MovieChat Forums > Politics > the lefts very strange relationship with...

the lefts very strange relationship with conspiracy theores..

Anderson Cooper used his "show" to try and destroy a university professor that simply said in a post about sandy hook on his private facebook account "maybe we should look at this a little differently"

the same Anderson Cooper who has pushed "russian robots hijacked our brains so we'd vote for trump" conspiracies, that 2 and a half years later have zero evidence to back them up.

Yesterday, a known democrat donar, a friend of bill clinton "commits suicide" in his suicide watch cell, without any means of doing it, the camaras "stopped working"just at the same time that the guards went on a break and epstein had already reported an attack on his life...... now today the left wing media call any questioning of this as "baseless".

If i was a democrat i'd have to question my moral compass and ask myself if i wanted truth or lies.


The left may have some conspiracies but the majority come from the right from what I have seen and then even spouted by the president himself. Alex Jones is a gold mine of right wing conspiracies and has close ties with Trump.


No way. I listed several long standing, widely believed leftist conspiracy theories above and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Take Alex Jones out. He's a nutjob and/or con artist who pushes conspiracy theories of all sorts, even some leftist ones, and isn't representative of the right.
