MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is the left intellectually bankrupt?

Is the left intellectually bankrupt?

Name calling..."(insert word here) denier", adding "phobic" to the end of whatever class you're seeking to shield from any criticism, calling people who oppose big government "Nazis", absurdly labeling people who support fracking, nuclear power, vaccinations, biological gender realities, genetically modified food, and the space program "anti-science" if they believe in God and/or dare to make observations about the nexus between the "climate change" agenda, politics, and massive government funding or if they want to discuss actual scientific evidence on global warming and other issues rather than repeat party lines, calling people "racist" for opposing racial discrimination against anyone (even whites and Asians) or wanting immigration laws enforced like every other country in the world does,...claiming conservatives hate old people/women/poor people etc. (at least when you're not dismissing conservatives as supposedly just being "old people")...putting enormous effort into rigging the language in petty ways while trying to shut down all public conservative speech, including with violent've been living in echo chambers for years and consequently your critical thinking and debating muscles have atrophied, but is that really all you've got left?


Yes, they are simple minded buffoons.


The left is liberal and we all know this:

Liberalism = Insanity


It's cute when the sockpuppet trolls agree with each other.



I appreciate you two morons returning to validate the op. Nope, no "sockpuppets" on my part, though if I were to employ socks their posts would more likely resemble yours since you're demonstrating my point. I almost said except I would have added a mention of "Fox News", but then I glanced back up and saw you did mention Fox News near the end, LOL! That's the most awesome part of your irrational jumble of non sequiturs, followed closely by the random sentence about firings, the complaint about the Boy Scouts (you're really aggravated by the loud cheering and their spontaneous "Trump!" chants aren't you? Be honest.), and trying to insult Trump by calling him "Ding Dong".


1. If you were feebly trying to imply that Trump is intellectually bankrupt, he's just one guy. By contrast my op describes pervasive behavior on the left from top to bottom.

2. Even if you had somehow come close to proving that Trump and/or the right in general is intellectually bankrupt, that's hardly a refutation of my op about the left being intellectually bankrupt is it? Also see #1.



You're still just reinforcing the op with a lot of off the mark attacks and projection* rather than posting something that would counter it.

You're searching for examples of conservatives who are intellectually bankrupt. I'm looking for examples of leftists who aren't intellectually bankrupt. That's the difference. The examples in my op also describe pervasive leftist tendencies and you know it. That's why you haven't dared challenge any specific one.

*Especially the "demean" comment, which the left has done way more of over the decades. It's even a cliche that conservatives criticize liberals for being misguided on policy while liberals attack conservatives themselves. At its core the left is about destroying entire classes of "enemies", so it relies on ad hominem characterizations and emotive displays rather than intellectually honest debate to accomplish that. That's always been true, though at least in the old days you could find intelligent Marxists or Keynesians who would also at least attempt to make sincere intellectual arguments. That seems to have fallen by the wayside in recent years, perhaps the result of a full perspective on Cold War history empirically shattering key premises of the leftist worldview. They've retreated entirely into demagoguery and Orwellian manipulation through PC language alterations.


I'll add an example from your own posting here: the "Fox News" thing. It'd be easy for me to just call that moronic and dismiss you but I'll explain why it's moronic. You cried about "Fox News" in knee jerk fashion when I hadn't mentioned it. That's hardly rare. Leftists routinely take shots at FNC out of the blue when whining about the right. It's cliche. It's also baseless. Aside from FNC having the most objective, highest quality hard news reporting out there for most of its history,* and its admittedly right leaning opinion shows having far more liberals on for discussions than the liberal networks do conservatives, has it occurred to you to pause and wonder why you and your comrades are always having to attack the same ONE network? It's because you have no other fully national network to attack. Every other network is left wing. Without FNC 100% of national tv news would have been liberal. So you've focused on attacking the lone exception to that near monopoly on information.

