MovieChat Forums > Politics > Acquitted Forever. #COUP is over. Treaso...

Acquitted Forever. #COUP is over. Treasonous partisan impeachment effort fails.

What a disgraceful sham that whole farce was.


Acquitted forever!!!!!!!!!πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡


And impeached forever!


Which is meaningless since it was the first purely partisan impeachment vote and didn't even allege any crimes. At least it was established that Clinton committed crimes. Trump haters can't say that.

Acquitted is what matters.


The crimes were in the testimonies of the fact witnesses we weren’t allowed to hear from.
Now that’s where the farce is!


I doubt it, but crimes certainly weren't included in the impeachment articles.


We’ll never know now will we Jr?


No, old man, we know that Democrats alleged no crimes against Trump in their ridiculous impeachment articles.


Like I said we’ll never know until somebody flips. They always do.


People who can read and know at least a little about the law know that those articles didn't contain actual criminal violations. That's not really disputed.


People who can read can also put two & two together ..., I hope


That Schiff was a waste of time!


His Schiff stinks!


The Schiff has officially hit the fan!


Dems are scared Schiffless.


What Schiff will they come up with next now that another attempt to take down Trump has failed?


Whatever it is it'll be a lot of Bullschiff and Horseschiff.

They've cried wolf way too many times. Why would anyone believe them at this point?


Aren't you a graceful winner. It was a forgone conclusion don't act surprised. At least now we can go forward and focus on the election which is still undecided.


Nowhere did I indicate surprise. This train wreck was predictable from the start.


Anti-climatic. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£


They should kick Romney out on his butt.


He should be the #1 primary target if he actually tries to run again next time instead of accepting a job from MSNBC. Manchin and Jones should be easy Senate pick ups in WV and AL next time they're up. Manchin came within a 1,000 or so votes of losing last time simply because he dragged his feet on voting to approve Kavanaugh. He's absolute toast now.

The House Democrats in Trump districts who voted for impeachment should be intensely targeted, hopefully resulting in Republicans retaking the House while retaining the White House this fall.


I wouldn't wait for that -- expel him from the GOP now. There are some lines that cannot be crossed. Clinton was impeached with 5 Democrat votes but even he didn't have to bear the indignity of a Democrat vote for conviction in the Senate.


Agreed. Supposedly some Utah legislators were already pushing through a bill permitting a recall before this happened. Afterwards it gained numerous GOP cosponsors.


Sadly, any recall effort is probably unconstitutional.


Probably. But maybe the righteous anger towards his weaselly betrayal will grow to an intensity that will cause him to do the decent thing and resign. Or maybe MSNBC or CNN will make him an attractive enough job offer that he'll take them up on it and leave. Long shot, but the alternative is making sure there's a strong, well prepared candidate to go in 2024 who will restore true representation to the people of Utah.

Another long shot...maybe Trump nominates him to some district judgeship and he accepts, LOL, freeing them up to replace him.


He's not a lawyer. Besides, I wouldn't trust him as a judge either.


No, but I don't think being a lawyer is even technically required and it would be a dead end post, not a track to the Appeals level or higher. It almost certainly won't happen, given his lack of reasonable qualifications, but I might prefer him there to the Senate, where he could do damage that can't easily be overturned.

Just brainstorming though. Likely he'll have to be defeated in 2024.


Alabama’s Jones IMO will only serve his 2 years from a special election. The only reason he took the seat was due to that damnable Judge Moore not stepping aside. Sessions will retake the seat.

Romney disgusted me today, but he’s gained stature now...he’s the Dems favorite RINO!


Keep dreaming


Says the guy who's had one BS fake news narrative after another blow up in your face.


I was listening to the trial results at 1:00 pm. pacific time, and I couldn't believe that Orange Head was acquitted. The Trumpistas are happy, but I am not!


Who gives a Schiff?


Why slim? Everyone here told you that was gonna happen.


Heck, the Dems knew it was gonna happen before they started it and wasted taxpayer money. They chanced the whole thing on the idea that the Senate would "do the right thing".


No they didn't. Trump committed an impeachable. The DEMs impeached him, knowing the Senate would not convict. Should Trump be allowed to do whatever he wants because the GOP controls the Senate? Anyone paying attention to the process knows what Trump did was wrong. 75% of the public wanted witnesses at the trial. This was not a good look for Trump or the GOP.


Bro, I'm sure of the 44 presidents in the past, there have been way more impeachable offenses than trying to find dirt on a future presidential candidate. Think about it. They were just grasping at straws.


