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Bets on whether Trump will finish his 4 years in office

Alright, lay out your months pay and lets see how long he lasts or, what removes him from office:

Odds on:

Gets Impeached
Dies of natural causes
Dies of unnatural causes
Gets arrested
Ends Term
Gets Re-elected


Still President. Democrat tantrums have a reached an all time high.

What will they burn down next?


He's gonna win, and no matter how many dirty tricks and cheating you childish idiots on the left employ, he's still gonna win, because you have nothing but hate and discord, as well as a disdain for America. You basically handed him the 2020 election when you decided it was time to attack your own people and your own heritage. Nobody wants the garbage and snake oil you lot are peddling. You'd be better off buying some land in remote Canada and setting up your own little socialist hell there, instead of forcing the rest of us to live it.


1, Impeached
2. Gets arrested
3. Dies of natural causes

case closed
