There is no such thing as white privledge
Why do you think all the half black athletes always identify themselves as black, not white? Exactly, there is no benefit to being white, no privilege.
shareWhy do you think all the half black athletes always identify themselves as black, not white? Exactly, there is no benefit to being white, no privilege.
shareCorrect. The idea of racial "privilege" is stupid, but given how leftists seem to define it, as racial discrimination in favor of a group, then we've been living in an era of net non-white (especially black) privilege for years. That's true both at the institutional level, where the only racially discriminatory policies are in favor of non-whites, and with cultural double standards. 100 years ago light skinned blacks would try to pass themselves off as white for better opportunities. Now whites try to pass themselves off as minorities for the same reason, as frauds like Elizabeth Warren, Rachel Dolezal, and Shaun King illustrate.
The notion of applying "privilege" to the majority even when minorities really were being oppressed is especially asinine since a "privilege" evokes something enjoyed by a few, not the default norm. And most white people never benefited from anti-black discrimination. There weren't enough blacks around for that to be possible. It's not like a lot of whites got jobs they wouldn't have otherwise had if not for Jim Crow. In fact segregation hurt whites too by imposing inefficiencies on the economy.
The whole "privilege" BS is just more bigoted claptrap from a left that's gone all in on entrenching racial divisions for cynical strategic purposes.
LordBAElish, tell that to the people being held in captivity in the detainment camps (concentration camps) today.
shareAre they being held because of their skin color, like in real concentration camps set up in national socialist Germany? Or because they illegally crossed the border, which would result in detention and/or quick deportation in nations around the world?
shareAsking for asylum is legal. Learn the law!
shareIllegally crossing the border isn't. Asylum is something that may or may not be granted later. You learn the law.
Of course that's beside the obvious point that virtually all of these "asylum seekers" are doing so fraudulently, not being true refugees in the first place and crossing through several other perfectly fine nations to get to the US, gaming the system through a loophole that Democrats have gleefully kept open in hopes of securing more long term political power even if it means more endangered and dead women and children.
But I do at least credit you for not defending slimone's idiotic claim that they're "concentration camps" or that people are being detained due to their skin color.
You can't read. I wrote ASKING for asylum is legal nationally and internationally. Trump is the one breaking the law by preventing them from asking.
It's not up to you to make that determination. There are judges and employees who examine each case.
Concentration camp definition (google):
a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution.
Concentration camp definition (britannica):
internment centre for political prisoners and members of national or minority groups who are confined for reasons of state security, exploitation, or punishment, usually by executive decree or military order. Persons are placed in such camps often on the basis of identification with a particular ethnic or political group rather than as individuals and without benefit either of indictment or fair trial.
Yes, according to the above definitions, they are concentration camps.
The border is overwhelmed (by the promises of free shit).
What would you do with the thousands trying to flood through. Oh, I forgot. You're in support of open borders and assured destruction of out nation.
I notice you ignored my comments about Trump breaking national and international laws by preventing people from asking for asylum and the two definitions which verify that Trump has concentration camps in America.
The solution is very simple. They are fleeing violence. I would coordinate American law enforcement agencies with Central American law enforcement agencies as well as their governments to target and take out their criminals.
Trump has removed funds that were helping to control crime over there which has made the problem much worst. Trump is obviously incompetent.
Instead of mindlessly repeating Trump or Fox news sound bites, I'm asking you to be intelligent and really think about what you're supporting as a fellow American.
We probably both have relatives who fought in WW2 against Nazis and for democracy, freedom and justice. Concentration camps in our country dishonors what they fought against. Harming children is never OK. You must know this is cruel. A president making jokes and laughing about killing people isn't moral. Somewhere inside, you must know this.
America is special and has values that the world admired. Trump doesn't represent those values. He supports a former KGB agent Putin over his own law enforcement agents. Those law enforcement agents warn against threats of terrorism and interference by multiple foreign governments.
I promise that you are on the wrong side of history if you support such cruelty or hatred and don't stand up for democracy and freedom. don't take it for granted. It's something to be cherished and defended.
Choose your country above party and politics.
What percentage of the drivel you type do you actually believe? I'm trying to gauge how crazy you are.
shareIt's obvious that you can't think for yourself. You're not capable of defending your position in an intelligent manner. You asked me what I would do to solve the problem without using concentration camps and I answered in detail. Instead of addressing my reply, you deflect with a silly personal insult. Are you capable of thinking, reason, defending your position in an intelligent manner?
I also addressed American values which you appear to not care about. You do not care that an American president takes the side of a former KGB agent over American law enforcement. Why not? What is wrong with you?
It's unfortunate that you feel that defending American values like democracy and freedom is crazy and something that one shouldn't believe in or defend.
Actually I'm a different poster than the one you were addressing. You didn't bother to read the screenname. I keep saying you need to improve your basic reading skills.
And you dodged my question.
Sock puppet, all Trumpites mindlessly repeat the same Trump tropes and Fox soundbites. You're literally interchangeable. All of you deflect and insult because you have no critical thinking skills to stay on topic.
