action on a charge of plagiarizing part of a law school paper as a freshman, and admitted that he had sometimes borrowed quotes from other politicians, including Robert F. Kennedy, Hubert H. Humphrey and British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock."

Wow! Plagiarism and then lying about his college record! This should be all over the media..............
Oh, wait. This story is from Joe Biden's FIRST run for President of the US, back in 1987. WOOPS!! My bad!
Just out of curiosity, what were you doing back in 1987 when Joe Biden first ran for President???


Wow 1987, that was over 30 years ago. I’m guessing few here even knew was politics was back then.

Now go back another 25 years. That’s when Biden was elected to the Senate.

There were:
no home computers.
No smart phones
No Cable tv
No microwaves
No remote for the TV
No Netflix

Biggest TV shows, the Waltons and Sanford and Son.

Free Bird was the biggest song. You could buy it on 45 if you had a record player.

Almost a half a century and the guy has nothing he’s known for. Another unaccomplished career politician totally out of touch who’s only skill is saying whatever he’s told to say to get re-elected.

So which black female will the DNC replace him with for their lemmings?


Laverne Cox


He has though told the truth twice in all those years.


I'm 99.99999% sure that Trump has a few hidden allegations himself that occured during the 80s too


He wasn't an elected official back then. Biden was.


This is the best InfoWars could come up with today ? Seriously ?


There's no way Trump's campaign bothers with any of this. The dems will simply look at Trump's collegiate background and rip him to shreds. Then they'll move over to bone spurs all the way to Melania completely ripping off Michelle's speech.
