MovieChat Forums > Politics > Question for Americans

Question for Americans

Here in the UK we’ve learned most workers are now on furlough (off on reduced rate of pay) till the end of June.

Do you think in America they may try to get things back up and running sooner? or do you imagine a case-by-case state-by-state basis given the massive size of the US?


Yes, I hope so...I'm going mental working from home.


First of all, thank you for Ricky Gervais.

It will be state by state dependent on the governors. Some may open early and if the results are promising, other states will follow.


It really has nothing to do with Governors. It all depends on the people. If people don't want to go to restaurants,theywill not open. Everything depends on the people.


Although true, he wanted to know when the govt lock down rule will be lifted.


Whatever King Donald decrees, we exist only to serve him, didn't you realize that?


Well, I was kinda getting that impression but didn’t want to say ;-)


I see. Jeremy Corbyn supporter. You only want to hear what you want to hear and ignore the facts.


Dude, you’re making some pretty big leaps there.


Do you support the labor party, yes or no?


No you f-ing idiot.

What about you, you wretch? Oh wait i don’t care.


So you’re a tori, yes?




But you voted against brexit, yes?




So you voted for Brexit, yes?




Can’t you even vote? What are you bitching about if you don’t even vote?


If I was bitching you could provide quotes to prove this. But you can’t. Therefore you’re a mug.

I can vote if I choose to.

That’s you leaping again.


You have no say, due to your own failure to exercise your right to count your voice. You’re nothing but a wishy washy fence sitter. You want to have it both ways, but as the brits say, you’re just a waster.




As the brits would say, "You're as useful as fuck all."🤪🤪🤪


Scary that T-rumptards believe this.


I think it'll be as you say, a state-by-state thing. It's too risky to do it all at once, because each state in the union has different circumstances, not to mention different kinds of people governing them. It might be a good idea to do it gradually, and continue practicing certain precautions, such as facemasks and gloves for a few more months before we're sure that the disease is under control.


It will be state-by-state.

Red states are more likely to rush reopening and follow Trump especially with his inciting gun fanatics. Money over human lives.

Blue states are likely to follow science and want testing to see how widespread it is and avoid reemergence. Similar to the plan throughout the EU.


it will be state by state but I think Governors will prolong it longer there smarter than Our Nazi In Chief


Would you people please cease throwing the word Nazi around. You make it an everyday word watered down, instead of the horror it signifies. You think it’s cute to refer to the POTUS as a Nazi. Apparently you don’t understand what it denotes and how the word brings horrific memories back to those who survived the Holocaust.

FYI, in case you aren’t aware the acrogram NAZI stands for: (notice the word Socialist)

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei.
It means German socialist worker's political party.


freedom of speech dude iim saying it how it is


I’m not asking you to curb your “freedom of speech”. I’m only asking people not to bandy about the use of the words NAZI & Racists. You may, apparently so, dislike, despise, even hate the man, but you water down the words to the point where the true meanings are lost. You and others know Trump is NOT a NAZI, but in your mind he’s an egotistical arse. So the worst you can tag him a NAZi. In your eyes he may be bigoted, but a NAZI? Not! You need to read about the horrific, despicable acts the NAZIs did to other human beings. “Mans inhumanity to man.” I repeat...Trump is not a NAZI.


FREEDOM OF SPEECH he endorsed The Charlottesville Riots who had Nazis he is a nazi


Protesters wearing MAGA hats and Trump 2020 signs who are against the lockdown and social distancing in Huntington Beach CA were calling the COVID19 health measures Fascist Tyranny and some were holding signs equating Social Distancing to Communism.

In Michigan protestors were calling their Governor a Nazi carrying a sign mocking her with a "Heil Whitmer" sign with a Swastika. Trump has openly voiced his support of these people and referred to them as "his people" so if you're concerned about Trump being called something you may want to reign in his supporters who are doing the very thing you're accusing others of doing.