You still haven't addressed my accurate definition of the Trump concentration camps nor the fact that ASKING for asylum is perfectly legal.
By definition, there are Trump concentration camps at the border. Try defending them!
BTW, unless you're indigenous to the country then you need to get off your high horse since your ancestors came here illegally.
Great video tells the truth!
Projection on the mindless repetition of tropes, down to the "Fox" reference, obligatory for leftist bottomfeeders with no critical thinking ability.
I've already destroyed your disgusting use of "concentration camps" below, complete with quotes from your own definition that highlight the terrible word choice.
BTW, unless you're indigenous to the country then you need to get off your high horse since your ancestors came here illegally.
You can't read. No one is rounded up and imprisoned for "asking for asylum". People can do that at US embassies all over the world.
Even your quoted definitions show why applying "concentration camp" to temporary illegal immigration detention centers is monstrously misleading, insulting to law enforcement and the country, and performs the additional disservice of watering down people's conceptions of the real concentration camps used in the German Holocaust. Leftists have already dumbed down people more than enough, as your ignorant posting illustrates. Your whole "Nazi/concentration camp" BS is reprehensible and doesn't do anyone any good.
"No one is rounded up and imprisoned for "asking for asylum"."
Of course, they are.
Concentration camp definition (google):
a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities
The Trump concentration camps have a large number of people (overcrowded), persecuted minorities (by Trump who refers to them as vermin, disease, rapists, invasion, etc.) who are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area (People need to take turns sleeping because of small space) with inadequate facilities (no soap, showers, no toothpaste ,not enough food, no beds).
Concentration camp definition (britannica):
internment centre for political prisoners and members of national or minority groups who are confined for reasons of state security, exploitation, or punishment, usually by executive decree or military order. Persons are placed in such camps often on the basis of identification with a particular ethnic or political group rather than as individuals and without benefit either of indictment or fair trial.
The Trump concentration camps are internment centre for minority groups who are confined for reasons of state security, exploitation, or punishment,(Sessions and Kelly confirmed this) by executive decree. Persons are placed in such camps often on the basis of identification with a particular ethnic (mainly Hispanic or nonwhite - Trump only wants Norwegians) and without benefit either of indictment or fair trial (He wants to keep them in there longer than what's legal and remove them without trial which has already went into effect.)
I specifically spelled out why they are concentration camps. All you are doing is insulting me which means you have no argument. Just hatred, fear or anger against innocent people. And bigotry against me based on ideology.
Even your detention center euphemism isn't positive since a detention center is basically a jail. Children and persons seeking asylum don't belong in a jail.
It's obvious to me that during WW2, you would've sent back Jews fleeing Nazis since you're obviously against asylum seekers. The reason for the humane asylum laws was to make up for the cruel way that governments like America and Canada sent back fleeing Jews to their deaths.
Of course, they are.
Concentration camp definition (google):
a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities,
Wow, thanks for that. I've tried to be fair to her(?) but it's become increasingly clear that she's either a low quality troll mostly spinning her own wheels or a complete nutjob. It's never been my style to put anyone on "ignore", but I can see why some people have in her case.
shareYour post must have hurt Doggiedaddy's feelings, because he suddenly spammed around 10 or so replies to me across various threads in rapid succession. Not quality posts, mind you. In fact they were mindless, repetitive garbage. But they are technically replies.
That's alright, lol. Doggiedaddy is mildly annoying but I've dealt with far worse over the years.
shareRight on!
share"Half black" people call themselves black if they resemble black people. Duh.
Keep in mind that privilege doesn't always mean an unfair advantage. Privilege can also mean the absence of an unfair disadvantage. That is typically what "white privilege" is in the US. White people are treated fairly or close to it. Since thats the case, a lot of white people get angry when they hear the phrase white privilege. Yet when it comes to the unfair disadvantage of non-white people, you all stomp your feet with your fingers in your ears while saying "la la la can't hear you la la la black athletes la la la."
But that's not "privilege". It's the default norm. In your scenario you should talk about "black disadvantage" (though as was said above the truth is we've been living with net black privilege for years, as the left defines "privilege"). Leftists have taken to citing "white privilege" instead to cultivate resentment and focus it on a demographic whose share of the population they see shrinking long term, in an attempt unify other groups and rally them into enthusiastic political action firmly in their partisan camp, while distracting from real issues impacting people's lives.
Using someone's skin color against him as a weapon is bigotry defined. I don't go around talking about "privilege" for any race because it's hogwash. Every individual has his own universe of variables that have gone into making up his experience. No one trait like skin color defines his existence, and shouldn't be used to diminish his accomplishments or attack his character. For example, picturing some whiny civilian leftist lecture a white soldier who's devoted his life to effort and sacrifice for his country and brothers, and returns from a hellish foreign battlefield disfigured from combat wounds, on alleged "white privilege" highlights the inanity and immorality of that intellectually deficient approach.
You shouldn't judge a man by the color of his skin. That used to be a bipartisan American consensus. Sadly, it no longer is.