That nothing but deflection. So you are cool with Trump asking a foreign govt. to interfere with an election? You are good with Trump withholding congressionally allocated aid to pressure that foreign govt. to do his bidding?

And before you say "that didn't happen", spare me. I have no interest in having a conversation with a dishonest and/or ignorant person.


Sorry Buck, it is the job of Congress to investigate, not the Senate. The Senate’s job is to have the trial. I wanted witnesses, but Schiff wouldn’t permit them. He was afraid the actual truth would be made known. If you read about Clinton’s impeachment there were closed door depositions. That could have been done here with both sides present, but the slithering snake Schiff wanted to be judge, jury, and truth be told...executioner!

I heard a line this week on a tv program which is so fitting and aimed toward Schiff:
β€œYou don’t get at the truth by creating a lie.” (unless you’re law enforcement 😬)


The House doesn't hold a trial. What the House does is akin to what a grand jury does. It is the job of the Senate to hold a trial. There were no documents or witnesses allowed. In a trial. Pardon my language, but that's bullshit.


You are correct. I didn’t write the house holds the trial, the Senate does. But, it is the job of the House to investigate. How do they investigate? They have witnesses. I understand it is akin to a grand jury and whether to indict or not. Again the House could have had closed door depositions with both sides present. Buck, you know Schiff lied when he said neither his staff or he knew anything about the whistleblower. He later admitted to it. If someone lies so openly how can you trust them. All we know is the transcript. The rest were suppositions. If Trump lied prove it. I’m willing to accept factual evidence. I would hate to be tried the way he was!


The house investigated and found that there should be a Senate trial. The trail was a sham. No witnesses allowed. No evidence allowed. It amazes me that otherwise seemingly decent people are OK with this.

See you in November. The people will decide.


But, evidence from both sides should be presented even if it was closed door. No witnesses were permitted for the defense. I agree Bolton should have testified. Schiff ran a kangaroo court along with Nadler. You guys continue to say we won’t admit what Trump did. You all won’t admit Schiff lied for 3 years about having proof Trump colluded with the Russians. When Mueller’s report negated that lie Schiff went on to the next phase. Every month it was something new.


See ya in November. The voters will decide.


Okey Dokey! Does this mean we can’t have confabs anymore? πŸ˜”


It means this subject has been discussed ad nauseum and no one is changing positions. No need to beat a dead horse. There will be other issues to come up. On to the next!


Hi-Yo Silver! Gotcha...and I’m so happy you feel as I do!


They wasted so much money on this illegitimate impeachment farce, the Mueller Report, the Kavanaugh hearings...etc. all because of their hatred, jealousy and not accepting the 2016 election results.


Lol. imagine being such a partisan beta male followers sucked by a single party. That you were okay with trying to impeach a president over lying over a BJ.

But thinking that sending your own lawyer to Ukraine and having people imply to the Ukrainians that you want them to investigate your political enemies is not impeachable. lol cuckservatives can't help their beta male nature. They must bow down to the party and authority.


They would gladly offer up there girlfriends and wives if Trump wanted to grab that pussy.


just like how they said they'd be proud if roy Moore dated their daughters. you ant make up this level of beta cucked




imagine being such a partisan beta male followers sucked by a single party.

Huh, LOL? Spoken like you've got a mouth full of Schiff.
That you were okay with trying to impeach a president over lying over a BJ.

Perjury in a sexual harassment case, unlike Trump who wasn't even accused of any crimes. The hypocrites are on your side, those who claimed Clinton's crimes didn't rise to warranting impeachment but want to oust Trump in his first term over BS claims that wouldn't be crimes even if they were true, stealing two elections at once.


mouthful of stiff? what? ohh more self projecting by krl97a.

yes trump was. that's why they had the hearings. hahahahahahah.

lying about consensual sex is now impeachable. digging up dirt on opponents and withholding aid isn't now.

up is down and down is up. too embarrassing as usual Keith.


mouthful of stiff?

No, I said you're speaking like you've got a mouthful of Schiff. Damn, you're stupid. Try to keep up. At least on that. Don't even try to comment on the law since you know nothing about it.


hahahahaha damn your incel life must be too sad. seek help before you do something horrible to yourself and family


Talk about projection...


The COUP d’ ETAT failed! Yay!πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» Romney is going to suffer! I hope a recall is started in Utah! When he was giving his spiel on why he was voting Yes to Impeach & Remove, I sat puzzled. I didn’t read what he read on the transcript. Did he see something we missed? Maybe it was written in invisible ink!

