MovieChat Forums > Horror > Any Movies where the guy lives?

Any Movies where the guy lives?

I've been going through horror movies (Halloween, TCM, Candyman, Pet Cemetery, etc) and I've been noticing one thing, there's always just a chick left, and rarely ever a dude. I know Nightmare on Elm Street has a final boy, but that's all I can really think of. Is there really any mainstream ones where the guy is the last one left and survives.


Night of the creeps
Maniac cop


Do you mean specifically slashers? Though I guess not since you mentioned Pet Sematary. Insidious (Insidious 2 technically), Dewey in the Scream movies, Andy from Child's Play. Lots more as well.

Also, shout out to Ernest for surviving Ernest Scared Stupid!

Sorry, read it quickly and missed where you said "last one left." I'll think harder, but off the top of my head, Get Out. And I would still call Andy from Child's Play a "final guy" for sure.


I Know What You Did Last Summer
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer
Prom Night (1980)


Not many. Best I can think of is Get Out
