MovieChat Forums > Politics > Democrats want their people huddled in f...

Democrats want their people huddled in fear in their homes, government perpetually controlling their lives.

The end result of leftism is a lone human shivering in a cave.

Fortunately Americans are increasingly fighting back against excessive and arbitrary lock down abuses. The US hasn't surrendered and gone the way of totalitarian China just yet.

"Governors face mounting court challenges over coronavirus lockdown orders"


At least now we know what kind of power-mad assholes have been running the Blue States all this time. With the pandemic lockdown going on, they showed their true colors of wanting to be tyrannical kings and queens of their states and micromanage people's lives. They weren't originally allowed to do that because of the original laws in place. Small wonder Democraps hate the Constitution. It prevents them [for now] from turning into the tyrants they so much want to be.


That’s communism


To Democrats the lockdowns are "progress" toward that end.


The only thing Trump supporters do when the state opens up is go to bars to get drunk and restaurants to get even fatter.

I have yet to see one do anything productive like go to a gym.

Now, we know the reason why the life expectancy for Trump supporters has been dropping.


Actually Republicans are more likely to work out than Democrats, because Republicans tend to be tougher, more competitive people and harder workers. It's not surprising that military personnel, cops, and firefighters are overwhelmingly conservative. Then there are studies like this:

"In the International Journal of Epidemiology, S. V. Subramanian and Jessica Perkins write that, after controlling for age, sex, race, marital status, religious service attendance, highest educational degree, and total family income, Republicans were 25% less likely than Democrats to report being in poor health. They find a key component of this to be smoking: after controlling for that above list of variables, Republicans were 15% less likely to be smokers...

'The observation that republicans enjoy better health status may reflect the core republican value of individual responsibility, which could translate into increased adherence to health-promoting behaviours. . . . It may also be that republicans exhibit greater religiosity (beyond attendance) compared with democrats, which may lead to health promoting social conditions such as enhanced social ties and networks. Alternatively, it is possible that our measures of SES (income and education) are inadequate in terms of controlling for one’s SES. The effects of identifying with the republican party, however, did not alter substantially in unadjusted and adjusted models....

Whether one’s political ideology is an independent risk factor, or a marker of something else, clearly requires further research. It does not seem implausible, however, that conservative values at the individual level may be health promoting.'"


Your entire rant is moot. I wrote Trump supporters.

Learn to read.


LOL! There's so much overlap that what's true when Republicans are contrasted with Democrats is true when "Trump supporters" are contrasted with Trump haters. Even the scientific study ties "conservative" values to "Republicans", and there's more distinction between Republicans and conservatives than Republicans and Trump supporters.

I know how to read. You should learn how to think.


Nope. You can't explain away the fact that you can't read. Still moot.


Poor Keelai knows he's vanquished. His lame deflection fails.


"I know how to read. "
You really don't.


😄 Then you'd be wasting time replying to me, genius.

You really don't know how to think.


We can both agree that you're a waste of time.


Apparently not given all your replies, LOL.

See? You suck at thinking. At least you're useful for thread bumps. Plus it's fun kicking you around. ;)


Krl97a, that's not true! May be true for FEW republicans but not all. 80% of them are lazy, entitled, selfish, gullible, greedy and only think about one person......themselves. They believe lies that people tell

Democrats on the other hand are realistic, smart, caring, and better decision makers. Since 2016, Orange Clown has NOT done a single positive thing. He was disliked from the start but was given the benefit of the doubt (which everyone deserves) but he failed us! especially now in 2020.


Krl97a, that's not true! May be true for FEW republicans but not all. 80% of them are lazy, entitled, selfish, gullible, greedy and only think about one person......themselves. They believe lies that people tell

Democrats on the other hand are realistic, smart, caring, and better decision makers. Since 2016, Orange Clown has NOT done a single positive thing. He was disliked from the start but was given the benefit of the doubt (which everyone deserves) but he failed us! especially now in 2020.


Everything you said is false, Wildflower101, and it's telling that after double posting for some reason you were too lazy to fix it.


I agree with Keelai. Republicans now a days are useless. They're part of the problem. You realize that if everyone, I mean EVERYONE, including the president took quarentine,social distancing, wearing masks, and testing more seriously, we would've beat COVID19 by now and be on our way to recovery.

But nooooo republicans have to do stupid crap like crowd the beaches, protest, refuse to wear masks, and THEIR "president" encourages that.


Is the leftist mob that's currently burning down parts of America, after being encouraged to riot by Democrat politicians, practicing social distancing?


Good good, we need more,"My side is better than your side," threads!


Just presenting the contrast. Which one you think is "better" is subjective.


A Democrat in PA was also busted for rigging elections. Can’t seem to find much about it in the mainstream media, shocking...they’re still too focused on Russia and printing about how ONLY republicans are corrupt.


Agree. There is a USA vs China war in this period. Its not a war fought with bombs,but with fake pandemics and lockdowns. USA needs to win,otherwise China would destroy western society as we know it,with his freedom and human rights
