MovieChat Forums > Politics > Just when you thought the Democrat party...

Just when you thought the Democrat party couldn’t be a bigger laughing stock, CHAZ takes over Seattle

Democrat Party/Media supported rioters and horse killers have taken over a portion of the Democrat city of Seattle. Lmfao!!!

It gets better! Google Chaz Osborne Back To School.

Can’t wait for November


And the first thing they did was establish a border with a wall and armed patrols.


Lol of course. Is there a Democrat in the country who doesn’t have a lockable door behind a nice secure fence? The best part is no one cares. The Mayer and Governor don’t even care. Shitholes be shitholen.


In their hearts they really do think walls work and that 2nd Amendment rights are important. 🤔


”In their hearts they really do think walls work and that 2nd Amendment rights are important.

Only...if they are the ones to erect the walls and if they are confiscated. As far as the 2nd Amendment rights goes: Only if you, I, and others say what they agree with and dare not challenge them. We could be beaten into a contorted lump as the white store owner was in Dallas. These hoodlums didn’t stop when he ended up on the street pavement...they continued to kick, stomp, batter a beaten man. Forgive my language, but those ass wipes are devoid of soul. The only thing missing was a yellow star...wait a sec...I just described Hitler’s Brown Shirts!


Different rules for me vs thee.


In other words “Do as I say...not as I do!” 🤬


Of course they work. Leftists want open borders for the US because they want to destroy America and replace it with something else (like CHAZ), not because they really believe walls don't work. They oppose Trump's wall because it would work.


I know. I was being sarcastic.


I read where a group of homeless stole the scumbags food! 😅😂🤣


I’ve been dropping CHAZ bombs since Back to School first came out. It’s the ultimate preppy a hole name. The fact they chose to name themselves CHAZ is priceless. Lol!!!


I hope it was the guy whose bed they burned!


The poor vegans are starving now because they have no food. lol


"Took Over" Lol, they are being allowed to LARP their little revolution. It's been 3 days, and a total disaster.


It’ll be a great microcosm of how things will be under a Democrat regime. These used to be exaggerated words but this is happening in Democrat run S holes across the country. Great leadership.


Trump is a badass. He said "They better handle it, or WE'LL handle it". It would bring me no greater joy than to see a millennial liberal fuckhead take a couple rubber bullets to the face.🤣 I hope they push it that far.


Hmmm, it seems like Chaz has walls up to keep people out, sounds like they are racist.


It's not the Democratic Party who stands by that Big fat washed up baffoon we have sitting him the White House!!

It's not Democrats who called the Coronavirus a hoax.

It's not Democrats who suggested that we inject our selves with Lysol cleaning chemicals.

It's not Democrats who can't even answer basic questions being thrown at them.

It's not Democrats who choose to run away and hide from peaceful protestors who did nothing to him.

It's not Democrats who go around calling everyone thugs.


This is hysterical! Communism 101 on high speed fail.

4chan destroying CHAZ lmao!