Or was it just what we’ve been saying...suppositions. Then again a β€œParody!” which is another word for lies!


I'm just curious, as to why you think was attempted coup d'etat? If you had the same amount of evidence for a democrat doing the exact thing as Trump, would you be calling for impeachment? Like the above poster said, Clinton was impeached over a BJ. There are non partisan fact checkers who have posted all of Trump's lies, and yet you still support him? I understand being a conservative, and voting conservative, but Trump is anything but.


Don't bother. Even the ones that aren't blind and know in their hearts what happened they won't admit it.


I respect kspkap, and I hope that she knows that I'm not asking this to stir a hornet's nest or anything, I'm honestly curious. I'm not American, but I just don't understand how Americans are so complacent with such obvious corruption in their government no matter which party.

I guess because my country has a multiparty system, and parties have been known to change, I don't have any party loyalty, but if the guy I voted for was caught in so many lies, and the rest of the government didn't give a shit and just let it go because it was their party, I'd not be voting for that party again. I'd be out in the streets protesting.


It's just blind partisan politics for some....and others that are so partisan that they don't care what Trump does.


"but if the guy I voted for was caught in so many lies..."

Caught in what lies? Most news sources have been lying about Trump!
They're notorious for telling half-truths, twisted-truth and no truth. Other times there are things they completely omit from reporting because it will show Trump in a good light!

President Trump is not perfect but there is so much slander and resistance he's had to put up with from day one.


I'm just curious, as to why you think was attempted coup d'etat?

Without speaking for kspkap, since you're foreign I'll inform you that the fake "whistleblower"'s own lawyer, a Democrat activist named Mark Zaid, has been boasting about a "coup" to oust Trump since the President took office. That's what the thread subject line references. Going back to 2017 he's tweeted out stuff like this:

β€œ#coup has started. First of many steps. #rebellion. #impeachment will follow ultimately. #lawyers.

β€œwe will get rid of him"

In fact many Democrats have been talking about impeachment since he took office, and have spent the past three years dishonestly looking for any pretext they could. In the end they failed to find anything real. They only impeached because they were running out of time on the political calendar. Democrats had no case and couldn't even allege that he had broken any laws, the first such crimeless, purely partisan impeachment vote in US history.
There are non partisan fact checkers who have posted all of Trump's lies,

Unless you have in mind someone I've never heard of, those are extremely partisan "fact checkers" who are typically just giving their opinions and are often full of crap themselves. Just because someone calls himself a "non partisan fact checker" doesn't mean it's true.


Ummm, just Trump refusing to to cooperate with lawful subpoenas is against the law.

If you think that sites that have been around for much longer than Trump has been in office are extremely partisan, than I don't know what to say to you. I think that it's a shame that everything is so divisive right now.


Ummm, just Trump refusing to to cooperate with lawful subpoenas is against the law.

No it isn't. With respect, our system is very different from a parliamentary system (which may be what you have). The Founders devised a federal government with 3 separate, co-equal branches with checks and balances. The Chief Executive (President), elected independently by the nation, does not serve at the pleasure of the legislature. He can't be ousted with a no confidence vote. And he possesses universally recognized "executive privilege" rights that, among other things, safeguard the secrecy necessary to do his job (like confidential conversations with top advisers; sort of like attorney-client privilege). These rights have been recognized from George Washington through Obama.

Congress and the President may disagree on whether something legitimately falls under Executive Privilege, or other turf battles, and traditionally that's settled by the third branch, the courts. While Trump was willing to abide by court decisions over these subpoenas, the Democrats weren't and sought to bypass the Judicial branch rather than arguing their legal case.

As even liberal legal scholar Jonathan Turley observed, by making the mere assertions of rights in court an impeachable offense, House Democrats were the ones abusing their power.
If you think that sites that have been around for much longer than Trump has been in office are extremely partisan, than I don't know what to say to you.

Surely you know that partisanship long predates Trump. So does that aforementioned bias.


I realize that partisanship predates Trump. I am talking about the sites that have fact checked whomever is in power regardless of party.

Executive privilege only is in play when revealing said information would impair government functions.

Look, all I want to ask you is would you be okay with this if it was Obama or Clinton?


Again, their extreme bias was commented on by many including me long before Trump came along.

A President not being able to confide in his top advisers would definitely impair his ability to do his job.

