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Trump threatens to crack down on social media platforms after Twitter labels his tweets

President Donald Trump on Wednesday threatened to "strongly regulate" or even shut down social media platforms after Twitter applied a fact-check to two of his tweets this week.

Aw.. Poor little snowflake.


Abuse of power is familiar to our morbidly obese wanna-be despot.


He has to go


Most Americans see Trump for who he really is and he will lose in November.


If Biden isn't farting live on TV, #YouAintBlack.

4 more years man, 4 more.


Who fucking cares??? Anything to get that disgusting orange turd out of office! He ruined this country!


Ruined what, exactly?


Most Americans didn't vote for him in 2016 and he still got in.


By 77,000 votes in a few swing states. Trump's base has shrunk since 2016. He has lost women, seniors, suburbanites, college-educated, moderates, former Obama voters, farmers, military, and Catholics.


I don’t think he hides much from his true character.


Agreed. His chances of winning are very very slim. At least in 2016, he had a chance especially since Hilary was just as rediculed as him.

But with all the stuff going on and how he handled it, he already lost a lot of respect and trust. He deserves to be removed like....yesterday!'


It's not surprising, he has enjoyed an incredibly effective platform where he can insult and incite to his heart's content without ever being called out officially by the admin. You take that toy away from him and he was never going to be a happy chappy.

But yeah, threatening to regulate social media because they are checking facts, this is the true mark of the man.


Yeah, but y'know it's the deep state, Bill and Melinda Gates, blah, blah, blah ... taking away our precious freedom of speech, "quieting conservative voices." (Roll eyes, shake head.)


Imagine if you gave a televangelist whose a follower of QAnon/Alex Jones presidential powers, pretty much this.


No, "snowflakes" are the ones who love censorship because people disagreeing with them hurts their feelings. Rational complaints about censorship or slanted, propagandistic treatment by what claims to be a neutral platform are legitimate. The American revolutionaries weren't "snowflakes". Berkeley mobs rioting to shut down conservative speakers are. Twitter employees shadow or outright banning conservatives are.


Nothing wrong with fact checking our liar in chief


Biden is the liar in chief. He claimed he was arrested in South Africa trying to see Nelson Mandela. Who makes up something like that, LOL? That's Brian Williams level lying.


He’s our chief?
lying on Twitter?


You mean adding an opinion to another opinion.



LMAO, Twitter added an opinion link to the President's opinion. There was no actual fact checking.

Twitter is not real life anyway.


If Twitter isn’t real life, then why on earth is our POTUS addicted to it?


Ask him....?


Twitter is his life and his whole presidency.


How so?


Because it’s not real life.


Pretty sure The President's account isn't the ONLY account on the entire website. There's also 48 million+ bot accounts.


It's his life and his whole presidency because that is exactly how he presides... on twitter. His twitter account is literally his job, and simultaneously his lifestyle.


Twitter(minus Orange Man) is not real life.


That's more of an existential conversation. Is typing on a computer real life or is it a simulation of life? Obviously it's 'more' real to "orange man" than it is to the average person. But I think we can all agree to some extent that typing on a digital platform does take place in our reality which therefore means it happens in life.

And when we're talking about how the president chooses to do his job, if he is to do it primarily through twitter, it kinda pushes twitter to be more in everyone's lives in order to gain that access to the president. Right?

The overall point is that twitter, to Trump, is the majority of his life. It does seem to be the primary thing he lives for.


You could also be a bot.


Hey whatever blows your dress.
