I just wish more Americans could see the big picture much better. In brief, America appears to be steadily coming apart at the seems. Over the course of the last few years especially. It seemed to really get worse after D Trump was elected president. But imo, not because of him (even though I know many would disagree). He just seems to be making the perfect scapegoat. I think he's done well. But it's because of all this inward strife about the supposed and now disproved allegations of Russian election meddling. People just don't want to accept things the way it turned out. And now with this rioting it's looking bad for the entire world. I mean, if there was no America, then the two most powerful countries would be Russia and China. To me that's a scary thought. Who agrees?
People just don't want to accept things the way it turned out.
People are willing to accept the way things turned out, once we find out how they turned out the way they did. T-rump himself warned everyone in October, 2016 that he heard 'from very good sources' the Presidential election was being 'rigged'. From T-rump himself! So what is wrong with questioning - in detail - what and who was involved with the results of the election ? If it was all legit, there would be nothing to hide. T-rump would've testified in Mueller's investigation.
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We’ve had 60 years of media/education promoting anti-American communism in this country. They go by the name progressive Democrat party (used to be liberals).
Everything that used to unite the country is hijacked by the left and now used to divide us and push their agenda. Specifically Entertainment. Sports. Now it’ll be holidays under attack.
Who do you think backs these communists? Where do you think it comes from? Well, the Communist Soviet Union started it in the 50’s after the war. By the mid 60s it started to flower. Kennedy was killed. And that was the last pro American Democrat president.
Johnson took over who was a huge left wing racist. He started the welfare programs that destroyed the black family. The anti American protesting crap that the left celebrates started in the late 60s. And those people went on to take over media and education. Now we’re dealing with 50 years of misinformation and ignorance. A generation of people incapable of thinking for themselves.
The Soviet Union, like all communist countries, met its economic demise in the 80s. Things were quieter for a while. But the anti American communists like the Clintons were still around. Corrupting the FBI. Look up Hillary’s 800 FBI file scandal.
Today it’s communist China backing the Democrat party. Democrat big tech. Democrat NBA. Democrat news media. Still anti American. Still trying to divide and destroy the country.
The ignorance of the left is sad because if communism ever takes hold, it will make so-called “White privilege” look like a party compared to the oppression Communism delivers. The only people who benefit are .01% who run the show. Everyone else lives in misery. There’s a reason they build walls to keep people in.
It is heart-breaking how a nation once built on virtue and principles has been subverted and transformed into a second-rate country.
Civilizations are built by its society. When society degrades into its contemporary iteration, there is no hope for a meaningful future.
When the institutions that once served to promote certain ideals no longer believes in endogenous growth, disregards morality as a form of bondage rather than a tool for civilizational advance, dissolves familial cohesion, and worships the idol of money above the welfare and prosperity of its citizens, then the fate of a country built on a once noble ideology becomes certain.
The event horizon has been reached, likely quite some time ago.
President Donald John Trump is the first President in my lifetime to prove he actually has a set of balls. As long as he's in charge the world doesn't get to bend us over without Vaseline.
If anyone out here who is ok with being $20,000,000,000,000 (that's twenty TRILLION DOLLARS!) in debt and taking a beating in the global market EVERY YEAR (we haven't even BROKEN EVEN in over 35 years!) then you're going to have to move another country like that.
We're getting something we haven't had in decades - RESPECT!!
I dunno why I bother. Any moron with half a brain and no sense can see it. Anyone who doesn't see it... doesn't want to.
I can feel your passion, but I have to ask if you have seen any news reports from overseas regarding Trump? Unfortunately respect is the last thing elicited when Trump's name his mentioned. He is portrayed as a joke. America used to be the country we aspired to be like. Now the general consensus is thank God we're not, which I find disappointing and sad.
What's your point? That we should care what thieves think of us? We should be concerned because people who have happily tried to suck us dry for 50 years don't like the first President that's sick of carrying and protecting parasites?
