MovieChat Forums > Politics > Should employers be allowed to ask someo...

Should employers be allowed to ask someone's political/social views?

Say you're a "progressive company" and you want to root out anyone who doesn't support the LGBTQ movement. Should you be allowed to ask 'what's your views on the gay rights movement?'

Or say you're the opposite, a conservative, could you say 'We donate to Pro-Life charities, is that a problem for you?'

I sort of see it from both points of view. You'd hate to think that you were discriminated against because you don't hold the views of your employer, but also, if you have your own company, you wouldn't want to hire people who might not wish to take part in your company's cultural and political endeavours.


Pretty sure that is illegal in the states. A form of discrimination. A company would be sued if true.


They can't make you like Negros.


Oh dear! You will have DoggieDump on your case for using that word. He will deem you a RACIST just as he did me! I informed him there are many folks who still use the word *colored* especially older folks. I don’t use it, but he glossed over that and accused me of racism! Sometimes he’s not quite all there. I would say one french fry shy of a Happy Meal...pitiful, ya know...


As far as I know, personal feelings don't matter. You can only be judged by actions.


Democrat Big tech asks for peoples social media. Why do you think they do that?


Keep a simple Facebook for chatting with family members. Keep politics out of it.


I eliminated all social media because of employer stalking.


You can ask me, how big's your dick if you want but that doesn't mean you'll get a straight answer or any respect from me. If you don't show me respect in an interview, I will NEVER respect your company.


Too bad you've been collecting welfare all your life and don't need to go on job interviews. I'm sure a job interviewer would be dying to ask you 'How big is your dick?' That's usually first on every list of questions for a job interviewer. They need to know the applicant's penis size. Nice to know you'll set them straight, big boy!


No. Unless you're recruiting for a political campaign...


You're in Australia - how do they do it in Australia ? Is it against the laws ?


No. It's irrelevant.
