MovieChat Forums > Politics > Should employers be allowed to ask someo...

Should employers be allowed to ask someone's political/social views?

Say you're a "progressive company" and you want to root out anyone who doesn't support the LGBTQ movement. Should you be allowed to ask 'what's your views on the gay rights movement?'

Or say you're the opposite, a conservative, could you say 'We donate to Pro-Life charities, is that a problem for you?'

I sort of see it from both points of view. You'd hate to think that you were discriminated against because you don't hold the views of your employer, but also, if you have your own company, you wouldn't want to hire people who might not wish to take part in your company's cultural and political endeavours.


It's illegal in Britain. There was a case recently about a man who had been vegan for years and work for some animal rights charity and he found out his work pension was investing in animal testing. He asked to not have his money put into that company and so they fired him instead. I think he won the case for unfair dismissal.


My dad told me to never discuss politics, religion or sex at the workplace and this kept me out of trouble. I would add weight to the list since I got in trouble a couple of times for making fat jokes.

I don't think companies should ask about a person's political views and I don't believe companies should take political positions.


I have no social media accounts. Lying is easy.

I'm pretty certain that it's illegal though.