Even if one assumes for the sake of argument that someone could be misled or influenced by occasional spin on FNC, what does the reality of the full media landscape above say about the far, far greater chances of you and your fellow ideologues being misled on a daily basis, when, unless you actually complement your news diet with FNC viewing, you're being inundated by liberal spin and crafted narratives across the board? You should stop worrying about the splinter in the other guy's eye and worry about the plank sticking out of yours.

You also clearly haven't been exposed to much unfiltered conservative commentary, or else you'd know conservative/libertarian pundits routinely critique the broader left for being intellectually bankrupt, contrary to your claim. That's more true now than it's ever been before.

*FNC has actually lurched to the left in hard news coverage lately, with Murdoch's sons taking control, and conservatives are hungry for a non-leftist alternative to Fox.


Said the sock 3 years ago who posted 3x and disappeared. But but Putin!

Hi doggielemming.



That's certainly something leftists claim and some may even convince themselves of it, but it's projection, as many of the left's attacks are. "Fox" and conservative talk radio are generally more civil and have a higher level of discourse than their liberal counterparts, and they were brought into existence by decades of grossly unfair, monolithic media bias, most of which still exists. Just compare and contrast the decorum of a TEA Party rally with a typical left wing protest/riot over the past decade, and examine the trash and property damage left or not left behind by each one.

I'd also say the left, going back to Marx and even the French Revolution, is inherently more predisposed to base emotions like envy and hatred. Leftists view as their "enemies" not just their direct political opponents, but certain groups already just sitting out there, whether it's class-based (e.g. "bourgeoisie", "the 1%"), religion-based (e.g. "the church", Christianity), nation-based (e.g. America, Israel), sex-based (e.g. men, masculinity, "cisnormativity"), or race based (e.g. whites, an alleged "white supremacist" power structure that somehow supposedly persists even when the president and much of the major urban leadership in the country is non-white, and when Asians have higher incomes than whites, something chronically overlooked in leftists' "results prove discrimination" analyses), or a combination of the above. These are enemies to be attacked, mocked, dehumanized, and in some cases ultimately destroyed even if they aren't politically active, simply because they exist.

By contrast US conservatives, with an ideology rooted in the American Revolution rather than the French, view modern liberalism as their enemy, something both sides at least agree exists and is their direct political opponent. They oppose liberalism because they think it subverts and threatens to destroy the principles upon which America was founded.


Conservatives, in line with these principles, envision a society where diverse individuals have liberty and can coexist even while disagreeing with each other on a great many things, the system being constructed by the founding fathers to even take personal self-interest and less than saintly behavior into account. Consequently conservatives don’t hate minorities, women, atheists, or illegal aliens (though they prefer immigration laws be enforced, as much out of fairness to legal immigrants as to native born citizens) or other groups; they don’t even really hate liberals the way liberals often hate conservatives. They aren't committed to fundamentally changing human nature as leftists often are in their Utopian thinking. They despise liberalism…..certain ideas they view as destructive to the system that would allow imperfect people to live together in peace and freedom. They focus on arguing against those ideas. It’s common for conservatives to describe liberals as “misguided” while liberals are far more likely to describe conservatives as evil. I’m personally less inclined to let liberals off the moral hook than most conservatives are.

I agree that conservatives obviously engage in name-calling too. But the difference with conservatives is that they also emphasize substance. The left’s current strategy is based on expanding their echo-chamber to engulf the world. The left, not the American right, uses classic phrases like “by any means necessary” (there’s even an Antifa allied group currently using that name), literally embracing an ends justifies the means attitude where anything goes. Consequently the left is far more prone to lying, to trying to destroy innocent people, and to feeling alright about sidestepping substantive engagement to silence their opponents.