Obama and Clinton both did far worse stuff than this. Obama presided over real scandals like the IRS abuse suppressing conservative groups ahead of his second election, Fast and Furious, Benghazi etc., in some of which people died, yet Republicans never pushed to impeach him. I might have supported impeaching Obama if a special counsel had been appointed that tied him to crimes involved in those scandals, but his cronies at the DOJ blocked any investigation with teeth from ever happening, so I didn't call for his impeachment.

As chief law enforcement officer Trump was actually doing his job. There's nothing wrong with simply inquiring about the truth of a widely reported potential corruption case involving a US Vice President and a billion dollars of tax payer money. We still need a real investigation of that Biden mess.

The irony is that it was the Obama administration and Clinton campaign that sought foreign dirt on Trump that they knew was BS, and lied on FISA warrants to spy on his campaign.


So why hasn't Trump released his tax returns yet?

I honestly just wanted to talk to kspkap, as I wanted to know what she thought. I really have no interest in debating this further. I've read some of your other comments and I don't think that we can be objective in this conversation as you seem to be very partisan and I have no horse in this race, so thank you, but I'm bowing out.


His tax returns? Seriously? Why should he? What does that have to do with the topic? Seems like you're the one just tossing out random partisan talking points, while I generously took time to explain things to you in my own words.

If you only want one person to reply to your posts, then instead of posting in a public thread, where someone like me might take issue with your false claims, there's a private message function you might want to try to communicate with that poster.

Have a nice day.



His tax returns were subpoenaed. What this has to do with this conversation is that Trump seems to disregard the law. Why will he not release them? He has been saying that he will for years. You ask why he should? I ask what is he hiding? Why isn't he. Why do other presidents?

This whole impeachment is about Ukraine, and you even said 'There's nothing wrong with simply inquiring about the truth of a widely reported potential corruption case involving a US Vice President and a billion dollars of tax payer money. We still need a real investigation of that Biden mess.' But he asked for a quid pro quo or he didn't. The senate refused any witnesses that could have shed any light on whether or not there was a quid pro quo.

But back to the corruption of Biden and his son. Why does that need to be investigated but not Trump? How much money is he earning by being president? What about the use of his hotels for foreign dignitaries? How much does it cost tax payers for him to go to Mara Lago, that also goes into Trump's pocket?

If Biden should be looked at, so should Trump. If Trump isn't being investigated, then why should Biden be?

I guess I should have replied to her privately. I am done with this conversation and won't be replying anymore.


The attempt by partisans to get his personal tax returns is a legal case that's still making its way through the courts. That's how the system works, and has nothing to do with impeachment. Trump certainly isn't breaking the law by asserting legal rights in court. I don't give a crap about his tax returns nor do most Americans. Sane people are judging him by his tenure in office.

We know there was no quid pro quo on Ukraine because the aid was released with no investigation announced, not that such a quid pro quo would have been a crime anyway (diplomacy is largely about quid pro quo). We also know that the Ukrainians didn't even know the aid was suspended, let alone what conditions may have been tied to it, so no quid pro quo demand was made. We have heard from the people in a position to know.

Trump has been investigated on baseless charges his entire presidency. One partisan conspiracy theory after another has been debunked. By contrast the Bidens' undeniable conflict of interest and potential corruption has not been investigated.

It's time to do that.


"So why hasn't Trump released his tax returns yet?"

It's not REQUIRED. Sure, presidents normally do but it isn't required.


Hi ssissg,

OK, I’ll do my best to explain. First, I will preface this reply with I don’t like him personally. He’s bombastic, thin-skinned, irritating, etc. all negatives. But, the impeachment was based on suppositions and out right lies. Schiff is one of the worst prevaricators to be elected to congress. He admitted he lied when confronted, but called it a parody. There was no evidence...the transcript is online. That’s all they had except for β€œI think”, I suppose”, β€œIt seemed apparent”, etc.

Most politicians lie to a certain degree. Clinton was *not* impeached over a BJ. He was impeached for lying under oath and lost his law license.

β€œThe reason Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky was even relevant was because the investigation was at the time focused on determining whether Paula Jones’s civil lawsuit against the President for sexual harassment had merit. The reason Clinton lied was not just political. It was to protect himself from the charges of other women who were making credible claims against him, including that he had exposed himself to Paula Jones, sexually assaulted and groped Kathleen Willey, and raped Juanita Broadrick. These women were credible because they were associates of Clinton and anything but right wingers - yet all most people heard was that they were part of a β€œvast right-wing conspiracy” in Hillary’s famous words. The indignity those women suffered at the hand of Clinton and associates and the failure of the media to hold anyone accountable for the way those women were treated is beyond shameful.”

