Describe what you think the biggest problems are in the U.S. now and how you and/or others could possibly improve upon them.
Anything from stuff like:
1. Social issues with race, religion, culture, riots/wars, poverty, jobs to;
2. Corporate/business issues/unions, economics overall, taxes, and laws.
I'll start I guess:
I think the some of the biggest issues we're facing today come down to: money/income insufficiency among most people; taxes; government spending; big business; automation; outdated aspects of education, job training, etc.; technological/social incompatibilities (we're advancing too fast but not able to keep up in ways); and just a general lack of self-sufficiency overall with more and more people.
Solution to fix some of these? I can't even think of good/any solutions for all, but as for the money/jobs:
1. Implement a basic income (Andrew Yang is the only candidate trying to do this in 2020);
2. Unionize more work/create more work unions with more fair wages, benefits, etc. for more people across more jobs;
3. Massively make changes to the cost of many goods/etc. somehow, as if people are insufficient in money to afford things, the only other thing you can do beside raising the money people have is lowering the cost of everything else.
It's ALWAYS been about money. All issues, either overtly or implicitly, eventually boil down to who controls the money, and how many laws they're willing to flaunt or outright break in order to keep their loot, and by extension, the hold they have on power that enables and empowers them to hoard their wealth. All social problems in America right now and throughout the country's history are just topical manifestations of underlying economic inequality.
And yet none of those have anything to do with the world coming to and end in 1-10 years due to man made climate climate disruption. Strange. You would think the democrats who sell that lie would be calling for the end of all man made carbon emissions at all costs ASAP. Yet it’s business as usual, wonder why.
Biggest problems start with the corruption in government due to the money involved with government power. The insane debt spending to buy votes. The lack of term limits. The lack of financial and professional diversity in government. Private citizens with enough wealth to buy half the congress.
The corrupt media and education industry as well as corrupt big tech. All 3 serving to perpetuate the ignorance and close mindedness which allows the government to continue to abuse its power for its own gains.
If you want economic diversity, a bigger middle class, you need a government run by the middle class.
Good points. I forgot for some reason the effects of global warming. I guess I was thinking more along the lines of the immediate problems at hand rather than ones soon to come. Global warming is definitely up there with what I've said.
It's also true that there is just too much screw arounds/corrupt stuff in the government, which I why I pointed out government spending. Something recently I heard about a trillion or so dollars on the defense budget/military spending/some bill passed.
Why would so much money go to something like the defense budget? What are we defending ourselves from that we need to pour extremely high amounts of money in to? It's one of the most ridiculous things I've heard of government money going to in excess.
All of this while at the same time you hear people arguing over how increased spending anywhere else might be a "problem." I think personally that spending an extreme amount of money only on defense/military is a problem to begin with, since there's so much more that could use that money than just weapons and military, which is already pretty advanced.
I'm not saying there should be a low military/defense budget, but how do you justify billions upon billions to even hitting the trillion mark when it comes solely to military? I can't rationalize that -- especially when you look in to endless other areas some of that money could've gone to that could've made way bigger of a difference overall to people and the country.
- An unaccountable establishment class that fancies itself a ruling class, views elections as dog and pony shows, and has contempt for the American middle class.
Solution: toughest one to fix. Expose corrupt federal bureaucrats (Trump's off to a decent start), use primaries to increase congressional turnover; a president may have to invoke "executive review" at some point, striking down a blatantly unconstitutional court ruling, as a brush back pitch against runaway judicial abuse of power, and/or amend the Constitution to address the problem.
- Abortion, 60 million babies killed since Roe v Wade, an even worse stain on our history than slavery.
Solution: overturn Roe, rightly putting it back into the political realm. Momentum is on the Pro Life side. While gay marriage required a top down propaganda push and ultimately still got imposed only through court activism, without any media help millennials are quietly the most Pro Life generation in several decades. Most Americans, even some who self describe as pro choice, favor more restrictions on abortion than currently exist.
- Out of control immigration chaos largely set up on purpose by elements of the aforementioned establishment class who either myopically want cheap labor (RINOs) or want to displace the American people with foreign imports to secure their own political power (Democrats) and turn the US into a permanent leftist country, the ultimate betrayal of a people by its own government. Most hurt are poor Americans, especially blacks and native Hispanics, though unchecked the country will continue to destabilize and without adequate time for assimilation the culture will dissolve, screwing over everyone.
Solution: Deport millions of illegal aliens (future and sometimes current Dem voters) as Trump promised, faster than Democrats can force Trump to let new ones in, causing a concrete change in the strategic calculus of House Dems and possible legislative action to address the long term problem.
- Systematic censorship and purging of conservatives from the entertainment industry, media, academia, and social media, effectively silencing half the American population. That's untenable. Also the stifling PC regime imposed for the purpose of political control and the news media dropping all standards to become propaganda outfits.
Solution: End special liability shielding for social media companies that were granted back when they billed themselves as “universal platforms” for free speech, forcing them to play by the same rules as other publishers, meaning they're legally liable for anything posted on their sites by those they allow to post. This would break their business model and either drive them out of business or force them back into being universal platforms.
Conservatives need to become more aggressive and organized, creating and/or acquiring at least some media companies to break up the monolithic collusion (e.g. one nightly comedy talk show hosted by a talent like Gavin McInnes on a major network would instantly crush the leftist competitors in ratings, hence the collusion to freeze conservatives out), and making examples of companies that only cater to the left. Mocking leftists' boycott/pressure infrastructure over the years has amounted to unilateral disarmament. On education tenure should be abolished and at tax payer funded universities, which most of the major ones are, professors and administrators must be scrutinized and held accountable. The New Left movement's conquest of schools from around 1960 through the 90s through intimidation and ruthlessly discriminatory hiring practices, resulting in education being replaced by indoctrination, must be rolled back.
The ultimate problem is that half the political spectrum wants to destroy the country and replace it with something else. I don't mean physically destroy necessarily, but obliterate the system. The left is inherently anti-American and has been since it first arose in the US in the late 19th/early 20th Centuries. Leftism is antithetical to core American principles like individual liberty, constitutionalism, free market economics, and Judeo-Christian values. The left initially had an impact on both parties, albeit always more on the Democrats, but for decades there were still a lot of reasonable, patriotic Democrats who pushed back against the insanity in their own ranks. Now there's virtually no push back. The left has complete control over the party. The specific problems I listed above mostly flow from this.
Americans are more deeply divided now than the colonists and British were in the 1770s. At least the Brits believed in God. Without some big change we're currently on a trajectory toward national dissolution and/or civil war.
Solution: the left must be defeated. Instead of campaigns to "fundamentally transform" America, politics in this country should be about practical disagreements within the bounds of a general consensus on at least the most fundamental values, like support for the Bill of Rights, basic constitutional process, and government limited in scope to preserving freedom, not redistributing wealth or imposing neomarxist "social justice" regimes on society.