The guy who shot a taser at police signed his own death warrant
I know that sounds bad but it's a well known deal, you fight cops, you try to run away, you get shot at.
Has he never heard the phrase 'stop or I'll shoot?'
I know that sounds bad but it's a well known deal, you fight cops, you try to run away, you get shot at.
Has he never heard the phrase 'stop or I'll shoot?'
I blame the person who called the cops in the first place. Why not just tap on the guys window, wake him up and ask him to move his car ?
Quasi, would you have preferred he got back on the road drunk and possibly killed people?
He also was driving with a DUI.
Looking at the video he didn't seem drunk to me at all. In fact the whole setup looked off. None of it made sense.
And I would prefer that people get the benefit of the doubt rather than being dumped in it at the first opportunity.
The cops did a breathalyzer test on him on the spot that he flunked.
What I get tired of is these videos being released to the public before an investigation happens and before any action/trial has been completed. It's not the whole country's business.
They pick and choose these stories to make people angry to cause division.
The court of public opinion doesn't matter....yet it's tough not to form one based on what you see and hear, yet much of the facts are absent.
Either tell us everything or nothing.
That's one aspect they aren't really mentioning in any of these: the initial 911 callers. It usually starts out with a 911 call often for something minor, and then escalates. So these callers should also be held accountable when warranted. Denver is changing their policy whereby unarmed people will show up now for calls that aren't criminal (which is most).
shareTragic all the way around.
Tragic he chose to go out and get drunk on his daughter's birthday weekend.
Tragic the media has pushed the narrative cops are out to kill blacks and that they should be afraid of them. It is extremely rare and they'd be much more likely to be harmed by other blacks. So he loses his life and his family is grieving.
Tragic he didn't follow the rules that everyone should follow: Don't break the law, don't resist arrest, don't take an officer's weapon, don't run from police, and don't point a weapon at police.
Tragic for the police officers who had a right to do what they did, but since it still looks bad to some people, their lives will be changed forever because of a split second decision for self defense.
Tragic for the many good cops who are being vilified while their lives and livelihoods are in even greater danger now.
Tragic racism still exists.
Tragic every interaction a cop has with a person in the black community, it is assumed it's due to race and not the actions of the individual.
Tragic black communities have been controlled by democrat lies.
Tragic this whole mess with protests, people instigating riots, looting, infiltrations, confusion on virus rules, 40 years of anti-American propaganda being taught in schools, the country falling apart, is all based on lies.
We make choices in life. Both the "victim" and the cop made bad choices.
When confronted by a cop, you say "Yes, sir" and "No, sir." You cooperate. You go to the station (if necessary) and state your case. You NEVER negotiate your case in the street -- because it never turns out well.
That's why a lot of these terrible things happen.....
I don't know what choices the cop had, or what was in his mind.
But, the "victim" made the choice to resist arrest. It was all downhill from
In my mind, it was never about race and shouldn't be portrayed as such.
According to legal minds, the fate of the cop rests on if the Taser could be considered a threat to life, and if the cop used unreasonable force.
The entire thing is sad and regretable.
This was not a race thing.If the guy was white they still would have shot him.He resisted arrest and stole their weapon.I don't care what color your skin is you do that and theres a 95 percent chance your getting shot.
shareWhat if it was the gun he grabbed from the cop instead of the taser? An innocent cop might be dead today.
Yep, this was not about race. It was about this drunk punk resisting arrest, running away with the cops taser and shooting it toward them. He escalated the situation and it got him killed.
True, but don't you think in the wake of Floyd's video murder and international protests against the police, the last thing a cop would want to do is kill another black guy on video?!
shareTrue, but don't you think in the wake of Floyd's video murder and international protests against the police, the last thing a cop would want to do is kill another black guy on video?!
What was he being arrested for? Sleeping in his car?
They could have drove the drunk home and became heroes because of it
What was he being arrested for? Sleeping in his car?
He grabbed the cops taser, the cops had no choice, he's not an innocent victim.
shareOn the other hand you don't think cops should do their job.
These cases are completely different.
The guy would not have even been shot had he just done what the officers said (like in 99.9% of these supposed "white cop killed 'unarmed' black man" cases.
