MovieChat Forums > Politics > Nazis haven't been a real threat since 1...

Nazis haven't been a real threat since 1945. Communism remains an ongoing, serious threat.

Communists ultimately did even more damage to the world than the national socialists did, they still rule multiple countries, at least two of which have nuclear weapons, including the most populous nation on earth and our biggest long term threat, communist thugs like Antifa are responsible for most of the political violence in the country, and communist ideas have more influence on the establishment class and policy makers than Nazi ones do, and are a greater threat to undermine the American way of life from within.

So why is there vastly so much more hand wringing about "Nazis", who are mostly non-existent, than about the very real communist danger?


A healthy debate holds up today.


China isn't really communist or even socialist anymore. They are an authoritarian capitalist country.

Most countries have long abandoned communism. The only communist countries left are Cuba, Laos, Vietnam and North Korea, which not incidentally all were at one point reduced to economic ruin by the foreign policy actions of the USA.

There is no significant communist organization in the USA. On the other hand, white nationalism, the brother of naziism, is on the rise in the US and Europe.