The left created the PC Frankenstein monster that seeks to end political debates by altering the language rather winning them, and by marginalizing their opponents’ views (e.g. “One can get ahead in America if he or she works hard regardless of skin color) as “hate speech” rather than persuading them to change their minds. That’s how leftist academics have created an environment where armies of gullible liberal students are mobilized to protest the mere presence of conservative speakers, mindlessly chanting that a libertarian like Gavin McInnes, who’s married to an American Indian woman and has mixed race kids, is somehow a “white supremacist”, and that a gay British Jew with black boyfriends and fairly moderate conservative positions like Milo is somehow a “Nazi”. It’s why leftists throw pies at speakers like Ann Coulter and David Horowitz who challenge their worldview rather than engaging them in question and answer sessions. There is NO equivalent to this behavior on the American right.

Given leftist domination of the media/entertainment industry and modern university faculties, it’s easy for liberals to go through life in a bubble, being inundated with one sided talking points and not being regularly exposed to unfiltered conservative arguments and facts their liberal mentors have omitted (what Kelly Anne Conway actually meant by “alternative facts”, though I would have gone with “additional facts”). This has led to the atrophying I mentioned in the op. By contrast it’s very difficult for conservatives to go through life in the same bubble, and almost impossible if they go through college.


Conservatives are constantly exposed to leftist talking points and have to think and defend their positions. This has led to them tending to be much better debaters than leftists.

Leftists weren’t always so shallow and vacuous. Marx himself was one of the great philosophical system builders. You used to be able to find intelligent left wingers who would engage in substantive, even honest discussions. But they’ve dwindled to almost nothing, replaced by bottom feeders who merely parrot bullet points they’re spoonfed and can no longer think independently in any meaningful way.

Trump may be crude by Republican standards, but the left brought him on themselves. Liberal tactics and goals put Trump in office. The populist wave that put Trump into power is an early step in conservatives finally having to fight fire with fire, and people of various ideologies working to rise up against the insidious PC establishment. Even Trump is mild and accurate in his statements compared to what routinely passes for discourse on the left. More importantly, his general election victory was necessary to preserve the real America, given what we were facing with the alternative.

I agree that discourse and these other things we’re discussing have gotten worse (to your point) in recent years, perhaps partly due to the left’s hysterical reaction to having its media monopoly ended. But these tactics and this inherent hatred by leftists long predate FNC and conservative talk radio. Leftist behavior is a problem with the left itself and not something that can be fairly blamed on its conservative opponents.



I backed up my opinions with various facts, which you failed to do. For example, I mentioned specific conservative speakers being assaulted or shut down by leftist violent mobs. You can't name a single example of a conservative mob doing that to a liberal speaker.

On media bias, unless you're simply ignorant, you'd at least have to concede that the conservative complaints about liberal media bias long predate the existence of Fox News or the Rush Limbaugh show, going back as far as the 1960s, and in certain quarters decades earlier. If one side has been complaining about the media for decades while the other side mostly defends it, it should tell you something...maybe not definitively by itself but it's a heck of a red flag. The evening news anchors/managing editors of all three major broadcast news networks have been liberal Democrats for several decades. Dan Rather, Ted Koppel, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Walter Cronkite, Katie Couric, Bob Schieffer, Scott Pelley, Brian Williams, David Muir, etc.. You'd figure at least some of them would have been Republicans. I grew up watching Rather, Brokaw, Jennings, and Koppel, reading liberal magazines like Time and Newsweek, and consuming papers filled with AP articles and pieces borrowed from the far left NY Times (which hasn't endorsed a Republican for president since 1956) or Washington Post (has never endorsed a Republican for president), because that's all the news there was. It was awful. 100% biased. I can also link to various studies like these showcasing a strong left wing bias among journalists and editors over the decades when it comes to self IDing, voting, and issue stances:


A couple of the countless objective tidbits there include the fact that in 1992 Washington bureau chiefs and congressional correspondents voted for Bill Clinton over George Bush by 89% to 7%, and even in 1984 newspaper editors and news staffers voted for Mondale over Reagan 58%-26%, despite Reagan winning 49 states in the biggest landslide of the popular election era.

