MovieChat Forums > Harry Potter > Which house would you not want to be in ...

Which house would you not want to be in and why?

In the beginning of May I asked you if you could be a student at Hogwarts which house would you want to be in and why? Now for this post I am going to ask if you were a student at Hogwarts which house would you not want to be in and why. In the first book and movie when the sorting hat was trying to decide where to put Harry potter in which house he whispers "Not Slytherin. Not Slytherin". But which house would you not want to be in and why?


Hufflepuff. I feel like that house is easily forgotten. I never heard of them doing anything extraordinary.


Cedric Diggory was a Hufflepuff and became the Hogwarts champion in the Triwizard tournament.


Yea and look where that got him. Dead


Sure, but that is beside the point. Anyone would have been killed during the same circumstance, and even Harry was only lucky to survive. My point was that Cedric was chosen by the Goblet, over several other Hogwarts students. So he must have been really brilliant, despite being a Hufflepuff.


Ravenclaw. No actual smarts displayed, so why do they get the brainy bragging rights?


I guess that Luna Lovegood was smart, if spacy.


Unfortunately my choice of house I want to be in least is also Slytherin. I think most people pick Slytherin not because they are "the bad guys" but because there are very few decent Slytherins even mentioned in the book. And even the decent ones weren't without some major flaws. The only adult Slytherins I can think of that weren't straight evil are Slughorn and Snape. Slughorn was an obvious coward and quite greedy, and Snape was an ex death eater who only left because Voldemort killed the girl he loved. Snape was also quite a douche (don't get me wrong I love Snape but he was in fact, a douche). I suppose Regulus must not have been "all" bad but we never actually meet him. Of the students at Hogwarts, I can't think of a single Slytherin who was portrayed in a positive light.
So either Slytherins are in fact 96% evil, or J.K. Rowling just never had time to write about the good Slytherins out there, either way they are the obvious choice for least favorite house.