β€œBill Clinton SHOULD have been removed from office for lying under oath about sexual harassment. He also should have been investigated for the patterns of serial sexual assault and harassment he was accused of.”

IMO, *not* for the Monica debacle. Even Lindsey Graham voted against removing Clinton.

Trump is initiating conservative policies and judges. He’s fighting for the 2nd amendment so as a gun owner I appreciate his fight.


This is what I'm talking about when I say it's a cult. Romney is a real conservative. Not a pretend one. He's also god-fearing. Not pretending to be.

However, I'm in agreement with you that Trump would be a better president than Romney because Trump isn't a social conservative, and Trump doesn't give two shits about the existence of god.

But to say you are a conservative while supporting Trump and opposing Romney, you are admitting you are a fraud.


Trump is hand and hand with the anti-abortion crowd. He is hand in hand with social conservatives.


He is with words, but not so much on policy. I agree he's a bit of an empty suit and goes with the pack, but he's not the theocrat that Romney is.

Trump also isn't a neocon. He's an empty suit who can be bullied by the neocons like he was with Bolton for awhile, but eventually he pushes back. Romney wouldn't push back and fire Bolton. Romney wouldn't oppose Bolton's regime change in Venezuela, and Romney would probably be at war with Syria and Iran right now.

Trump is better than Romney because Trump attacks Romney's ideology from the left. And Trump gets about 80% of the republican sheep to follow him, which is kinda hilarious.


Trump has done the rights bidding right down the line. There may be a time or two he didn't but I don't remember it. I don't care is he's not a social conservative "at heart", he has legislated like a social conservative.


This is what I'm talking about when I say it's a cult

The only cult I saw last night were those weird white-robed Democrats who came off as rabidly anti-American. Seriously, they look creepy every time they do that.
Romney is a real conservative.

Sure, a "severe conservative" as he infamously called himself once at CPAC, for which he was roundly mocked by real conservatives.
But to say you are a conservative while supporting Trump and opposing Romney, you are admitting you are a fraud.

HorseSchiff. Romney is a fraud who personally hates Trump more than any Republican in the Senate. None of this is new. In 2018 he eagerly accepted Trump's help to get elected, only to turn around and stab the President in the back unprovoked with nasty comments days after the election.


I would never refer to you as being a member of a cult. If you were in Obama’s court does that make you an Obamanite in his cult. How dare you call me a fraud! Your ignorant snarky remarks are getting old real fast. Romney’s not a conservative...he’s a RINO! And a turncoat out for vengeance. Romney is an elitist and you’ve swallowed his phony mantra hook, line, and sinker.

To sum it have your beliefs and I have mine. You can vote for whom you wish...I’ll do the same!


Recall is not available for Congress. The U.S. Constitution would have to be amended to allow for it.


Thanks for the info. How do we remove them other than voting them out?


They can only be removed by a 2/3rds vote of their fellow senators or representatives. (Same as impeachment but they don't call it that.)


You mean just like the fake Jew coup cooked up by TruNews?

Because it wasn't the dems that thought the senate would get a 2/3 majority to convict. The dems impeached him expecting the voters to decide his fate in the 2020 election.


Exactly. Nobody had any delusions that the Senate would convict.


"Nobody had any delusions that the Senate would convict."

Tell that to Slimone.


Is slimone American? That may be where the disconnect comes from.


S/he was complaining about regular programming not airing because of the trial and kept asking questions about when it would finally be over.


Regular programming? This isn't the 80s. LMAO.

On the 80s note I watched about 30 min. of a yt video that had 80s commercials. The news breaks that they let in the video was cool....Connie Chung was talking about the space shuttle Challenger....a few years later that shuttle blew up...I remember where I was.


Well some do still watch regular programming. I sure do.

Yes I remember that too. I was at my desk at work at that time.


3rd grade in the school library.

A few years earlier I was playing in the playground of that same school when Reagan was shot.


The Dems were pandering were to their insane base* and playing political games, going all in on the bet that smearing Trump with one long negative campaign commercial at taxpayer expense would hurt him in the upcoming election. In so doing they singed the Constitution and robbed impeachment of any meaning going forward, but all signs indicate they failed in their political gambit since Trump and even Republicans have gotten stronger through this process.

*Their base would like to hold a bonfire with the Constitution and US flag as the guests of honor.