Do you know Anything about what's actually happening with My country?
Do you have the Slightest idea what TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS - twenty TRILLION!!! - actually is???
Can you even fathom it?
Sorry. Watching people being destroyed because their "leaders" won't do their jobs bothers me alot.
Including all the bastards who've lined their pockets for decades at our expense.
It took 120 years for the US to be $1M in debt.
120 years later and we're so far under 99% of people truly cannot understand the depth of it so they don't try.
They just make it worse and let the generations to come worry about it.
It's disgusting.
Trump's 2016 was a troll campaign to gain clout to renew his reality TV persona which had taken a hit over the previous decade. After he stumbled his way into a victory, he's just continued to troll by pretending to be president. Roughly 35% of the population enjoys the show because they don't care about leadership or even understand what it is. The rest are deeply concerned.
If we had the same level of leadership that Obama took regarding Ebola, we wouldn't have over 100k deaths. Trumpers don't want to hear this because they've been programmed to think Obama was a usurper who wasn't even born in this country. And so every day since Trump was elected, he's focused on pushing the narrative that anything bad is somehow related to Obama. It finally came to a head with Obamagate, but when repubs realized that aligning Biden with Obama was helping Biden, the Trumptard media put the kibosh on Obamagate.
Barry Osama is and will go down in history as The Worst President In History.
Worthless piece of shit will be LUCKY to avoid prison.
I hope they bury him.
I mean, if there was no America, then the two most powerful countries would be Russia and China. To me that's a scary thought. Who agrees?
An enlightened foreigner. I wish there were more like you. Well there a lot, of course, but their voices aren't reflected much more in the global media than regular Americans' are in our media.
As GD5150 expertly lays out above, the divide in America is deep and has been growing for a very long time. The left's goal is to destroy America and replace it with something else, or "fundamentally transform" the nation as Obama more nicely put it. One area that was dramatically improving for decades was race relations, but that changed under Obama.
The radical segment of the left is making a big move with these riots. Let's hope they're checked and defeated, for the good of human freedom and the nobler aspects of Western Civilization.
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Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Do you even read what you type before you hit 'add reply' ?
If you really think GD "expertly" did anything above, you really need to look up the definition of 'expertly' since you're using the wrong adverb. I give you credit, though, for showing off your idiocy to the world as though it's a badge of honor.
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Nope. 😄 Reading three words in the post you reply to is an improvement for you, moron (baby steps), but take your defeat lap for failing to read the rest of the post. Every reply you post without making a single substantive point is you being owned yet again.
I know you're butthurt from getting stomped on that other thread, halfwit, but following me around like this makes it too obvious and makes you look silly.
Glad handing PomPorker is more than enough to convince me.
Don't bother lying, you're not good at.
Is there ANYTHING you do well?
That was rhetorical, dummy.
Aw. Are you gonna cry now?
Want your binky and a blanket?
Oh you poor poor thing. We all feel so bad that you LOST!!!
Oh and that the one you voted for didn't just lose... she's going to prison!Lol
I wouldn't go on what the media has to tell you about how America's doing. They've been painting the "America has gone to hell because of Donald Trump" for 4 years, and yet I still don't see the real country as bad off as they paint it to be on tv. He lives rent-free in way too many leftist minds, and they can't think about anything else. It's like their mind-control machines went on overload with their most susceptible subjects, and now they can't think about anything else.
Even now, with the coronavirus lockdowns, there are still people going about their daily lives, taking care of family and themselves, people walking their dogs, children playing in certain areas (probably not parks), there are still people on the highways, and some people are still going to work because their job is deemed essential and cannot be shut down, like at grocery stories and hospitals.
You want a real idea on how America is doing? Come here and see for yourself, and stay out of the cities. Those are liberal hotbeds, where most of the violence happens. You'll see that there's a totally different reality going on than what the media likes to make you believe.