He struggled from 2 officers grip, took a taser from one and fled, firing the taser at the cop which resulted in him being shot.
Should the cops have just let him run and said "ah, the heck with it, let him go, who cares?...we tried."
He was driving drunk on a DUI. He could have killed innocent people.
Sleeping, not driving.
Shoot him twice in the back or let him run and catch him later..., what would you have done?
Stop being ridiculous! He wasn't arrested for SLEEPING! He was drunk, fell asleep in line at Wendy's! Someone called on him and the cops arrived. For all they knew a man had a heart attack or a seizure behind the wheel or something. But as it turns out, he was drunk and had been driving with a DUI!
Things were peaceful between this guy and the police until they they tried to cuff him. The 3 of them were on the ground in a scuffle and the perp broke free, taking an officers taser. Then fled, shot the taser at the cop and THEN got shot.
My goodness! You act as if these cops saw him asleep in a car and decided to kill him.
Don't put words in my mouth Norma!
His autopsy showed he died from two bullets in his back.
Passed out drunk to getting shot in the back...., that's some bad policing!
But you jumped from one fact to another without explaining how "this" lead to "that!"
I was filling in the blanks you omitted.
As far as him getting shot in the back, yes, that's what they're reporting. They're going to have to determine if the shots fired happened while he was facing them or after turning around. This is why investigations are needed. The police have to make split second decisions.
The shots very well could have been fired as the perp was in the process of turning back around.
It all happened quickly.
Someone called on him...
She said in the call that he appeared to be passed out and she was unable to wake him.
Well either she was lying or she didn't try very hard because the cops had no trouble waking him. What's wrong with a good blast on her car horn ?
And that's another thing about this shooting that doesn't add up. Why would a white woman burn the restaurant down ? And how was it she just happened to be recorded in the act by some black people who just happened to be there and that she just happened not to care she was being recorded by ?
Damn, you're not one for preposterous snap judgements, are you? Why would she lie in a situation like that? Because she's more interested in inciting yet another altercation between cops and a black man as opposed to just wanting her food, like most people in a fast food drive-thru during that time of day? And she sounded like a black woman. And how many employees of that restaurant who lost their jobs the night it burned do you suppose might have been black?
shareDamn you're one for totally ignoring the points made in the post you're commenting on and just responding in a knee jerk and contrary manner for the sake of it and topping it all off as though you are personally offended ! Anyone would think you're a Stygiannati stooge who is trying to bury my post with a bluster blitz !
Yeah, it took you an hour to come up with that pot-calling-the-kettle-black response (eye-roll) not to mention your go-to, trademark Stygiannati label as a last resort.
The real Quasimodo had some heart. My experiences with you have taught me that your ugliness goes all the way to the bone.
Stygiannati status confirmed by the use of personal invective which is totally out of context and proportion. One unmasked scumbag for all to see.
Hah! You want to talk about a scumbag being unmasked? This was posted just before all of the present racial turmoil erupted.
Your lame, shallow attempt at humor was immediately called out and fell flatter than it ever has.
Like I said, the real Quasimodo had some heart.
I heard that same exact thing, db.
I probably would have called too because maybe the guy needed medical attention or something (unless she smelled the alcohol on him).
There's no justification for any of this going on (I know you weren't condoning it). If people would stop to think for a minute--by setting the restaurant on fire, you have now "fired" many people from their jobs AND you yourself have committed a CRIME! But it's all good, right?! 🙄
A disgusting fast food place when the community has been begging for a grocery store!!!
share"This was not a race thing"
It never is.
Why did he decide to fight like that? I have never once thought of fighting the police even though I was pissed off.
shareWhy did he decide to fight like that? I have never once thought of fighting the police even though I was pissed off.
That is THE question!
The psychological effect of knowing you are being recorded by your peers has a profound effect on behavior. A young black man does not want to appear weak in front of them.
Knowing that this is going on the internet, simply saying yes sir and meekly going into the cop car he would appear like a punk. Bowing to 'the man' has never garnered much respect in the black community.