So no, "Fox" didn't make any of this up, and that you assault conservatives' character by dismissing them as serving "business interests" (why would they want to do that?) only provides a timely illustration of my point.


krl, I rarely read this board (mostly read the general board and rarely post) but I just wanted to applaud everything you took the time to write and explain. You got your points across clearly and honestly without rudeness.
I just wanted you to know that I appreciate it and I wholeheartedly agree with you!

I may have to visit this board more often :)


Thanks, puppies. Stick around. Post. This site may take off, which would be great, but in the mean time there are advantages to a slow traffic board, like more room for in-depth discussions.


Even though many on the far left will argue against what you say it really is getting old with their ploy of just calling everyone racist and phobes and this over the top tactic of not actually debating merits but just ceasing all debate and just labeling millions and millions of people horrible things.

I mean equality and race relations are better than ever but if you listen to the left there are a 1000 kkk lynchings a day.

I mean Trump is just securing our borders and trying to end off of this illegal entry into our country that's been going on for decades. The actual laws are being enforced and the far left is going bonkers calling him a racist. Idiotic. Our country has a LEGAL immigration policy in which people can immigrate here at controlled numbers and after our country vets who they are first. The left just ignores that. Unless unknown millions are allowed to keep coming in without permission on top of the numbers coming in via legal means then that is racist.

He's attempting to stop travel from a few chaotic countries with no real legit governments and without means to really know who anyone is (6 or 7 countries) and the far left is just up in arms screaming "racist" Unless we keep a steady flood of unknown people coming in from Somalia and Libya and Yemen etc. it is overt racism....AHHHH!

Even though people from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Indonesia, Turkey, Oman, Kuwait plus a host of others can still come here they just keep on screaming racism.

It is just irrational. There isn't any real evidence of any racism.

The far left is just obsessed with finding racism everywhere, at every turn and in everything. They act like the U.S. is just replete with like 100,000,000 psycho racists. They're acting insane.

They can't just disagree with some policies of Trump, no he must be the devil, some marauding super racist like the world has never seen. He hasn't done anything racist.


Yes. When they can't win an argument or can't win at the ballot box, they attack and try to destroy or at least silence the other side. Or they riot, loot, burn and destroy property.

As the great Dr. Michael Savage said, "Liberalism is a mental disease."



Leftists have increasingly been trying to kill the other side, the American left being an only somewhat paler reflection of the global left that has inflicted such devastation and horror on humanity for the past 100 years.


Well said and Amen, krl!



The answer seems to be "yes".


That's the short answer, krl.



The GOP was based on prejudice (although, not all Republicans are prejudiced). Look back at Republicans, and the real ones. These were all Confederates. All the liberals were from the northeast. There was a party switch and this is why people confuse liberals as being the bad guys.

Additionally, "cutting" anything is not a good thing.

Believing in a God to somehow solve all your problems is not constructive. Look at the middle east. Look at India. Look at China. All those countries have religions that compensate for a government.

Immigration laws are flawed because we all came here illegally. All other countries pretty much were aboriginal and thus, their immigration laws make sense. Hispanics should be allowed amnesty because this is their land. Their ancestors are the natives. Additionally, Mexican food is awesome. I almost like it more than burgers. Did I just say that? O_o


Everything you said was wrong. The Democrats were the party of slavery and segregation, while
Republicans freed the slaves and passed all the civil rights acts (including 1964's and the one de-racializing adoption in the 1990s championed by the Gingrich GOP). The Confederacy ended in 1865. There was no party switch. Republicans were always more the party of freedom and equality under the law while Democrats (from their founding around Andrew Jackson) were always more the party of machine politics, corruption, demagoguery, and liberalism (once it arose around the turn of the 20th Century). Democrats denounced Republicans as "pro-business" even in the mid 1800s, and Republicans denounced Democrats as "socialist" even in Teddy Roosevelt's era. In the 1920s Calvin Coolidge, a Republican president from New England, extolled the virtues of the free market and limited government in the same speeches where he crusaded against lynching blacks. He would have fit in at a modern TEA Party rally. Southern Democrat segregationists were mostly liberals. They were economic populists who supported FDR's New Deal and LBJ's Great Society, and who agreed with northern Democrats on taxes and welfare spending. Most of them remained Democrats their entire lives (e.g. former KKK member and eventual Democrat Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd).

