MovieChat Forums > Goofs > The Most Obvious Goof Of All Time?

The Most Obvious Goof Of All Time?

Name the most obvious goof you have ever noticed in a movie


It's just a little goof but it was one of the first movie mistakes I ever noticed, so it's my favorite. In Tootsie when Dorothy Michaels (Michael) arrives for dinner at Julie's apartment, he gives her flowers. They are walking down the hallway to her kitchen with the audience viewing them from behind. Julie tosses the flowers through the doorway onto the (unseen) kitchen table. The scene shifts to the kitchen and we see them enter. Julie is still holding the flowers and puts them on the kitchen table.

It was the first time I realized movies make those mistakes . Obviously scenes are shot from different angles and not everything matches up. Now I look for that stuff all the time.


LOL I think that's why they are supposed to have continuity directors. From what I see, they don't do their jobs very well.


Just saw this last night...
In "Commando", Matrix turns Sully's car on its side, after throwing Sully off the cliff, he turns Sully's car onto it's wheels and you can see the whole drivers side is smashed and scraped.
After turning around, the car speeds off and there's no damage at all on the car.



ben affleck as batman


Richard Gere as a singer/dancer in Chicago


Paul Sorvino's fluctuating cigar placement in between shots in Goodfellas.


Sorry not a movie but TV series:

My fave goof was in the original Starsky and Hutch TV series from the 1970s, that I saw again with a friend in 2003.

I was trying to describe a mustard type color to my friend and he could not understand what color I meant. Then we watched S&H, and Hutch's leather jacket was that exact color, so I said "LOOK! That color!"

(The editing was going back and forth from Starsky to Hutch in the police office).

My friend said "What are you talking about?"

I looked again and Hutch's jacket had changed to DARK BROWN!!

I thought my pal thought I was crazy... til the magic jacket changed back to "mustard" again!

It was one of those moments where you had to BE there to experience the full humor! :D



I only saw it once, and it was during its theatrical run, but I'd say that the Clint Eastwood movie "Gran Torino" had the absolute most goofs I'd ever seen in one movie. Lots of little things. But I can't think of an obvious example from any particular movie. Just little things like the hands of a clock changing during a conversation or the level of a wine glass varying during a scene.


Most widely noticed goof is probably the robotic arm holding-then not holding- the raptor egg in the incubator/hatchery in Jurassic Park.

To me the most obvious goof I can think of is in RoboCop. During the chase in the van the crooks shoot the cop car windshield shattering it severely. In the very next shot of the car pulling up along side the van the windshield is pristine. I noticed that even as a small child upon first viewing.