The possibility of being on someones Facebook page acknowledging police authority..well let's say a black man will not get any pussy for that.
Mclovin fighting cops in Superbad (2007)
shareI think it makes perfect sense.
Appearing weak is a bad mistake for a young black man growing up in a tough neighborhood. One black comic had a great line about the 'gangster walk', If you are ever alone in a tough neighborhood you have to walk tough (demonstrates a ganster walk), there have even been songs about the way a black man should stand to exude toughness, 'Buffalo stance'.
The vast majority of rap songs that come out of the black community are young men rapping about how tough/ganster they are.
Appearing weak makes a young black man a target for thugs.
With the newer technologies of Facebook and smartphone cameras, a young black man can appear weak worldwide!
Resisting police is a act of crazy in the white community. For a young black man being put on someones Facebook page,it makes perfect sense.
(Alot of shortys dig tough guys who fight police ya'know)
That doesn't say much for the black community. Does it?
shareThere are about 30 million black people in this country. The large majority are honest hard working decent people. Don’t let one bad policeman kneeling on a guy’s neck represent all police. Don’t mistake the actions of a segment for the whole group.
shareI am not. But when half the violent crimes in America are committed by one group of people, that would seem to be a problem.
shareI am not baggen on the black community. Because blacks represent only 13% of America, solidarity is very high with that group.
People are products of the community they live in. Crime, ruff neighborhoods, chaotic family structure, all have a negative effect on young black men, Many get seduced into gangster lifestyle and easy money.
Many see no hope for a way out, which psychologist say is a major cause for the lack of the ethos of self-improvement in inner cities. Many just emulate their peer group.
Seems to me they are their own worst enemies. But they want to take America down with them.
shareSo you believe police should be allowed to shoot people in the back while they run away? Trump I'm sure agrees with you.
shareIt's not planned. The guy turned and fired and the cop instinctively fired back. I can hardly blame him for that.
shareTaser vs gun..., who wins?
shareUsually a gun but in that moment you are trained to fire on someone who is attempting to fire on you. It's instinct taking over. This guy brought this all on himself. All of it. And this white cop will pay a big price, too. Not a bigger one but it's going to ruin his life and he doesn't seem like a bad guy at all, not like the Minneapolis cop.
While that is true, he may also have signed a virtual death warrant for the police officer. He is out of a job and will probably never work in law enforcement again. He and his family may have to go in to hiding. Whatever savings he has will be consumed by legal fees.
shareMaybe we should start a go fund me
The cops acting stupidly as usual! Took them 40mins to admin an eye test, which he passed, walk a straight line which he also passed. THe breath test was over just a little bit. The guy said yes sir and no sir when answering the stupid cop! He even asked the cop could he park his car and walk to his sisters house! The whole thing was stupid. Had this happened in my neighborhood, the cop would either drive the person home or let them walk home! The guy was scared and didn't want to be sitting in jail all weekend! So yes, he reacted when that stupid cop tried to hand cuff him! He was stronger than both cops and thats why they killed him!!! Killed him like he was a runaway slave!! Shooting someone in the back while they run from you is COWARDLY!!!
shareWe don’t know if the cop fired after he was tased. Look at the video. The cop was affected when the suspect shot the taser. There could have been a split second between the shooting and tasing. So that could explain why the shots hit the back. Resisting arrest is a crime. The cop was courteous to Mr. Brooks before attempting to handcuff him. Then the animal came out! He grabbed the could have been a gun! He also was loaded with drugs. Yeah, let him go so he can use the taser as a lethal weapon!
shareAre you kidding me?? That stupid cop didn't read him his miranda rights!! Didn't even tell him WHY they were cuffing him! Most cops are stupid, just admit it!
shareThey didn’t have a chance to read him his Miranda rights, because he started behaving like a caged animal. He was on parole so he knew a DUI would put him back in jail. The cops weren’t stupid...he was resisting he’s dead. It comes through loud and are a cop hater, so I hope they don’t respond if you ever have to call 911! They wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable in their presence.
Enough said on this topic as it’s almost 2 weeks old. At least he won’t contribute to the gene pool any longer. His rap sheet should have kept him jailed!