Good point. Actually in the suburban and rural areas it's been a pleasant few days in America. That's where law abiding citizens tend to be well armed, they know how to use their weapons, and rioters know they won't put up with that crap. Still, regarding the op's geopolitical concern, it's fair to point out that the US is doomed in its present form unless President Trump wins reelection.
I'm in a blue state but left the city quite some time ago. Tons and tons of looters came where I live last night but they were quickly driven out and didn't get much. Tonight the police were even more prepared. I only heard sirens once and they had everything blocked off. 🙌🏻
I did hear some funny stories about the rough part of Chicago today. The gangs were protecting their local stores and scared the 💩 out of the looters. I saw some clips on Snapchat of the gang members telling the cops "we got this man!" One gang member told a looter "hell no, you ain't doing that 💩 here!!" They were scary looking too! But still, the funniest thing I saw today. No one messed with the gang.
I wonder if they felt good being the good guys today? Maybe it'll change their perspective on how they live their lives?
Either that or they'll be back to robbing their neighborhood stores, the very ones they protected today when this is over. 😂
In areas under Democrat rule this may require citizens arming themselves and forming militias to protect their neighborhoods. The good news is I've seen isolated clips of business owners, usually white men but sometimes blacks, even in such cities with the worst riots showing up armed and driving away looters. That's satisfying to watch.
These Democrat riots have unwittingly underscored the need for the Second Amendment, and the fallacy of the gun control argument for restricting magazine size. When facing a vast mob you might need more than 10 bullets, especially if the treasonous mayor has sided with the looters against you.
In Cicero Illinois they're doing this. They have every right to protect it. If the police aren't allowed to protect the public, we have to.
We have 2 extremes here.
1-Police killing "unarmed black men," which we know is actually very rare, yet gets all the attention.
2-Police having to stand down or risk be accused of police brutality (if you've noticed, the majority of the looters are black). In other words, we, the law abiding citizens have to protect ourselves because the cops can't. They know this. It's like they're taunting them "come get me, I dare you!" kind of attitude. If they do, the criminals are labeled innocent and the cops are labeled racist or worse.
The mayor of Chicago is so off her rocker (and her power has gone completely to her Beetlejuice head)... Her hatred for our President is so severe that she'd rather see innocents hurt or dead than want his help. Between Lightfoot and Pritzker, they're both putting people in danger and they lie constantly about Trump! They make me sick.
But yeah, more and more people flexing their 2nd Amendment rights and others have decided to start arming themselves now. Several close neighbors of mine have quite a few guns in their homes. They better not mess with our neighborhood. It won't end well.
Yes exactly its the Paranoid Conservatives/Republicans that are stoping them there letting fear and Prejudice get the better of them trust me I know I'm an Ex-Conservative that mindset is a cultist mentality its hurts everyone
Listen, you are a completely clueless anarchist if you think this is okay. When they come for you, robbing you, beating you, destroying your property, KILLING you and your neighbors... don't bother me with your petty problems.
Go out on your lawn and declare solidarity with the people murdering you.
Anarchists really im on the side of life hello Im a white dude tired seeing corrupt/racist white cops killing my black brothers and sisters sorry i see having Honest cops in the system as a win while those corrupt cops can rot in jail and get the death penalty its called accountability and ending corruption in the Justice system, I did have your mentality once but i realized it hurt people so i stopped
You don't know me, coward.
We have a system that is ruled by voters. Try using it. Or prove your support for these felons by joining them.
Now piss off. I'm busy watching Fox News.
Try exposing your corrupt cops so they can be replaced by honest stop killing our brothers and sisters just because you cant see past skin tone yep your stuck in the 60's
The assassination of Kennedy in 1963 was the beginning of America's very long, slow slide to where we are now, and the aftermath of 9/11 set in motion the sprint to the grand finale: America finally collapsing. The twin Bush/Trump catastrophes were merely symptoms of the disease. I don't think we're getting anything together. I think our time is just about up.