Conservative Republicans always opposed racial discrimination, just as today. They gradually became more popular in the south as race become less of an issue there. Today the American south is the least bigoted region of the country, as evidenced by almost all the race riots the past half century occurring in the northeast or on the west coast. Meanwhile New England, which had gotten rich by embracing libertarian/conservative policies for centuries, shifted to the left from around 1970 on.


One also sees the dramatic change with the “New South Economy”, since the south has gone more conservative and Republican from around the 1960s on, being the fastest growing economic region for decades, and with a mass of people (including blacks) leaving the increasingly stifling taxes and regulations of the northeast for more opportunity in the south. The parties didn’t switch. Two major regions changed THEIR politics, while others remained the same, like the hardcore GOP central plains and mountain west, and NYC, which had been mostly Democrat even going back to the early 1800s Tammany Hall days. Blacks changed from mostly voting GOP to mostly voting Democrat in the 1930s, back when Democrats were still the party of segregation (Republicans were never the party of segregation, btw), because they liked FDR’s economic liberalism more than they cared about pushing for desegregation or combating lynching. Despite that it still took Democrats decades before they stopped defending segregation and started pandering to blacks, who had already become an important component of their base. Democrats have always cynically used identity politics and discrimination, even if the groups being targeted change over time. They’re still race obsessed today, doing everything they can to entrench divisions and foment discord for strategic reasons.


"Additionally, "cutting" anything is not a good thing."

Crime? Cancer? Poverty? Oppression? Taxes?

"Believing in a God to somehow solve all your problems is not constructive. Look at the middle east. Look at India. Look at China. All those countries have religions that compensate for a government."

The Chinese regime, being communist, has been atheist for a long time. God is necessary to the natural rights theory that American liberty is based on. Believing in government to solve all your problems is not constructive. Look at the Middle East (socialist heavy systems), India, China, Cuba, North Korea, Greece, Spain, etc.. Not all religions are the same, but studies show that American Christians are the most charitable people on earth, and that those who say they support government redistribution of income give 10 times less to charity than those who oppose that ideological position.


"Brooks shows that those who say they strongly oppose redistribution by government to remedy income inequality give over 10 times more to charity than those who strongly support government intervention, with a difference of $1,627 annually versus $140 to all causes.
A 2002 poll found that those who thought government "was spending too much money on welfare" were significantly more likely than those who wanted increased spending on welfare to give directions to someone on the street, return extra change to a cashier, or give food and/or money to a homeless person.

Brooks finds that households with a conservative at the helm gave an average of 30 percent more money to charity in 2000 than liberal households (a difference of $1,600 to $1,227). The difference isn't explained by income differential…. Poor, rich, and middle class conservatives all gave more than their liberal counterparts. And while religion is a major factor, the figures don't just show tithing to churches. Religious donors give significantly more to non-religious causes than do their secular counterparts."

And no, most of us didn't all come here "illegally", lol, and "aboriginal" peoples didn't all sit in the same place for thousands of years waiting for "white men" to show up either. This certainly isn't "Hispanics"' "land". Spain only owned portions of the current US, and Mexico only ruled sparsely populated portions for a couple of decades after taking it from Spain. Learn some history.


Oof...history was my worst subject; however, all this reading was very entertaining.

Still, right now, there is little safety net if we really vote in Republicans. Millions of Americans are going to lose their healthcare or at least will have to pay out of pocket.

I still think both sides have some good points though.

I think from the Republican side, I agree with their view on abortion; however, I definitely would not give a business the freedom to freely pay whatever they want. It's almost like a been there, done that.


Millions of people lost their healthcare when Obamacare was enacted and millions are having their access reduced or eliminated even as we speak. You've got entire counties now with zero insurers left thank to Obamacare. The Republican reform bill would go a long way to fixing that.