Trump refused to rent to blacks and Hispanics. He rented to whites. That is white privilege. Can you address how it makes you feel to know that Trump and his father discriminated against blacks and Hispanics and didn't believe that a man shouldn't be judged by the color of his skin?
shareActually that would be black/Hispanic disadvantage, not "white privilege", for reasons already explained that went careening over your head (high traffic airspace). Except that it's BS of course. "Trump", if by that you mean the businesses associated with him, have rented, employed, hosted, and performed all sorts of services for countless blacks and Hispanics. Trump has personally hung out with lots of blacks over the years, and no one but deranged partisan Democrats believe he's actually "racist". Even they've only come to this conclusion since he got into politics recently, where, of course, all Republicans are allegedly "racist" according to wild eyed leftists.
shareYou're deflecting. Answer the question.
shareI rejected your moronic premise. Learn to read. And think.
shareUnited States of America vs. Trump settlement order re: Trump's discrimination against blacks and Hispanics.
This order proves that white privilege exists and your comment was racist and incorrect. Obviously, you couldn't defend it which is why you deflected to insults.
BTW, one of the most racist things you can say is some of my best friends are black which is what you just did re: Trump.
United States of America vs. Trump settlement order re: Trump's discrimination against blacks and Hispanics.
This order proves that white privilege exists and your comment was racist and incorrect. Obviously, you couldn't defend it which is why you deflected to insults.
BTW, one of the most racist things you can say is some of my best friends are black which is what you just did re: Trump.
There’s no such thing as white supremacy, either. Just ask Tucker Carlson - if you can find him these days ( he’s in hiding).
shareYou mean vacation? It may have been a prerecorded Friday special but he was on tv tonight. Carlson is right. There is no meaningful "white supremacy" movement. Their numbers are tiny. It's a fake threat hyped up by leftist fear mongers to distract from real issues and demonize innocent people.
Years ago modern US leftists made the strategic calculation that the continued existence of their movement required the permanent entrenchment and cultivation of racial division, hostility, grievance, and hysteria.
Yes - 'vacation'. The one he was told he was going on when he arrived at the studio on Wednesday. That's right - 'vacation'.
You know who else believes Carlson is right? You know who else believes in what you say about 'white supremacy' ? David Duke, the former KKK leader.
Be proud, krl97a! You have the former leader of the KKK in your corner.
Actually white supremacists would likely be more inclined to boast about how huge their movement is, and certainly not agree with my or Carlson's view that any type of racial nationalism is repugnant. Regardless, I bet the Dayton shooter and Dallas BLM mass killer, who are even worse than David Duke, agreeing with you about the acute dangers of "white supremacy" (lol) don't dissuade you from your beliefs. Plus Hitler is in your corner on gun control, abortion, and government-run healthcare. I could do this all day.
Do you see the fallacy in your argument?
I could do this all day.
It simply does not exist.
shareAgree to disagree.
I will say that white privilege isn't about the benefits of being white, but the disadvantages of not being white.
However, I do think people get too caught up on the 'white' part of white privilege because they perceive it to mean that white people can't experience poverty and socioeconomic disadvantages - which is obviously not true. Privilege belongs to class much more than it does to race. And if you think of any other country outside of the western world, then you realize that the most privileged people in other countries aren't white. The richest people in China are Chinese, for example.
But in the western world, historically, not being white has had major disadvantages (understatement) and those haven't eroded over time.
The richest people in China are Chinese, for example.
Jesus said Let those who are without sin cast the first stone.
Every man reaps what he is sown.
Interesting point, although controversial. Here's the way I see it:
Yes, there is still some stereotyping/discrimination/etc. based to some degree on race/ethnicity/etc. alone -- that's not deniable.
There is also the fact that some people -- even in cases of powerful/influential/wealthy people who may not even be white -- use the "race card" in order to have a crutch/failsafe to lean on at times of personal issues.
For example, a rich celebrity who may be, say, black could say, "Us blacks are held back more than whites," or something of that nature with the irony being that they personally are well ahead of anyone in many ways, race/ethnicity/etc.
Sure, there are downsides that come for some people, and there is still racism/etc. that can obviously be problematic. The thing I don't like is people using 'X' background/culture/etc. as a constant crutch, excuse or weapon to try and seek to gain from it rather than address any downsides that come with it & not worry about it being their stepping stone.
Like imagine someone using their impoverished position as a means to direct success due to pity or such. I would not feel honorable or proud personally if I knew and used my race/culture/background as a specific, direct factor to my success in some way. I have even refused the idea of things like, "Help a Hispanic/Spanish/etc." funds or such because I don't want to use these racially/ethnically/culturally tied methods to help raise my rank or such because I have that background. I want to improve myself without anyone knowing or worrying about my background, leaving those kind of things out of the equation of my person/success/nature overall.
It's not about being "too proud" but about wanting to grow and improve without attributing it to some innate inability that requires some other help specific to me as a person of 'X' background or you know....
I'd want to simply say, "I became successful," not because I'm Spanish/African/etc. and that I got help for those reasons alone.