MovieChat Forums > Politics > What are Dems/Libs & their ANTIFA mob "r...

What are Dems/Libs & their ANTIFA mob "resisting"?

Border security?
Less taxes?
Wise deregulations?
Smart foreign policy?
Beneficial trade deals?
Booming economy?
More Jobs?
Record unemployment for blacks?
Record unemployment for Hispanics?
Lowest Asian American unemployment ever recorded?
Stronger military?
Wise judges on the SCOTUS?
The return of manufacturing jobs?
More than four million lifted off of food stamps?

Perhaps they are afraid they'll have to become adults, be responsible for their actions and, worst of all, get jobs (now that there are jobs).

So what exactly are they "resisting"? It's a simple question. They don’t even know! "Orange man bad" -- that’s all they have!


Democrats: *crickets*

All they have are personal attacks that are mostly lies.


Come on, crickets, what exactly are you "resisting"?


The evidence suggest that they're resisting America. Plain and simple.


Yep. They should be careful what they wish for. They'll wake up in chains.


They're resisting American Patriotism, prosperity, and capitalism, of course. They are fighting for a crappy, socialist state that will act as "mommy" for them from cradle to grave, so they don't have to take responsibility for their actions.

Anyone who thinks it's okay to dress up like a member of ISIS and hit their fellow Americans with baseball bats, claiming to resist "Nazis," has more problems than just showing how stupid, cowardly, and hypocritical they are. Antifa has become the Brownshirts of the Democrap party of today. Even their symbol is almost exactly the same as Hitler's secret police, with the two flags.

I remember one of those bitches from Frock Flicks sent me an "article for my education" about it and then turned off the comments on their "Punch a Nazi" article. She basically sent me a stupid article written by a delusional college professor who would have fit right in with Hitler's Nazis in Germany of the 1930s, and actually expects me to take his word as truth. I'd like to see how brave she would be if she had a red MAGA hat sewn onto her head and was thrown into the path of those same monsters. She would probably piss her pants, scream, and make a break for it.


They are resisting the Fascist in the White House!


Please explain what he's done that you perceived as fascist?


He meant the idiot in the White house




Last I read, Obama’s two terms are over


2 term idiot


Don't you listen to the news? Orange Head needs to leave office ASAP


Hahaha, that says SO much that you can't actually answer. Thank you for making my point.


LIBERAL fascism is the problem in America today, not our proficient President. The FACTS show that his (non-fascist) pro-American policies are effective.


Your're both insane


Only to those who pathetically suffer Trump Derangement Syndrome and get their their "news" from CNN, MSDNC, Rachel Maddow, The View, Robert DeNiro, etc.