Obamacare was based on Romneycare (which he enacted in MA) which in turn was thought up by right wing think tank - Heritage Foundation. That is a Republican health plan.


Which may even have its roots as far back as the Nixon administration. Nixon tried to pass a similar proposal with large Republican fan fare but Democrats felt it did not do enough, so it sat and lingered in development hell for a long time.

Check out this source from Listverse, item number 6 if interested.



Old Democrat talking point and meaningless even if it was true (which it's not).

1. Romneycare resulted from a compromise between the governor and a liberal Democrat legislature. So it wasn't really "Romneycare". And even if it was, so what? Romney would hardly be the first Republican to come up with a bad idea that most conservatives oppose (see Nixon's disastrous and very leftist wage and price controls). Trying to attribute a bad idea to a Republican isn't a real argument in favor of that idea.

2. The MA law was vastly different from Obamacare. They shared a form of individual mandate but Obamacare included thousands of pages of additional structure and authorized tens of thousands of pages of future regulation. It was a bloated monstrosity written in back rooms by Democrat special interests and famously not read by almost anyone in Congress who voted for it.

3. Neither the MA law nor certainly Obamacare was "thought up by a right wing think tank". Back in the 1990s a guy associated with the Heritage Foundation proposed a much simpler plan with a version of a mandate as a less evil alternative to Hillary Clinton's full government socialist plan at the time. The Heritage Foundation as a body didn't embrace it and most conservatives opposed it even then. They have certainly strongly opposed it in the years since.

So it's disingenuous to pretend Obamacare is somehow a conservative idea when there's nothing conservative about the heavy handed government takeover. If it was truly conservative Obama wouldn't have done it. There's a reason every Republican and some Democrats opposed it. Democrats own it, not Republicans.


The republican party was founded by socialists. Lincoln and Karl Marx were pen pals. The 1800s southern democrats were for small government, states rights, and were socially conservative. Are you honestly trying to call Jackson who was for a small federal government, not interfering with the economy, against taxation and against national banks a liberal?
Northern republicans expanded the government. A large part of the republican party in the late 1800s actually are called the liberal republicans. There were obviously some differences back then and were issues in which the northern republicans were conservative and southern democrats liberal but for the most part it wasnt.


LOL! Neither Lincoln or the other early Republicans were socialists. They were derided as "pro business" by Democrats. I never called Jackson a "liberal" and "liberal" didn't mean then what it means now anyway. Modern liberalism didn't arise until near the end of the 19th Century, as socialist ideas were imported into the US along with Eastern European immigrants and the rise of the labor union movement. Democrats, with slavery ripped from them, thrashed around looking for a new raison d'etre, and having always been more the party of machine politics, increasingly came to rely on unions as their new base. Both parties were pulled to the left, but the Democrats more so.

Before that BOTH parties favored small government and what's now called social conservatism. They both shared the same basic libertarian ideology regarding the individual's relationship with government. They both respected the Constitution and founding fathers, and they were both patriotic. The differences were relatively minor on issues outside of slavery. They both favored infrastructure spending, but differed on the extent. They both favored tariffs to raise government revenue (there was no income tax), but differed some on the rates. The Whigs and Jackson Democrats clashed over a central bank, but it's not like Republicans restarted it after Jackson let it expire. The dynamic was qualitatively different than it has been for the past 100 years.

"Liberal" meant you support liberty and limited government. Socialists didn't fully co-opt the term until the mid-20th century, by which point classical liberals took to calling themselves conservatives or libertarians instead. In Europe "liberal" still usually has its old meaning (they called Reagan "neoliberal"). The modern conservative movement that arose in the 1950s is an attempt to restore the broad American ideology that all major parties subscribed to from the founding until the rise of modern liberalism around the turn of the 20th Century.


The short answer would be yes. Oh yes, and they're morally bankrupt also.



Thank you for spending the time to articulate what so many of us know to be true.
